library of assembled shared sources

lass::prim::Plane3D< T, EquationPolicy, NormalizingPolicy > Struct Template Reference

A 3D hyper plane. More...

#include <plane_3d.h>

Inheritance diagram for lass::prim::Plane3D< T, EquationPolicy, NormalizingPolicy >:

Inheritance graph
Collaboration diagram for lass::prim::Plane3D< T, EquationPolicy, NormalizingPolicy >:

Collaboration graph

Data Structures

struct  Rebind

Public Types

typedef Plane3D< T,
NormalizingPolicy > 
typedef impl::Plane3DImpl< T,
NormalizingPolicy >::Type 
typedef TImpl::TPoint TPoint
typedef TImpl::TVector TVector
typedef TImpl::TParam TParam
typedef TImpl::TValue TValue
typedef TImpl::TReference TReference
typedef TImpl::TConstReference TConstReference
typedef TImpl::TNumTraits TNumTraits
enum  { dimension = TPoint::dimension }
typedef NormalizingPolicy TNormalizingPolicy
typedef Point2D< T > TUV

Public Member Functions

 Plane3D ()
 Plane3D (const TPoint &iSupport, const TPoint &iPointU, const TPoint &iPointV)
 Plane3D (const TPoint &iSupport, const TVector &iDirU, const TVector &iDirV)
 Plane3D (const TVector &iNormal, const TPoint &iSupport)
 Plane3D (const TVector &iNormal, TParam iD)
const Side classify (const TPoint &iPoint) const
 Return on what side a point is located.
const TValue signedDistance (const TPoint &iPoint) const
 Return signed distance of point to plane.
const TValue squaredDistance (const TPoint &iPoint) const
 Return squared distance of point to plane.
const Side classify (const TPoint &iPoint, TParam iRelativeTolerance) const
 Return on what side a point is located.
const TValue signedDistance (const TPoint &iPoint, TParam iRelativeTolerance) const
 Return signed distance of point to plane.
const TValue squaredDistance (const TPoint &iPoint, TParam iRelativeTolerance) const
 Return squared distance of point to plane.
const XYZ majorAxis () const
 determines the major axis of the normal vector.
const TPoint support () const
 return support point.
void getDirections (TVector &oDirectionU, TVector &oDirectionV) const
 return U and V direction vectors
const TVector directionU () const
 return U direction vector.
const TVector directionV () const
 return V direction vector.
void getReciprocals (TVector &oReciprocalU, TVector &oReciprocalV) const
 return reciprocal vectors for U and V direction vectors
const TVector reciprocalU () const
 return reciprocal for U direction vector.
const TVector reciprocalV () const
 return reciprocal for V direction vector.
void getCartesian (TVector &oNormal, TReference oD) const
const TVectornormal () const
const TParam d () const
const TValue equation (const TPoint &iPoint) const
 Return value of point in equation.
const TValue equation (const TPoint &iPoint, TParam iRelativeTolerance) const
 Return value of point in equation.
const TVector reject (const TPoint &iPoint) const
 return the vector that, if added to the PROJECTION of iPoint, you get iPoint again.
const TVector reject (const TVector &iVector) const
 return the part of iVector that is orthogonal to the plane.
const TPoint project (const TPoint &iPoint) const
 project a point orthogonally onto the plane
const TVector project (const TVector &iVector) const
 project a vector orthogonally onto the plane
const TPoint reflect (const TPoint &iPoint) const
 reflect a point orthogonally into the plane.
const TVector reflect (const TVector &iVector) const
 reflect a vector orthogonally into the plane
const TPoint point (TParam iU, TParam iV) const
 return point by filling in the parametric equation: P(u, v) = S + u * U + v * V
const TPoint point (const TUV &iUV) const
 return point by filling in the parametric equation: P(u, v) = S + u * U + v * V
const TUV uv (const TPoint &iPoint) const
 return UV pair of parameters
void flip ()
const bool isValid () const
 return true if plane is a valid plane (no normal or direction vectors that are zero).

Related Functions

(Note that these are not member functions.)

template<typename T , class EP , class NP , class PP >
LineSegment3D< T, PP > reflect (const Plane3D< T, EP, NP > &plane, const LineSegment3D< T, PP > &lineSegment)
 reflect a linesegment in a plane.
template<typename T , class EP , class NP , class PP >
LineSegment3D< T, PP > project (const Plane3D< T, EP, NP > &plane, const LineSegment3D< T, PP > &lineSegment)
 project a linesegment on a plane.
template<typename T >
io::XmlOStreamoperator<< (io::XmlOStream &ioOStream, const Plane3D< T, Cartesian > &iPlane)
template<typename T >
io::XmlOStreamoperator<< (io::XmlOStream &ioOStream, const Plane3D< T, Parametric > &iPlane)
template<typename T >
io::XmlOStreamoperator<< (io::XmlOStream &ioOStream, const Plane3D< T, Combined > &iPlane)
template<typename T , class EP1 , class NP1 , class EP2 , class NP2 >
SimplePolygon3D< T, EP2, NP2 > clip (const Plane3D< T, EP1, NP1 > &iPlane, const SimplePolygon3D< T, EP2, NP2 > &iPolygon)
 Clip a polygon to a plane.

Detailed Description

template<typename T, class EquationPolicy = Cartesian, class NormalizingPolicy = Normalized>
struct lass::prim::Plane3D< T, EquationPolicy, NormalizingPolicy >

A 3D hyper plane.

I assume if you look to this class, you'll wonder ... "where the heck did all the code go?" Hah, I'll tell ya. There are more than one possible models for representing a plane. We can use a cartesian equation N.P + S = 0, or we can use a parametric equation P = S + x*U + y*V. This class let's you choose what implementation you want: a pure partesian model, a pure parametric model, or a model that combines both. This is done by moving all code to implemenations impl::Plane3DCartesian, impl::Plane3DParametric or impl::Plane3DCombined of which this class with inherent accoring the model you've chosen. You can select the one you want by specifying the template parameter EquationPolicy. You can either use Cartesian (which is the default), Parametric or Combined. Each of them will model the plane differently. They all provide the same interface, but might have different results. They might have different memory footprints, different performances, and are optimized for different purposes. Cartesian will select an implementation that only uses the cartesian equation and will be the smallest and the fastest for most purposes (that's why it is the default :). For texture mapping, you might more like the Parametric model, because it has better support for direction vectors, but it'll have to calculate the normal on the spot if you need it. Combined is the workhorse for heavy duties and implements both. Plus, it buffers the reciprocal direction vectors, so finding the parameters (x, y) of a point on the plane can happen faster.

common interface

Anyway, let me give you some general info on this whole Plane3D thing. Though there are three different implemntations, they all show the same interface. We'll explore them by this common interface:

type definitions


the default constructor brings the plane in an invalid state. normal and/or direction vectors will have zero length, which indicates for this invalid state.
Plane3D(const TPoint& iSupport, const TPoint& iPointU, const TPoint& iPointV):
construct a plane through three points. The parametric equation P = S + u*U + v*V is going to be constructed as following: iSupport will be the support point S, and direction vectors U and V will be drawn from the support point to iPointU and iPointV: U = iPointU - iSupport and V = iPointV - iSupport. The cartesian equation N.P + d == 0 is constructed as following: the normal N = U x V. d is determined by demaning that N.iSupport + d == 0.
Plane3D(const TPoint& iSupport, const TVector& iDirU, const TVector& iDirV):
constructs a plane through one support point and two direction vectors (the parametric equation, anyone? :). For the parametric equation P = S + u*U + v*V, we have iSupport for S, iDirU for U and iDirV for V. Again the cartesian equation N.P + d == 0 is given by N = U x V and N.iSupport + d == 0.
Plane3D(const TPoint& iSupport, const TVector& iNormal):
constructs a plane through a support point and a normal vector. For the parametric equation P = S + u*U + v*V, we have iSupport for S, but U and V we have to get a little dirty. We have to find two vectors U and V so that iNormal = U x V. See Plane3DCommonImpl::generateDirections on how we do that. The cartesian N.P + d == 0 is simple, we have iNormal for N and d can be found by N.iSupport + d == 0.
Plane3D(const TVector& iNormal, TParam iD):
construct a plane by a normal vector and fourth value (cartesian equation? :). For the parametric equation P = S + u*U + v*V, all have to generated: for S we use the point -iD*iNormal that is the closest point of the plane to the origin, U and V we've generated again with our little trick Plane3DCommonImpl::generateDirections. For the cartesian equation N.P + d == 0, we of course use N = iNormal and d = iD.


After constructions, all vectors are normalized depending on the NormalizingPolicy you've choosen. if the normal vector N is scaled, then d is scaled as well, so it still represents the same plane.

Now, we have a series of accessors that give you access to the internal data of the plane, including support point, direction vectors, normal vector, ... Only Plane3DCombined will be able to pull these directly from its internals, but the others don't have all data aboard, so they have to generate them. Be carefull, because it's not always what you suspect.

const TPoint support():
returns the support point of the plane. If you used a support point for the construction of the plane, models Plane3DParametric and Plane3DCombined will give you back this original one, exactly till the last bit. Plane3DCartesian doesn't keep track of support points, so it has to create one if you ask for it. It uses -d*N, the point of the plane that is closest to the origin. Mind you that this one probably will not be the same as the original one, totally different even! Of course, if you used a cartesian equation to construct the plane (without any support point), then all three models need to generate a support point at some point: -d*N. In* that case, all three models will return the same support point.
void getDirections(TVector& oDirU, TVector& oDirV):
get the direction vectors of the plane. almost same story as for support(). If you've created the plane by two direction vectors or through three points (which leads to two direction vectors), then models Plane3DParametric and Plane3DCombined will give you back these originals (for Unnormalized planes only! but in case of Normalized planes, they still correspond with the original directions). Plane3DCartesian has to regenerate them by using Plane3DCommonImpl::generateDirections, and hence it can end up with total different directions! (of the same plane of course). In case you've feeded the plane with a normal vector instead of direction vectors, all have to generate them and end up with the same ones.
const TVector directionU():
same story as getDirections(oDirU, oDirV), but only returns direction U. In case of Plane3DCartesian, it calls getDirections(oDirU, oDirV) itselfs, but throws away half of the result. Hence, it's pretty slow, certainly if you also call dirV(), cause it does the same thing. And then you end up with two hidden calls to getDirections(oDirU, oDirV) (which means expensive generation of direction vectors), while you could have had the same result by calling getDirections(oDirU, oDirV) once yourself but at half the price. So, the tip is: DO use getDirections(oDirU, oDirV) if you can and need them both, and certainly if you're dealing with the Plane3DCartesian model.
const TVector directionV():
same story as directionU(), but returns V instead and throws away U.
void getReciprocals(TVector& oReciprocalU, TVector& oReciprocalV):
gets the reciprocals for the direction vectors. These reciprocals can be used to find back (u, v) in the parametric equation P = S + u*U + v*V for given P. u = oReciprocalU * (P - S) and v = oReciprocalV * (P - S). In fact, they are used by TUV uv(const TPoint& iPoint) which is described below :) I'm not going to get in detail how get these reciprocals, but I will tell you that only Plane3DCombined has these stored on board, and can return them or use them without to generate them. Plane3DParametric does has to generate them on the spot, and so does Plane3DCartesian. However, for Plane3DCartesian it is even worse, because before it can create reciprocals, it has to create direction vectors first!
const TVector reciprocalU():
same story as getReciprocals(oReciprocalU, oReciprocalV), but returns only oReciprocalU. same remark as on const TVector dirU(): if it has to generate it, it has to generate both reciprocals, so it might be faster to use getReciprocals(oReciprocalU, oReciprocalV).
const TVector reciprocalV():
same story as reciprocalV(), but returns the other one.
void getCartesian(TVector& oNormal, TReference oD):
gets normal vector and d-value for the cartesian equation. Now, this is the first one Plane3DCartesian has aboard itself. Plane3DCombined also has it, but now it's up to Plane3DParametric to generate some stuff :) Though, it's less worse than the other way around. This is because the parametric equation contains more information that the normal vector, and doesn't have to 'invent' anything like Plane3DCartesian has to do to return support point or direction vectors. Actually, in theory, all three models should return the same normal and d-value. In practice however, we have to deal with numerical imprecisions. so the result of Plane3DParametric can differ a little in the last bits. not a big difference, but enough to be inequal.
const TVector normal():
returns only the normal vector of the cartesian equation. For Plane3DParametric we have again the same remark as for getDirections and getReciprocals: it uses getCartesian anyway, so that might be faster if you both need the normal and d-value.
TValue d():
same as normal(), but returns only the value d instead of the normal vector.
const XYZ majorAxis() const
Return the major axis of the normal vector. The major axis is the one with the largest (absolute) component value. e.g. if the normal vector is (-1, 4, -8), this will be the z axis because abs(-8) > abs(4) > abs(-1). In case there's more than one major axis possible, the "highest" index is choosen. e.g. if the normal vector is (1, 1, 0), then y axis will be choosen, because y has a higher index than x .

cartesian methods

So far the accessors. let's get to cooler stuff. For most of this stuff, we need the cartesian equation. Plane3DCartesian and Plane3DCombined have it on board, but Plane3DParametric will have to generate it each call. Keep that in mind!

Side classify(const TPoint& iPoint):
tells at which side of the plane we can find the point iPoint: the front (sFront), the back (sBack), or right on the surface (sSurface). the front is the side where the normal sticks or points to. The back is the other one. iPoint is exactly one the surface if N.iPoint + d == 0. Since we need the parametric equation, Plane3DParametric might have a performance hit here.
TValue equation(const TPoint& iPoint):
fills in the point iPoint in the cartesian equation and returns the resutl. N.iPoint + d will usually not be equal to zero (it's only zero for points on the plane). This method returns what it is equal to. i.e. it returns N.iPoint + d. For Normalized planes this is the same as the distance of iPoint to the plane, but not for Unnormalized planes, keep that in mind! If you need the distance, used signedDistances(iPoint) as described below. Again you might have a performance hit for the Plane3DParametric model because of the need of the cartesian equation.
TValue signedDistance(const TPoint& iPoint):
returns the distance of the point to the plane, but signed. it will be positive for points in front of the plane, and negative for the ones in the back (also see: classify(iPoint)). The real (unsigned) distances is simply the absolute value of the result. For Normalized planes signedDistances(iPoint) will be equal to equation(iPoint). But for Unnormalized planes signedDistances still divides through the normal's length Again performance hit for Plane3DParametric because of the need of the cartesian equation.
TValue squaredDistance(const TPoint& iPoint):
returns the distance of iPoint to the plane but squared. Not much more to tell, realy :) Again performance hit for Plane3DParametric because of the cartesian equation.
TVector reject(const TPoint& iPoint):
returns rejection of iPoint by the plane. This is a bit tricky to explain. If you have a support point S, then this rejection is the part of (iPoint - S) that is parallel to the normal vector (or orthogonal to the plane). This would be the same as the rejection of (iPoint - S) (given by reject(iPoint - S), see below). But more descriptive might be: it is the vector you have to add to the projection of this point on the plane (given by project(iPoint), see below), to get back iPoint: iPoint == project(iPoint) + reject(iPoint). Again performance hit for Plane3DParametric because of the cartesian equation.
TVector reject(const TVector& iVector):
returns rejection of iVector by the plane. This is already somewhat easier. the rejection of iVector is that part of iVector that is parallel to the normal vector of the plane. You can µ also say that it is the orthogonal projection of iVector on the normal vector. Or the part of iVector that is orthogonal to the plane. Again performance hit for Plane3DParametric because of the cartersian equation.
TPoint project(const TPoint& iPoint):
return the orthogonal projection of iPoint on the plane. It is the point on the plane that is the closest one to iPoint. If you draw a line through iPoint parallel to the normal vector, this projection is the point where this line intersects the plane. It is know that iPoint == project(iPoint) + reject(iPoint). Again performance hit for Plane3DParametric because of the cartesian equation.
TVector project(const TVector& iVector):
return the orthogonal projection of iVector on the plane. It is the part of iVector that is parallel to the plane, or orthogonal to the normal vector. It is known that iVector == project(iVector) + reject(iVector). Again performance hit for Plane3DParametric because of the cartesian equation.
TPoint reflect(const TPoint& iPoint):
return the reflection of iPoint in the plane. It is the point at the same distance of the plane, but at the exact opposite side of the plane. If you draw a line through iPoint parallel to the normal vector, it's the only other point on that line that is at the same (absolute) distance of the plane. If you walk from iPoint to the intersection point of the line and the plane, and you walk further the same distance again, you arrive at reflection of iPoint. It is known that reflect(iPoint) == project(iPoint) - reject(iPoint). Again performance hit for Plane3DParametric because of the cartesian equation.
TVector reflect(const TVector& iVector):
return the reflection of iVector in the plane. It's the vector of which the orthogonal part to the plane is flipped. It is know that reflect(iVector) == project(iVector) - reject(iVector). Again performance hit for Plane3DParametric because of the cartesian equation.

cartesian methods

So far functions for the cartesian boys. Now some stuff for parametric fellows. It's about how we can get a point of the plane if we now its two parametrs u and v, and how we can find u and v if we know a point of the plane.

TPoint point(TValue iU, TValue iV):
return a point of the parametric equation P = S + iU * dirU + iV * dirV. In case of Plane3DCartesian, we have the same remarks as for getDirections(oDirU, oDirV): not only we have a performance hit, we probably also have to deal with totally different direction vectors than the ones we have put in the constructor.
TPoint point(TUV iUV):
return a point of the parametric equation P = S + iUV.x * dirU + iUV.y * dirV. Pretty much the same thing as the one above, but packs both values in one pair iUV. Same remarks on Plane3DCartesian.
TUV uv(const TPoint& iPoint):
returns a pair a values (u, v) so that iPoint == S + u * dirU + v * dirV. In theory, if you put these back in point(u, v), you should end up with iPoint again: point(uv(iPoint)) == iPoint ? Well, this is not totally true First of all, even in theory, it can only be true if iPoint is a point of the plane. if iPoint is not on the plane, then uv(iPoint) will give you the parameters of the point on the plane that is closest to iPoint. And that point is the projection of iPoint. So, the most you can say is that point(uv(iPoint)) == project(iPoint) ? Yes, but IN THEORY! In practice, however, numerical imprecisions will probably give you a slightly different result. You'll be very close, but the last bits will differ enough to make the them inequal. But with some epsilons, you'll be alright. Some performance remarks: Only Plane3DCombined has the necessary reciprocals for the direction vectors on board (remember the getReciprocals() discussion? well, here it we have it :) Plane3DParametric does not, and will have to recreate them on each call. This _might_ and probably will be quite costly. For Plane3DCartesian, you're totally screwed: not only do we have to genereate the reciprocals, but we also have to generate the direction vectors we want to create reciprocals of! So, you'll pay twice. And above all, it won't be the reciprocals of the direction vectors you've put it.

misc. methods

void flip():
flips the plane so that the front becomes the back and the back becomes the front. For the cartesian equation, this is done by negating the normal and d: N = -N and d = -d. Of the parametric equation, direction vector U is flipped: U = -U.
bool isValid():
returns true if the interal data represents a valid plane, and false if not. A plane is valid if none of the direction vectors nor the normal vector are zero vectors. And above of that, the direction vectors may not be colinear. Of course, we only test internal data. We will not generate direction vectors (in case of Plane3DCartesian), just to test the if they are valid. We can safely do that, because we know that if the normal vector is valid, then the generated directions will be too.

Definition at line 360 of file plane_3d.h.

Member Typedef Documentation

template<typename T , class EquationPolicy = Cartesian, class NormalizingPolicy = Normalized>
typedef Plane3D<T, EquationPolicy, NormalizingPolicy> lass::prim::Plane3D< T, EquationPolicy, NormalizingPolicy >::TSelf

Definition at line 364 of file plane_3d.h.

template<typename T , class EquationPolicy = Cartesian, class NormalizingPolicy = Normalized>
typedef impl::Plane3DImpl<T, EquationPolicy, NormalizingPolicy>::Type lass::prim::Plane3D< T, EquationPolicy, NormalizingPolicy >::TImpl

Definition at line 365 of file plane_3d.h.

template<typename T , class EquationPolicy = Cartesian, class NormalizingPolicy = Normalized>
typedef TImpl::TPoint lass::prim::Plane3D< T, EquationPolicy, NormalizingPolicy >::TPoint

Reimplemented from lass::prim::impl::Plane3DCartesian< T, NormalizingPolicy >.

Definition at line 367 of file plane_3d.h.

template<typename T , class EquationPolicy = Cartesian, class NormalizingPolicy = Normalized>
typedef TImpl::TVector lass::prim::Plane3D< T, EquationPolicy, NormalizingPolicy >::TVector

Reimplemented from lass::prim::impl::Plane3DCartesian< T, NormalizingPolicy >.

Definition at line 368 of file plane_3d.h.

template<typename T , class EquationPolicy = Cartesian, class NormalizingPolicy = Normalized>
typedef TImpl::TParam lass::prim::Plane3D< T, EquationPolicy, NormalizingPolicy >::TParam

Reimplemented from lass::prim::impl::Plane3DCartesian< T, NormalizingPolicy >.

Definition at line 369 of file plane_3d.h.

template<typename T , class EquationPolicy = Cartesian, class NormalizingPolicy = Normalized>
typedef TImpl::TValue lass::prim::Plane3D< T, EquationPolicy, NormalizingPolicy >::TValue

Reimplemented from lass::prim::impl::Plane3DCartesian< T, NormalizingPolicy >.

Definition at line 370 of file plane_3d.h.

template<typename T , class EquationPolicy = Cartesian, class NormalizingPolicy = Normalized>
typedef TImpl::TReference lass::prim::Plane3D< T, EquationPolicy, NormalizingPolicy >::TReference

Reimplemented from lass::prim::impl::Plane3DCartesian< T, NormalizingPolicy >.

Definition at line 371 of file plane_3d.h.

template<typename T , class EquationPolicy = Cartesian, class NormalizingPolicy = Normalized>
typedef TImpl::TConstReference lass::prim::Plane3D< T, EquationPolicy, NormalizingPolicy >::TConstReference

Reimplemented from lass::prim::impl::Plane3DCartesian< T, NormalizingPolicy >.

Definition at line 372 of file plane_3d.h.

template<typename T , class EquationPolicy = Cartesian, class NormalizingPolicy = Normalized>
typedef TImpl::TNumTraits lass::prim::Plane3D< T, EquationPolicy, NormalizingPolicy >::TNumTraits

Reimplemented from lass::prim::impl::Plane3DCartesian< T, NormalizingPolicy >.

Definition at line 373 of file plane_3d.h.

template<typename T , class NormalizingPolicy = Normalized>
typedef NormalizingPolicy lass::prim::impl::Plane3DCartesian< T, NormalizingPolicy >::TNormalizingPolicy [inherited]

Definition at line 87 of file plane_3d_cartesian.h.

template<typename T , class NormalizingPolicy = Normalized>
typedef Point2D<T> lass::prim::impl::Plane3DCartesian< T, NormalizingPolicy >::TUV [inherited]

Definition at line 91 of file plane_3d_cartesian.h.

Member Enumeration Documentation

template<typename T , class NormalizingPolicy = Normalized>
anonymous enum [inherited]


Definition at line 99 of file plane_3d_cartesian.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

template<typename T , typename EP , typename NP >
lass::prim::Plane3D< T, EP, NP >::Plane3D (  )  [inline]

Definition at line 59 of file plane_3d.inl.

template<typename T , typename EP , typename NP >
lass::prim::Plane3D< T, EP, NP >::Plane3D ( const TPoint iSupport,
const TPoint iPointU,
const TPoint iPointV 
) [inline]

Definition at line 68 of file plane_3d.inl.

template<typename T , typename EP , typename NP >
lass::prim::Plane3D< T, EP, NP >::Plane3D ( const TPoint iSupport,
const TVector iDirU,
const TVector iDirV 
) [inline]

Definition at line 78 of file plane_3d.inl.

template<typename T , typename EP , typename NP >
lass::prim::Plane3D< T, EP, NP >::Plane3D ( const TVector iNormal,
const TPoint iSupport 
) [inline]

Definition at line 88 of file plane_3d.inl.

template<typename T , typename EP , typename NP >
lass::prim::Plane3D< T, EP, NP >::Plane3D ( const TVector iNormal,
TParam  iD 
) [inline]

Definition at line 96 of file plane_3d.inl.

Member Function Documentation

template<typename T , typename EP , typename NP >
const Side lass::prim::Plane3D< T, EP, NP >::classify ( const TPoint iPoint  )  const [inline]

template<typename T , typename EP , typename NP >
const Plane3D< T, EP, NP >::TValue lass::prim::Plane3D< T, EP, NP >::signedDistance ( const TPoint iPoint  )  const [inline]

template<typename T , typename EP , typename NP >
const Plane3D< T, EP, NP >::TValue lass::prim::Plane3D< T, EP, NP >::squaredDistance ( const TPoint iPoint  )  const [inline]

Return squared distance of point to plane.

Definition at line 130 of file plane_3d.inl.

References lass::prim::Plane3D< T, EquationPolicy, NormalizingPolicy >::signedDistance(), and sqr().

template<typename T , typename EP , typename NP >
const Side lass::prim::Plane3D< T, EP, NP >::classify ( const TPoint iPoint,
TParam  iRelativeTolerance 
) const [inline]

template<typename T , typename EP , typename NP >
const Plane3D< T, EP, NP >::TValue lass::prim::Plane3D< T, EP, NP >::signedDistance ( const TPoint iPoint,
TParam  iRelativeTolerance 
) const [inline]

Return signed distance of point to plane.

negative value means point is in the back.

Definition at line 153 of file plane_3d.inl.

References lass::prim::impl::Plane3DCartesian< T, NormalizingPolicy >::equation(), and lass::prim::impl::Plane3DCartesian< T, NormalizingPolicy >::normal().

template<typename T , typename EP , typename NP >
const Plane3D< T, EP, NP >::TValue lass::prim::Plane3D< T, EP, NP >::squaredDistance ( const TPoint iPoint,
TParam  iRelativeTolerance 
) const [inline]

Return squared distance of point to plane.

Definition at line 164 of file plane_3d.inl.

References lass::prim::Plane3D< T, EquationPolicy, NormalizingPolicy >::signedDistance(), and sqr().

template<typename T , typename EP , typename NP >
const XYZ lass::prim::Plane3D< T, EP, NP >::majorAxis (  )  const [inline]

determines the major axis of the normal vector.

The major axis is the one with the largest (absolute) component value. e.g. if the normal vector is (-1, 4, -8), this will be the z axis because abs(-8) > abs(4) > abs(-1). In case there's more than one major axis possible, the "highest" index is choosen. e.g. if the normal vector is (1, 1, 0), then y axis will be choosen, because y has a higher index than x .

Definition at line 179 of file plane_3d.inl.

References lass::num::abs(), LASS_ASSERT, lass::prim::impl::Plane3DCartesian< T, NormalizingPolicy >::normal(), lass::prim::Vector3D< T >::transform(), lass::prim::Vector3D< T >::x, lass::prim::Vector3D< T >::y, and lass::prim::Vector3D< T >::z.

Referenced by lass::prim::SimplePolygon3D< T, PlaneEquationPolicy, PlaneNormalizingPolicy >::clip(), and lass::prim::SimplePolygon3D< T, PlaneEquationPolicy, PlaneNormalizingPolicy >::majorAxis().

template<typename T , class NP >
const Plane3DCartesian< T, NP >::TPoint lass::prim::impl::Plane3DCartesian< T, NP >::support (  )  const [inline, inherited]

template<typename T , class NP >
void lass::prim::impl::Plane3DCartesian< T, NP >::getDirections ( TVector oDirectionU,
TVector oDirectionV 
) const [inline, inherited]

template<typename T , class NP >
const Plane3DCartesian< T, NP >::TVector lass::prim::impl::Plane3DCartesian< T, NP >::directionU (  )  const [inline, inherited]

template<typename T , class NP >
const Plane3DCartesian< T, NP >::TVector lass::prim::impl::Plane3DCartesian< T, NP >::directionV (  )  const [inline, inherited]

template<typename T , class NP >
void lass::prim::impl::Plane3DCartesian< T, NP >::getReciprocals ( TVector oReciprocalU,
TVector oReciprocalV 
) const [inline, inherited]

template<typename T , class NP >
const Plane3DCartesian< T, NP >::TVector lass::prim::impl::Plane3DCartesian< T, NP >::reciprocalU (  )  const [inline, inherited]

template<typename T , class NP >
const Plane3DCartesian< T, NP >::TVector lass::prim::impl::Plane3DCartesian< T, NP >::reciprocalV (  )  const [inline, inherited]

template<typename T , class NP >
void lass::prim::impl::Plane3DCartesian< T, NP >::getCartesian ( TVector oNormal,
TReference  oD 
) const [inline, inherited]

template<typename T , class NP >
const Plane3DCartesian< T, NP >::TVector & lass::prim::impl::Plane3DCartesian< T, NP >::normal (  )  const [inline, inherited]

template<typename T , class NP >
const Plane3DCartesian< T, NP >::TParam lass::prim::impl::Plane3DCartesian< T, NP >::d (  )  const [inline, inherited]

template<typename T , class NP >
const Plane3DCartesian< T, NP >::TValue lass::prim::impl::Plane3DCartesian< T, NP >::equation ( const TPoint iPoint  )  const [inline, inherited]

template<typename T , class NP >
const Plane3DCartesian< T, NP >::TValue lass::prim::impl::Plane3DCartesian< T, NP >::equation ( const TPoint iPoint,
TParam  iRelativeTolerance 
) const [inline, inherited]

template<typename T , class NP >
const Plane3DCartesian< T, NP >::TVector lass::prim::impl::Plane3DCartesian< T, NP >::reject ( const TPoint iPoint  )  const [inline, inherited]

return the vector that, if added to the PROJECTION of iPoint, you get iPoint again.

iPoint == (almost) project(iPoint) + reject(iPoint)

Definition at line 272 of file plane_3d_cartesian.inl.

References lass::prim::impl::Plane3DCartesian< T, NormalizingPolicy >::equation(), and lass::prim::impl::Plane3DCartesian< T, NormalizingPolicy >::normal_.

Referenced by lass::prim::impl::Plane3DCartesian< T, NormalizingPolicy >::project(), and lass::prim::impl::Plane3DCartesian< T, NormalizingPolicy >::reflect().

template<typename T , class NP >
const Plane3DCartesian< T, NP >::TVector lass::prim::impl::Plane3DCartesian< T, NP >::reject ( const TVector iVector  )  const [inline, inherited]

return the part of iVector that is orthogonal to the plane.

it's the vector that, if added to the PROJECTION of iVector, you get iVector again. iVector == (almost) project(iVector) + reject(iVector).

Definition at line 285 of file plane_3d_cartesian.inl.

References lass::prim::dot(), and lass::prim::impl::Plane3DCartesian< T, NormalizingPolicy >::normal_.

template<typename T , class NP >
const Plane3DCartesian< T, NP >::TPoint lass::prim::impl::Plane3DCartesian< T, NP >::project ( const TPoint iPoint  )  const [inline, inherited]

project a point orthogonally onto the plane

Definition at line 296 of file plane_3d_cartesian.inl.

References lass::prim::impl::Plane3DCartesian< T, NormalizingPolicy >::reject().

template<typename T , class NP >
const Plane3DCartesian< T, NP >::TVector lass::prim::impl::Plane3DCartesian< T, NP >::project ( const TVector iVector  )  const [inline, inherited]

project a vector orthogonally onto the plane

Definition at line 307 of file plane_3d_cartesian.inl.

References lass::prim::impl::Plane3DCartesian< T, NormalizingPolicy >::reject().

template<typename T , class NP >
const Plane3DCartesian< T, NP >::TPoint lass::prim::impl::Plane3DCartesian< T, NP >::reflect ( const TPoint iPoint  )  const [inline, inherited]

reflect a point orthogonally into the plane.

Definition at line 318 of file plane_3d_cartesian.inl.

References lass::prim::impl::Plane3DCartesian< T, NormalizingPolicy >::reject().

template<typename T , class NP >
const Plane3DCartesian< T, NP >::TVector lass::prim::impl::Plane3DCartesian< T, NP >::reflect ( const TVector iVector  )  const [inline, inherited]

reflect a vector orthogonally into the plane

Definition at line 329 of file plane_3d_cartesian.inl.

References lass::prim::impl::Plane3DCartesian< T, NormalizingPolicy >::reject().

template<typename T , class NP >
const Plane3DCartesian< T, NP >::TPoint lass::prim::impl::Plane3DCartesian< T, NP >::point ( TParam  iU,
TParam  iV 
) const [inline, inherited]

return point by filling in the parametric equation: P(u, v) = S + u * U + v * V

Definition at line 340 of file plane_3d_cartesian.inl.

template<typename T , class NP >
const Plane3DCartesian< T, NP >::TPoint lass::prim::impl::Plane3DCartesian< T, NP >::point ( const TUV iUV  )  const [inline, inherited]

template<typename T , class NP >
const Plane3DCartesian< T, NP >::TUV lass::prim::impl::Plane3DCartesian< T, NP >::uv ( const TPoint iPoint  )  const [inline, inherited]

template<typename T , class NP >
void lass::prim::impl::Plane3DCartesian< T, NP >::flip (  )  [inline, inherited]

template<typename T , class NP >
const bool lass::prim::impl::Plane3DCartesian< T, NP >::isValid (  )  const [inline, inherited]

Friends And Related Function Documentation

template<typename T , class EP , class NP , class PP >
LineSegment3D< T, PP > reflect ( const Plane3D< T, EP, NP > &  plane,
const LineSegment3D< T, PP > &  lineSegment 
) [related]

reflect a linesegment in a plane.

plane [in] the reflection plane
lineSegment [in] the line segment to be reflected
the reflected line segment

Definition at line 114 of file line_segment_3d_plane_3d.h.

References lass::prim::LineSegment3D< T, ParameterPolicy >::head(), lass::prim::Plane3D< T, EquationPolicy, NormalizingPolicy >::reflect(), and lass::prim::LineSegment3D< T, ParameterPolicy >::tail().

Referenced by lass::prim::Plane3D< T, EquationPolicy, NormalizingPolicy >::reflect().

template<typename T , class EP , class NP , class PP >
LineSegment3D< T, PP > project ( const Plane3D< T, EP, NP > &  plane,
const LineSegment3D< T, PP > &  lineSegment 
) [related]

project a linesegment on a plane.

plane [in] the projection plane
lineSegment [in] the line segment to be projected
the projected line segment

Definition at line 129 of file line_segment_3d_plane_3d.h.

References lass::prim::LineSegment3D< T, ParameterPolicy >::head(), lass::prim::Plane3D< T, EquationPolicy, NormalizingPolicy >::project(), and lass::prim::LineSegment3D< T, ParameterPolicy >::tail().

Referenced by lass::prim::Plane3D< T, EquationPolicy, NormalizingPolicy >::project().

template<typename T >
io::XmlOStream & operator<< ( io::XmlOStream ioOStream,
const Plane3D< T, Cartesian > &  iPlane 
) [related]

Definition at line 214 of file plane_3d.inl.


template<typename T >
io::XmlOStream & operator<< ( io::XmlOStream ioOStream,
const Plane3D< T, Parametric > &  iPlane 
) [related]

Definition at line 230 of file plane_3d.inl.


template<typename T >
io::XmlOStream & operator<< ( io::XmlOStream ioOStream,
const Plane3D< T, Combined > &  iPlane 
) [related]

Definition at line 247 of file plane_3d.inl.


template<typename T , class EP1 , class NP1 , class EP2 , class NP2 >
SimplePolygon3D< T, EP2, NP2 > clip ( const Plane3D< T, EP1, NP1 > &  iPlane,
const SimplePolygon3D< T, EP2, NP2 > &  iPolygon 
) [related]

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