library of assembled shared sources

lass::num Namespace Reference

numeric types and traits. More...


namespace  impl

Data Structures

struct  BasicType
struct  BasicType< 8 >
struct  BasicType< 16 >
struct  BasicType< 32 >
struct  BasicType< 64 >
struct  DoublePrecision
struct  DoublePrecision< float >
struct  DoublePrecision< double >
struct  DoublePrecision< long double >
class  DistributionUniform
 a uniform distribution mapper. More...
class  DistributionExponential
 an exponential distribution mapper. More...
class  DistributionNormal
 a normal distribution mapper (aka guassian distribution) More...
class  FilteredFloat
 a float with error analysis on it's basic operations. More...
class  Filter
 Base class for all one dimensional causal filters. More...
class  FirFilter
 Finite Impulse Response filter. More...
class  IirFilter
 Infinite Impulse Response filter. More...
class  Consistent
class  interval
 Interval class. More...
struct  NumTraits< interval< C > >
class  Matrix
 a dynamic sized n-dimensional matrix with expression templates More...
class  Modulo
 a integer number class using modulo arithmetic More...
struct  NumTraits
struct  NumTraits< char >
class  Polynomial
 an univariate polynomial. More...
class  PolynomialQuotient
class  RandomStandard
 Uses the C standard library function rand(). More...
class  RandomParkMiller
 Minimal Standard generator by Park and Miller

RandomParkMiller is the LASS implementation of the Minimal Standard generator by Park and Miller. More...

class  RandomMT19937
 implemenents a mersenne twister MT19937. More...
class  Spline
 abstract base class of splines. More...
struct  DataTraitsSequence
struct  DataTraitsScalar
struct  DataTraitsDynamicVector
struct  DataTraitsStaticVector
class  SplineBezierPath
 connects the data nodes with cubic bezier splines. More...
class  SplineCubic
class  SplineLinear
 connects the data nodes with linear segments. More...
class  TriBool
 a three-state boolean value with { true, false and lass::num::unknown } More...
class  Vector
 a dynamic sized n-dimensional vector with vector expression templates More...
class  SafeBool
 a boolean that can only be used in boolean context More...


typedef signed char Tint8
typedef unsigned char Tuint8
typedef signed short Tint16
typedef unsigned short Tuint16
typedef signed int Tint32
typedef unsigned int Tuint32
typedef signed long long Tint64
typedef unsigned long long Tuint64
typedef float Tfloat32
typedef double Tfloat64
typedef BasicType< sizeof(void
*)*lass::bitsPerByte >::Tin 
TintPtr )
typedef BasicType< sizeof(void
*)*lass::bitsPerByte >::Tuin 
TuintPtr )
typedef void(impl::Dummy::* SafeBool )()


enum  RangeType { rtClosed = 0x0, rtRightOpen = 0x1, rtLeftOpen = 0x2, rtOpen = 0x3 }
 enumeration indicating how a real-number range must be closed. More...
enum  Endianness { littleEndian, bigEndian, systemEndian = LASS_LITTLE_ENDIAN ? littleEndian : bigEndian }


template<typename T >
abs (const T &x)
 if x < 0 return -x, else return x.
template<typename T >
sign (const T &x)
 if x < 0 return -1, else if x > 0 return 1, else return 0.
template<typename T >
sqr (const T &x)
 return x * x
template<typename T >
inv (const T &x)
 return x ^ -1
template<typename T >
cubic (const T &x)
 return x * x * x
template<typename T >
pow (const T &x, const T &p)
 return exp(p * log(x));
template<typename T >
log2 (const T &x)
template<typename T >
log10 (const T &x)
template<typename T >
norm (const T &x)
 return norm of x as if x is real part of complex number: sqr(x)
template<typename T >
conj (const T &x)
 return conjugate as if x is a complex number: x
template<typename T >
const T & clamp (const T &x, const T &min, const T &max)
 if x < min return min, else if x > max return max, else return x.
template<typename T >
lerp (const T &a, const T &b, const T &f)
 linear interpolation between a and b
template<typename T >
void inpabs (T &x)
template<typename T >
void inpsign (T &x)
template<typename T >
void inpinv (T &x)
template<typename T >
void inpsqrt (T &x)
template<typename T >
void inpsqr (T &x)
template<typename T >
void inpcubic (T &x)
template<typename T >
void inppow (T &x, const T &p)
template<typename T >
void inpexp (T &x)
template<typename T >
void inplog (T &x)
template<typename T >
void inplog2 (T &x)
template<typename T >
void inplog10 (T &x)
template<typename T >
void inpcos (T &x)
template<typename T >
void inpsin (T &x)
template<typename T >
void inptan (T &x)
template<typename T >
void inpacos (T &x)
template<typename T >
void inpasin (T &x)
template<typename T >
void inpatan (T &x)
template<typename T >
void inpatan2 (T &y, const T &x)
template<typename T >
void inpfloor (T &x)
template<typename T >
void inpceil (T &x)
template<typename T >
void inpround (T &x)
template<typename T >
void inpfractional (T &x)
template<typename T >
void inpdiv (T &x, const T &m)
template<typename T >
void inpmod (T &x, const T &m)
template<typename T >
void inpclamp (T &x, const T &min, const T &max)
template<typename T >
void compnorm (const T &x, T &y)
template<typename T >
void compinv (const T &x, T &y)
template<typename T , typename f >
applyFunction (const T &x, f func)
float abs (float x)
float inv (float x)
float sqrt (float x)
float pow (float x, float p)
float exp (float x)
float log (float x)
float log2 (float x)
float log10 (float x)
float cos (float x)
float sin (float x)
float tan (float x)
float acos (float x)
float asin (float x)
float atan (float x)
float atan2 (float y, float x)
float sinc (float x)
float floor (float x)
float ceil (float x)
float round (float x)
float fractional (float x)
float div (float x, float d)
float mod (float x, float m)
float fastSin (float x)
double abs (double x)
double inv (double x)
double sqrt (double x)
double pow (double x, double p)
double exp (double x)
double log (double x)
double log2 (double x)
double log10 (double x)
double cos (double x)
double sin (double x)
double tan (double x)
double acos (double x)
double asin (double x)
double atan (double x)
double atan2 (double y, double x)
double sinc (double x)
double floor (double x)
double ceil (double x)
double round (double x)
double fractional (double x)
double div (double x, double d)
double mod (double x, double m)
double fastSin (double x)
long double abs (long double x)
long double inv (long double x)
long double sqrt (long double x)
long double pow (long double x, long double p)
long double exp (long double x)
long double log (long double x)
long double log2 (long double x)
long double log10 (long double x)
long double cos (long double x)
long double sin (long double x)
long double tan (long double x)
long double acos (long double x)
long double asin (long double x)
long double atan (long double x)
long double atan2 (long double y, long double x)
long double sinc (long double x)
long double floor (long double x)
long double ceil (long double x)
long double round (long double x)
long double fractional (long double x)
long double div (long double x, long double d)
long double mod (long double x, long double m)
long double fastSin (long double x)
char pow (char x, char p)
char floor (char x)
char ceil (char x)
char round (char x)
char fractional (char)
char div (char x, char p)
char mod (char x, char p)
void inpabs (char &x)
void inpfloor (char &)
void inpceil (char &)
void inpround (char &)
void inpfractional (char &x)
char abs (char x)
char sign (char x)
signed char abs (signed char x)
signed char pow (signed char x, signed char p)
signed char pow (signed char x, unsigned char p)
signed char floor (signed char x)
signed char ceil (signed char x)
signed char round (signed char x)
signed char fractional (signed char)
signed char div (signed char x, signed char p)
signed char div (signed char x, unsigned char p)
signed char mod (signed char x, signed char p)
signed char mod (signed char x, unsigned char p)
void inpfloor (signed char &)
void inpceil (signed char &)
void inpround (signed char &)
void inpfractional (signed char &x)
unsigned char abs (unsigned char x)
unsigned char sign (unsigned char x)
unsigned char pow (unsigned char x, unsigned char p)
unsigned char floor (unsigned char x)
unsigned char ceil (unsigned char x)
unsigned char round (unsigned char x)
unsigned char fractional (unsigned char)
unsigned char div (unsigned char x, unsigned char p)
unsigned char mod (unsigned char x, unsigned char p)
void inpabs (unsigned char &)
void inpfloor (unsigned char &)
void inpceil (unsigned char &)
void inpround (unsigned char &)
void inpfractional (unsigned char &x)
signed short abs (signed short x)
signed short pow (signed short x, signed short p)
signed short pow (signed short x, unsigned short p)
signed short floor (signed short x)
signed short ceil (signed short x)
signed short round (signed short x)
signed short fractional (signed short)
signed short div (signed short x, signed short p)
signed short div (signed short x, unsigned short p)
signed short mod (signed short x, signed short p)
signed short mod (signed short x, unsigned short p)
void inpfloor (signed short &)
void inpceil (signed short &)
void inpround (signed short &)
void inpfractional (signed short &x)
unsigned short abs (unsigned short x)
unsigned short sign (unsigned short x)
unsigned short pow (unsigned short x, unsigned short p)
unsigned short floor (unsigned short x)
unsigned short ceil (unsigned short x)
unsigned short round (unsigned short x)
unsigned short fractional (unsigned short)
unsigned short div (unsigned short x, unsigned short p)
unsigned short mod (unsigned short x, unsigned short p)
void inpabs (unsigned short &)
void inpfloor (unsigned short &)
void inpceil (unsigned short &)
void inpround (unsigned short &)
void inpfractional (unsigned short &x)
signed int abs (signed int x)
signed int pow (signed int x, signed int p)
signed int pow (signed int x, unsigned int p)
signed int floor (signed int x)
signed int ceil (signed int x)
signed int round (signed int x)
signed int fractional (signed int)
signed int div (signed int x, signed int p)
signed int div (signed int x, unsigned int p)
signed int mod (signed int x, signed int p)
signed int mod (signed int x, unsigned int p)
void inpfloor (signed int &)
void inpceil (signed int &)
void inpround (signed int &)
void inpfractional (signed int &x)
unsigned int abs (unsigned int x)
unsigned int sign (unsigned int x)
unsigned int pow (unsigned int x, unsigned int p)
unsigned int floor (unsigned int x)
unsigned int ceil (unsigned int x)
unsigned int round (unsigned int x)
unsigned int fractional (unsigned int)
unsigned int div (unsigned int x, unsigned int p)
unsigned int mod (unsigned int x, unsigned int p)
void inpabs (unsigned int &)
void inpfloor (unsigned int &)
void inpceil (unsigned int &)
void inpround (unsigned int &)
void inpfractional (unsigned int &x)
signed long abs (signed long x)
signed long pow (signed long x, signed long p)
signed long pow (signed long x, unsigned long p)
signed long floor (signed long x)
signed long ceil (signed long x)
signed long round (signed long x)
signed long fractional (signed long)
signed long div (signed long x, signed long p)
signed long div (signed long x, unsigned long p)
signed long mod (signed long x, signed long p)
signed long mod (signed long x, unsigned long p)
void inpfloor (signed long &)
void inpceil (signed long &)
void inpround (signed long &)
void inpfractional (signed long &x)
unsigned long abs (unsigned long x)
unsigned long sign (unsigned long x)
unsigned long pow (unsigned long x, unsigned long p)
unsigned long floor (unsigned long x)
unsigned long ceil (unsigned long x)
unsigned long round (unsigned long x)
unsigned long fractional (unsigned long)
unsigned long div (unsigned long x, unsigned long p)
unsigned long mod (unsigned long x, unsigned long p)
void inpabs (unsigned long &)
void inpfloor (unsigned long &)
void inpceil (unsigned long &)
void inpround (unsigned long &)
void inpfractional (unsigned long &x)
template<typename T >
std::complex< T > abs (const std::complex< T > &x)
template<typename T >
std::complex< T > inv (const std::complex< T > &x)
template<typename T >
std::complex< T > sqrt (const std::complex< T > &x)
template<typename T >
std::complex< T > pow (const std::complex< T > &x, const std::complex< T > &p)
template<typename T >
std::complex< T > exp (const std::complex< T > &x)
template<typename T >
std::complex< T > log (const std::complex< T > &x)
template<typename T >
std::complex< T > log2 (const std::complex< T > &x)
template<typename T >
std::complex< T > log10 (const std::complex< T > &x)
template<typename T >
std::complex< T > cos (const std::complex< T > &x)
template<typename T >
std::complex< T > sin (const std::complex< T > &x)
template<typename T >
std::complex< T > tan (const std::complex< T > &x)
template<typename T >
std::complex< T > atan (const std::complex< T > &x)
template<typename T >
norm (const std::complex< T > &x)
template<typename T >
std::complex< T > conj (const std::complex< T > &x)
template<typename T >
log2 (const T &x, const T &p)
 return log(x) / log(2)
template<typename T >
log10 (const T &x, const T &p)
 return log(x) / log(10)
template<typename T >
std::complex< T > pow (const std::complex< T > &x, double p)
template<typename T >
std::complex< T > acos (const std::complex< T > &x)
template<typename T >
std::complex< T > asin (const std::complex< T > &x)
template<typename T >
pow2dB (const T &power)
 power to decibels: y = 10 * log10(x)
template<typename T >
amp2dB (const T &amplitude)
 amplitude to decibels: y = 20 * log10(x)
template<typename T >
dB2pow (const T &decibels)
 decibels to power: y = num::pow(10, x / 10)
template<typename T >
dB2amp (const T &decibels)
 decibels to amplitude: y = num::pow(10, x / 20)
template<typename T >
p2dB (const T &iValue)
 Converts an absolute acoustical pressure into decibels.
template<typename T >
W2dB (const T &iValue)
 Converts a absolute acoustical power into decibels.
template<typename T >
I2dB (const T &iValue)
 Converts an intensity into decibels.
template<typename T >
dB2p (const T &iValue)
 Converts decibels into a pressure .
template<typename T >
dB2W (const T &iValue)
 Converts decibels into a power.
template<typename T >
dB2I (const T &iValue)
 Converts decibels into an intensity.
template<typename T , typename RandomGenerator >
distributeUniform (RandomGenerator &generator, T min=T(0), T max=T(1))
template<typename T , typename RandomGenerator >
distributeExponential (RandomGenerator &generator, T rateOfChange=T(1))
template<typename T , typename RandomGenerator >
distributeExponential (RandomGenerator &generator, T mean=T(0), T standardDeviation=T(1))
template<class T , class RG >
uniform (RG &generator)
template<class T , class RG >
unitGauss (RG &generator)
template<class T , class RG >
gauss (RG &generator, typename util::CallTraits< T >::TParam mean, typename util::CallTraits< T >::TParam stddev)
template<typename T >
const prim::Point3D< T > uniformSphere (const prim::Point2D< T > &sample, T &pdf)
template<typename T >
const prim::Point3D< T > uniformCone (const prim::Point2D< T > &sample, T minCosTheta, T &pdf)
template<typename T >
const prim::Point2D< T > uniformDisk (const prim::Point2D< T > &sample, T &pdf)
template<typename T >
const prim::Point3D< T > cosineHemisphere (const prim::Point2D< T > &sample, T &pdf)
template<Endianness outEndian, Endianness inEndian, typename T >
endianCast (T iIn)
template<typename T >
fixEndianness (T iIn, Endianness iEndianness)
template<typename T >
FilteredFloat< T > operator+ (const FilteredFloat< T > &a, const FilteredFloat< T > &b)
template<typename T >
FilteredFloat< T > operator- (const FilteredFloat< T > &a, const FilteredFloat< T > &b)
template<typename T >
FilteredFloat< T > operator* (const FilteredFloat< T > &a, const FilteredFloat< T > &b)
template<typename T >
FilteredFloat< T > operator/ (const FilteredFloat< T > &a, const FilteredFloat< T > &b)
template<typename T >
bool operator== (const FilteredFloat< T > &a, const FilteredFloat< T > &b)
template<typename T >
bool operator!= (const FilteredFloat< T > &a, const FilteredFloat< T > &b)
template<typename T >
bool operator< (const FilteredFloat< T > &a, const FilteredFloat< T > &b)
template<typename T >
bool operator> (const FilteredFloat< T > &a, const FilteredFloat< T > &b)
template<typename T >
bool operator<= (const FilteredFloat< T > &a, const FilteredFloat< T > &b)
template<typename T >
bool operator>= (const FilteredFloat< T > &a, const FilteredFloat< T > &b)
template<typename T >
FilteredFloat< T > operator+ (const FilteredFloat< T > &a, const T &b)
template<typename T >
FilteredFloat< T > operator- (const FilteredFloat< T > &a, const T &b)
template<typename T >
FilteredFloat< T > operator* (const FilteredFloat< T > &a, const T &b)
template<typename T >
FilteredFloat< T > operator/ (const FilteredFloat< T > &a, const T &b)
template<typename T >
bool operator== (const FilteredFloat< T > &a, const T &b)
template<typename T >
bool operator!= (const FilteredFloat< T > &a, const T &b)
template<typename T >
bool operator< (const FilteredFloat< T > &a, const T &b)
template<typename T >
bool operator> (const FilteredFloat< T > &a, const T &b)
template<typename T >
bool operator<= (const FilteredFloat< T > &a, const T &b)
template<typename T >
bool operator>= (const FilteredFloat< T > &a, const T &b)
template<typename T >
FilteredFloat< T > operator+ (const T &a, const FilteredFloat< T > &b)
template<typename T >
FilteredFloat< T > operator- (const T &a, const FilteredFloat< T > &b)
template<typename T >
FilteredFloat< T > operator* (const T &a, const FilteredFloat< T > &b)
template<typename T >
FilteredFloat< T > operator/ (const T &a, const FilteredFloat< T > &b)
template<typename T >
bool operator== (const T &a, const FilteredFloat< T > &b)
template<typename T >
bool operator!= (const T &a, const FilteredFloat< T > &b)
template<typename T >
bool operator< (const T &a, const FilteredFloat< T > &b)
template<typename T >
bool operator> (const T &a, const FilteredFloat< T > &b)
template<typename T >
bool operator<= (const T &a, const FilteredFloat< T > &b)
template<typename T >
bool operator>= (const T &a, const FilteredFloat< T > &b)
template<typename T >
FilteredFloat< T > abs (const FilteredFloat< T > &v)
template<typename T >
FilteredFloat< T > inv (const FilteredFloat< T > &v)
template<typename T >
FilteredFloat< T > sqrt (const FilteredFloat< T > &v)
template<typename T >
FilteredFloat< T > pow (const FilteredFloat< T > &v, const FilteredFloat< T > &p)
template<typename T >
FilteredFloat< T > exp (const FilteredFloat< T > &v)
template<typename T >
FilteredFloat< T > log (const FilteredFloat< T > &v)
template<typename T >
FilteredFloat< T > cos (const FilteredFloat< T > &v)
template<typename T >
FilteredFloat< T > sin (const FilteredFloat< T > &v)
template<typename T >
FilteredFloat< T > tan (const FilteredFloat< T > &v)
template<typename T >
FilteredFloat< T > acos (const FilteredFloat< T > &v)
template<typename T >
FilteredFloat< T > asin (const FilteredFloat< T > &v)
template<typename T >
FilteredFloat< T > atan (const FilteredFloat< T > &v)
template<typename T >
FilteredFloat< T > atan2 (const FilteredFloat< T > &y, const FilteredFloat< T > &x)
template<typename T >
FilteredFloat< T > floor (const FilteredFloat< T > &v)
template<typename T >
FilteredFloat< T > ceil (const FilteredFloat< T > &v)
template<typename T >
FilteredFloat< T > round (const FilteredFloat< T > &v)
template<typename T >
FilteredFloat< T > fractional (const FilteredFloat< T > &v)
template<typename T >
FilteredFloat< T > div (const FilteredFloat< T > &v, const FilteredFloat< T > &m)
template<typename T >
FilteredFloat< T > mod (const FilteredFloat< T > &v, const FilteredFloat< T > &m)
template<class T >
bool isNaN (const FilteredFloat< T > &v)
template<typename T , typename Char , typename Traits >
std::basic_ostream< Char,
Traits > & 
operator<< (std::basic_ostream< Char, Traits > &s, const FilteredFloat< T > &v)
template<typename T , typename Char , typename Traits >
std::basic_istream< Char,
Traits > & 
operator>> (std::basic_istream< Char, Traits > &s, FilteredFloat< T > &v)
template<typename T >
bool almostEqual (T iA, T iB, T iRelativeTolerance)
template<typename T >
bool notAlmostEqual (T iA, T iB, T iRelativeTolerance)
template<typename T >
bool almostLess (T iA, T iB, T iRelativeTolerance)
template<typename T >
bool almostGreater (T iA, T iB, T iRelativeTolerance)
template<typename T >
bool almostLessOrEqual (T iA, T iB, T iRelativeTolerance)
template<typename T >
bool almostGreaterOrEqual (T iA, T iB, T iRelativeTolerance)
template<typename T >
bool almostInOpenRange (T iA, T iMin, T iMax, T iRelativeTolerance)
template<typename T >
bool almostInClosedRange (T iA, T iMin, T iMax, T iRelativeTolerance)
template<typename T >
Consistent< T > operator+ (const Consistent< T > &a, const Consistent< T > &b)
template<typename T >
Consistent< T > operator- (const Consistent< T > &a, const Consistent< T > &b)
template<typename T >
Consistent< T > operator* (const Consistent< T > &a, const Consistent< T > &b)
template<typename T >
Consistent< T > operator/ (const Consistent< T > &a, const Consistent< T > &b)
template<typename T >
bool operator== (const Consistent< T > &a, const Consistent< T > &b)
template<typename T >
bool operator!= (const Consistent< T > &a, const Consistent< T > &b)
template<typename T >
bool operator< (const Consistent< T > &a, const Consistent< T > &b)
template<typename T >
bool operator> (const Consistent< T > &a, const Consistent< T > &b)
template<typename T >
bool operator<= (const Consistent< T > &a, const Consistent< T > &b)
template<typename T >
bool operator>= (const Consistent< T > &a, const Consistent< T > &b)
template<typename T >
Consistent< T > operator+ (const Consistent< T > &a, const T &b)
template<typename T >
Consistent< T > operator- (const Consistent< T > &a, const T &b)
template<typename T >
Consistent< T > operator* (const Consistent< T > &a, const T &b)
template<typename T >
Consistent< T > operator/ (const Consistent< T > &a, const T &b)
template<typename T >
bool operator== (const Consistent< T > &a, const T &b)
template<typename T >
bool operator!= (const Consistent< T > &a, const T &b)
template<typename T >
bool operator< (const Consistent< T > &a, const T &b)
template<typename T >
bool operator> (const Consistent< T > &a, const T &b)
template<typename T >
bool operator<= (const Consistent< T > &a, const T &b)
template<typename T >
bool operator>= (const Consistent< T > &a, const T &b)
template<typename T >
Consistent< T > operator+ (const T &a, const Consistent< T > &b)
template<typename T >
Consistent< T > operator- (const T &a, const Consistent< T > &b)
template<typename T >
Consistent< T > operator* (const T &a, const Consistent< T > &b)
template<typename T >
Consistent< T > operator/ (const T &a, const Consistent< T > &b)
template<typename T >
bool operator== (const T &a, const Consistent< T > &b)
template<typename T >
bool operator!= (const T &a, const Consistent< T > &b)
template<typename T >
bool operator< (const T &a, const Consistent< T > &b)
template<typename T >
bool operator> (const T &a, const Consistent< T > &b)
template<typename T >
bool operator<= (const T &a, const Consistent< T > &b)
template<typename T >
bool operator>= (const T &a, const Consistent< T > &b)
template<typename T >
Consistent< T > abs (const Consistent< T > &v)
template<typename T >
Consistent< T > inv (const Consistent< T > &v)
template<typename T >
Consistent< T > sqrt (Consistent< T > v)
template<typename T >
Consistent< T > pow (const Consistent< T > &v, const Consistent< T > &p)
template<typename T >
Consistent< T > exp (const Consistent< T > &v)
template<typename T >
Consistent< T > log (const Consistent< T > &v)
template<typename T >
Consistent< T > cos (const Consistent< T > &v)
template<typename T >
Consistent< T > sin (const Consistent< T > &v)
template<typename T >
Consistent< T > tan (const Consistent< T > &v)
template<typename T >
Consistent< T > acos (const Consistent< T > &v)
template<typename T >
Consistent< T > asin (const Consistent< T > &v)
template<typename T >
Consistent< T > atan (const Consistent< T > &v)
template<typename T >
Consistent< T > atan2 (const Consistent< T > &y, const Consistent< T > &x)
template<typename T >
Consistent< T > floor (const Consistent< T > &v)
template<typename T >
Consistent< T > ceil (const Consistent< T > &v)
template<typename T >
Consistent< T > round (const Consistent< T > &v)
template<typename T >
Consistent< T > fractional (const Consistent< T > &v)
template<typename T >
Consistent< T > div (const Consistent< T > &v, const Consistent< T > &m)
template<typename T >
Consistent< T > mod (const Consistent< T > &v, const Consistent< T > &m)
template<class T >
bool isNaN (const Consistent< T > &v)
template<typename T , typename Char , typename Traits >
std::basic_ostream< Char,
Traits > & 
operator<< (std::basic_ostream< Char, Traits > &s, const Consistent< T > &v)
template<typename T , typename Char , typename Traits >
std::basic_istream< Char,
Traits > & 
operator>> (std::basic_istream< Char, Traits > &s, Consistent< T > &v)
template<typename C >
void inpsqr (interval< C > &i)
template<typename C >
void inpsqrt (interval< C > &i)
template<typename C >
void inpexp (interval< C > &i)
template<typename C >
void inplog (interval< C > &i)
template<typename C >
void inpnorm (interval< C > &i)
template<typename C >
void inpinv (interval< C > &i)
template<typename C , typename F >
interval< C > applyFunction (const interval< C > &i, F func)
template<typename C >
interval< C > operator+ (const interval< C > &i1, const interval< C > &i2)
template<typename C >
interval< C > operator- (const interval< C > &i1, const interval< C > &i2)
template<typename C >
interval< C > operator* (const interval< C > &i1, const interval< C > &i2)
template<typename C >
interval< C > operator/ (const interval< C > &i1, const interval< C > &i2)
template<typename C >
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const interval< C > &iV)
template<typename C >
std::string str (const interval< C > &iV)
template<typename C >
interval< C > sqr (const interval< C > &i)
template<typename C >
interval< C > sqrt (const interval< C > &i)
template<typename C >
interval< C > exp (const interval< C > &i)
template<typename C >
interval< C > log (const interval< C > &i)
template<typename C >
interval< C > set_union (const interval< C > &i1, const interval< C > &i2)
template<typename C >
interval< C > set_intersect (const interval< C > &i1, const interval< C > &i2)
template<typename C , typename f >
interval< C > applyFunction (const interval< C > &iV, f func)
template<typename T , typename S1 , typename S2 >
bool operator== (const Matrix< T, S1 > &iA, const Matrix< T, S2 > &iB)
template<typename T , typename S1 , typename S2 >
bool operator!= (const Matrix< T, S1 > &iA, const Matrix< T, S2 > &iB)
template<typename T , typename S1 , typename S2 >
const Matrix< T, impl::MAdd< T,
S1, S2 > > 
operator+ (const Matrix< T, S1 > &iA, const Matrix< T, S2 > &iB)
template<typename T , typename S1 , typename S2 >
const Matrix< T, impl::MSub< T,
S1, S2 > > 
operator- (const Matrix< T, S1 > &iA, const Matrix< T, S2 > &iB)
template<typename T , typename S1 , typename S2 >
const Matrix< T, impl::MProd
< T, S1, S2 > > 
operator* (const Matrix< T, S1 > &iA, const Matrix< T, S2 > &iB)
template<typename T , typename S >
const Matrix< T, impl::MAdd< T,
impl::MScalar< T >, S > > 
operator+ (const T &iA, const Matrix< T, S > &iB)
template<typename T , typename S >
const Matrix< T, impl::MSub< T,
impl::MScalar< T >, S > > 
operator- (const T &iA, const Matrix< T, S > &iB)
template<typename T , typename S >
const Matrix< T, impl::MMul< T,
impl::MScalar< T >, S > > 
operator* (const T &iA, const Matrix< T, S > &iB)
template<typename T , typename S >
const Matrix< T, impl::MAdd< T,
S, impl::MScalar< T > > > 
operator+ (const Matrix< T, S > &iA, const T &iB)
template<typename T , typename S >
const Matrix< T, impl::MAdd< T,
S, impl::MScalar< T > > > 
operator- (const Matrix< T, S > &iA, const T &iB)
template<typename T , typename S >
const Matrix< T, impl::MMul< T,
S, impl::MScalar< T > > > 
operator* (const Matrix< T, S > &iA, const T &iB)
template<typename T , typename S >
const Matrix< T, impl::MMul< T,
S, impl::MScalar< T > > > 
operator/ (const Matrix< T, S > &iA, const T &iB)
template<typename T , typename S , typename S2 >
bool solve (const Matrix< T, S > &iA, Matrix< T, S2 > &ioB)
template<typename T , typename S , typename Char , typename Traits >
std::basic_ostream< Char,
Traits > & 
operator<< (std::basic_ostream< Char, Traits > &iS, const Matrix< T, S > &iA)
template<typename T , typename S1 , typename S2 >
Vector< T, impl::MVRightProd
< T, S1, S2 > > 
operator* (const Matrix< T, S1 > &iA, const Vector< T, S2 > &iB)
 multiply matrix with column vector
template<typename T , typename S >
Matrix< T, impl::MVDiag< T, S > > diagonal (const Vector< T, S > &iB)
 Create diagonal matrix from vector.
template<typename T , typename S >
bool solve (const Matrix< T, S > &iA, Vector< T > &iB)
 Solves set of equation A * X == B.
template<unsigned N, typename T >
bool operator== (const Modulo< N, T > &iA, const Modulo< N, T > &iB)
template<unsigned N, typename T >
bool operator!= (const Modulo< N, T > &iA, const Modulo< N, T > &iB)
template<unsigned N, typename T >
bool operator< (const Modulo< N, T > &iA, const Modulo< N, T > &iB)
template<unsigned N, typename T >
bool operator> (const Modulo< N, T > &iA, const Modulo< N, T > &iB)
template<unsigned N, typename T >
bool operator<= (const Modulo< N, T > &iA, const Modulo< N, T > &iB)
template<unsigned N, typename T >
bool operator>= (const Modulo< N, T > &iA, const Modulo< N, T > &iB)
template<unsigned N, typename T >
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &iS, const Modulo< N, T > &iM)
template<unsigned N, typename T >
std::istream & operator>> (std::istream &iS, Modulo< N, T > &iM)
template<unsigned N, typename T >
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &oS, Modulo< N, T > iM)
template<class C >
bool isNaN (const C &iV)
template<class C >
bool isInf (const C &iV)
 return true if iV equals minus or plus Infinity
template<typename T >
bool operator== (const Polynomial< T > &iA, const Polynomial< T > &iB)
template<typename T >
bool operator!= (const Polynomial< T > &iA, const Polynomial< T > &iB)
template<typename T >
Polynomial< T > operator+ (const Polynomial< T > &iA, const Polynomial< T > &iB)
template<typename T >
Polynomial< T > operator- (const Polynomial< T > &iA, const Polynomial< T > &iB)
template<typename T >
Polynomial< T > operator* (const Polynomial< T > &iA, const Polynomial< T > &iB)
template<typename T >
Polynomial< T > operator+ (const T &iA, const Polynomial< T > &iB)
template<typename T >
Polynomial< T > operator- (const T &iA, const Polynomial< T > &iB)
template<typename T >
Polynomial< T > operator* (const T &iA, const Polynomial< T > &iB)
template<typename T >
Polynomial< T > operator+ (const Polynomial< T > &iA, const T &iB)
template<typename T >
Polynomial< T > operator- (const Polynomial< T > &iA, const T &iB)
template<typename T >
Polynomial< T > operator* (const Polynomial< T > &iA, const T &iB)
template<typename T >
Polynomial< T > operator/ (const Polynomial< T > &iA, const T &iB)
template<typename T , typename Char , typename Traits >
std::basic_ostream< Char,
Traits > & 
operator<< (std::basic_ostream< Char, Traits > &iS, const Polynomial< T > &iA)
template<typename T >
bool operator== (const PolynomialQuotient< T > &a, const PolynomialQuotient< T > &b)
template<typename T >
bool operator!= (const PolynomialQuotient< T > &a, const PolynomialQuotient< T > &b)
template<typename T >
PolynomialQuotient< T > operator+ (const PolynomialQuotient< T > &a, const PolynomialQuotient< T > &b)
template<typename T >
PolynomialQuotient< T > operator- (const PolynomialQuotient< T > &a, const PolynomialQuotient< T > &b)
template<typename T >
PolynomialQuotient< T > operator* (const PolynomialQuotient< T > &a, const PolynomialQuotient< T > &b)
template<typename T >
PolynomialQuotient< T > operator/ (const PolynomialQuotient< T > &a, const PolynomialQuotient< T > &b)
template<typename T >
PolynomialQuotient< T > operator+ (const Polynomial< T > &a, const PolynomialQuotient< T > &b)
template<typename T >
PolynomialQuotient< T > operator- (const Polynomial< T > &a, const PolynomialQuotient< T > &b)
template<typename T >
PolynomialQuotient< T > operator* (const Polynomial< T > &a, const PolynomialQuotient< T > &b)
template<typename T >
PolynomialQuotient< T > operator/ (const Polynomial< T > &a, const PolynomialQuotient< T > &b)
template<typename T >
PolynomialQuotient< T > operator+ (const PolynomialQuotient< T > &a, const Polynomial< T > &b)
template<typename T >
PolynomialQuotient< T > operator- (const PolynomialQuotient< T > &a, const Polynomial< T > &b)
template<typename T >
PolynomialQuotient< T > operator* (const PolynomialQuotient< T > &a, const Polynomial< T > &b)
template<typename T >
PolynomialQuotient< T > operator/ (const PolynomialQuotient< T > &a, const Polynomial< T > &b)
template<typename T >
PolynomialQuotient< T > operator+ (const T &a, const PolynomialQuotient< T > &b)
template<typename T >
PolynomialQuotient< T > operator- (const T &a, const PolynomialQuotient< T > &b)
template<typename T >
PolynomialQuotient< T > operator* (const T &a, const PolynomialQuotient< T > &b)
template<typename T >
PolynomialQuotient< T > operator/ (const T &a, const PolynomialQuotient< T > &b)
template<typename T >
PolynomialQuotient< T > operator+ (const PolynomialQuotient< T > &a, const T &b)
template<typename T >
PolynomialQuotient< T > operator- (const PolynomialQuotient< T > &a, const T &b)
template<typename T >
PolynomialQuotient< T > operator* (const PolynomialQuotient< T > &a, const T &b)
template<typename T >
PolynomialQuotient< T > operator/ (const PolynomialQuotient< T > &a, const T &b)
template<typename T >
PolynomialQuotient< T > operator/ (const Polynomial< T > &a, const Polynomial< T > &b)
template<typename T , typename Char , typename Traits >
std::basic_ostream< Char,
Traits > & 
operator<< (std::basic_ostream< Char, Traits > &s, const PolynomialQuotient< T > &a)
std::string str (float iV)
std::string str (double iV)
template<class C >
std::string str (const std::complex< C > &iV)
std::string str (int iV)
std::string str (long iV)
LASS_DLL TriBool LASS_CALL operator== (TriBool iA, TriBool iB)
LASS_DLL TriBool LASS_CALL operator!= (TriBool iA, TriBool iB)
LASS_DLL TriBool LASS_CALL operator&& (TriBool iA, TriBool iB)
LASS_DLL TriBool LASS_CALL operator|| (TriBool iA, TriBool iB)
LASS_DLL std::ostream &LASS_CALL operator<< (std::ostream &ioS, TriBool iB)
template<typename T , typename S1 , typename S2 >
bool operator== (const Vector< T > &iA, const Vector< T > &iB)
template<typename T , typename S1 , typename S2 >
bool operator!= (const Vector< T > &iA, const Vector< T > &iB)
template<typename T , typename S1 , typename S2 >
const T dot (const Vector< T, S1 > &iA, const Vector< T, S2 > &iB)
template<typename T , typename S1 , typename S2 >
const Vector< T, impl::VAdd< T,
S1, S2 > > 
operator+ (const Vector< T, S1 > &iA, const Vector< T, S2 > &iB)
template<typename T , typename S1 , typename S2 >
const Vector< T, impl::VSub< T,
S1, S2 > > 
operator- (const Vector< T, S1 > &iA, const Vector< T, S2 > &iB)
template<typename T , typename S1 , typename S2 >
const Vector< T, impl::VMul< T,
S1, S2 > > 
operator* (const Vector< T, S1 > &iA, const Vector< T, S2 > &iB)
template<typename T , typename S1 , typename S2 >
const Vector< T, impl::VDiv< T,
S1, S2 > > 
operator/ (const Vector< T, S1 > &iA, const Vector< T, S2 > &iB)
template<typename T , typename S >
const Vector< T, impl::VAdd< T,
impl::VScalar< T >, S > > 
operator+ (const T &iA, const Vector< T, S > &iB)
template<typename T , typename S >
const Vector< T, impl::VSub< T,
impl::VScalar< T >, S > > 
operator- (const T &iA, const Vector< T, S > &iB)
template<typename T , typename S >
const Vector< T, impl::VMul< T,
impl::VScalar< T >, S > > 
operator* (const T &iA, const Vector< T, S > &iB)
template<typename T , typename S >
const Vector< T, impl::VDiv< T,
impl::VScalar< T >, S > > 
operator/ (const T &iA, const Vector< T, S > &iB)
template<typename T , typename S >
const Vector< T, impl::VAdd< T,
S, impl::VScalar< T > > > 
operator+ (const Vector< T, S > &iA, const T &iB)
template<typename T , typename S >
const Vector< T, impl::VSub< T,
S, impl::VScalar< T > > > 
operator- (const Vector< T, S > &iA, const T &iB)
template<typename T , typename S >
const Vector< T, impl::VMul< T,
S, impl::VScalar< T > > > 
operator* (const Vector< T, S > &iA, const T &iB)
template<typename T , typename S >
const Vector< T, impl::VDiv< T,
S, impl::VScalar< T > > > 
operator/ (const Vector< T, S > &iA, const T &iB)
template<typename T , typename S , typename Char , typename Traits >
std::basic_ostream< Char,
Traits > & 
operator<< (std::basic_ostream< Char, Traits > &iS, const Vector< T, S > &iA)
template<typename T , typename S , typename Char , typename Traits >
std::basic_istream< Char,
Traits > & 
operator>> (std::basic_istream< Char, Traits > &iS, Vector< T > &iB)


struct LASS_DLL NumTraits< float >
struct LASS_DLL NumTraits< double >
struct LASS_DLL NumTraits< long double >
const SafeBool safeTrue = &impl::Dummy::method
const SafeBool safeFalse = 0

Detailed Description

numeric types and traits.

Typedef Documentation

typedef void(impl::Dummy::* lass::num::SafeBool)()

Definition at line 68 of file safe_bool.h.

Enumeration Type Documentation


Definition at line 55 of file endianness.h.

Function Documentation

template<typename T >
T lass::num::log2 ( const T &  x  )  [inline]

template<typename T >
T lass::num::log10 ( const T &  x  )  [inline]

template<typename T >
T lass::num::conj ( const T &  x  )  [inline]

return conjugate as if x is a complex number: x

Definition at line 623 of file basic_ops.h.

Referenced by lass::num::impl::ludecomp().

template<typename T >
void lass::num::inplog2 ( T &  x  )  [inline]

template<typename T >
void lass::num::inplog10 ( T &  x  )  [inline]

template<typename T >
void lass::num::inpclamp ( T &  x,
const T &  min,
const T &  max 
) [inline]

float lass::num::div ( float  x,
float  d 
) [inline]

Referenced by div().

double lass::num::div ( double  x,
double  d 
) [inline]

long double lass::num::div ( long double  x,
long double  d 
) [inline]

void lass::num::inpabs ( char &  x  )  [inline]

template<typename T >
std::complex<T> lass::num::pow ( const std::complex< T > &  x,
const std::complex< T > &  p 
) [inline]

template<typename T , typename RandomGenerator >
T lass::num::distributeUniform ( RandomGenerator &  generator,
min = T(0),
max = T(1) 
) [related]

Referenced by uniform().

template<typename T , typename RandomGenerator >
T lass::num::distributeExponential ( RandomGenerator &  generator,
rateOfChange = T(1) 
) [related]

template<typename T , typename RandomGenerator >
T lass::num::distributeExponential ( RandomGenerator &  generator,
mean = T(0),
standardDeviation = T(1) 
) [inline]

template<Endianness outEndian, Endianness inEndian, typename T >
T lass::num::endianCast ( iIn  )  [inline]

Definition at line 129 of file endianness.inl.

template<typename T >
T lass::num::fixEndianness ( iIn,
Endianness  iEndianness 
) [inline]

template<typename T >
FilteredFloat<T> lass::num::operator+ ( const FilteredFloat< T > &  a,
const FilteredFloat< T > &  b 
) [inline]

Definition at line 193 of file filtered_float.h.

template<typename T >
FilteredFloat<T> lass::num::operator- ( const FilteredFloat< T > &  a,
const FilteredFloat< T > &  b 
) [inline]

Definition at line 201 of file filtered_float.h.

template<typename T >
FilteredFloat<T> lass::num::operator* ( const FilteredFloat< T > &  a,
const FilteredFloat< T > &  b 
) [inline]

Definition at line 209 of file filtered_float.h.

template<typename T >
FilteredFloat<T> lass::num::operator/ ( const FilteredFloat< T > &  a,
const FilteredFloat< T > &  b 
) [inline]

Definition at line 217 of file filtered_float.h.

template<typename T >
bool lass::num::operator== ( const FilteredFloat< T > &  a,
const FilteredFloat< T > &  b 
) [inline]

template<typename T >
bool lass::num::operator!= ( const FilteredFloat< T > &  a,
const FilteredFloat< T > &  b 
) [inline]

Definition at line 231 of file filtered_float.h.

template<typename T >
bool lass::num::operator< ( const FilteredFloat< T > &  a,
const FilteredFloat< T > &  b 
) [inline]

Definition at line 237 of file filtered_float.h.

References LASS_ENFORCE.

template<typename T >
bool lass::num::operator> ( const FilteredFloat< T > &  a,
const FilteredFloat< T > &  b 
) [inline]

Definition at line 252 of file filtered_float.h.

template<typename T >
bool lass::num::operator<= ( const FilteredFloat< T > &  a,
const FilteredFloat< T > &  b 
) [inline]

Definition at line 258 of file filtered_float.h.

template<typename T >
bool lass::num::operator>= ( const FilteredFloat< T > &  a,
const FilteredFloat< T > &  b 
) [inline]

Definition at line 264 of file filtered_float.h.

template<typename T >
FilteredFloat<T> lass::num::operator+ ( const FilteredFloat< T > &  a,
const T &  b 
) [inline]

Definition at line 273 of file filtered_float.h.

template<typename T >
FilteredFloat<T> lass::num::operator- ( const FilteredFloat< T > &  a,
const T &  b 
) [inline]

Definition at line 281 of file filtered_float.h.

template<typename T >
FilteredFloat<T> lass::num::operator* ( const FilteredFloat< T > &  a,
const T &  b 
) [inline]

Definition at line 289 of file filtered_float.h.

template<typename T >
FilteredFloat<T> lass::num::operator/ ( const FilteredFloat< T > &  a,
const T &  b 
) [inline]

Definition at line 297 of file filtered_float.h.

template<typename T >
bool lass::num::operator== ( const FilteredFloat< T > &  a,
const T &  b 
) [inline]

Definition at line 305 of file filtered_float.h.

template<typename T >
bool lass::num::operator!= ( const FilteredFloat< T > &  a,
const T &  b 
) [inline]

Definition at line 311 of file filtered_float.h.

template<typename T >
bool lass::num::operator< ( const FilteredFloat< T > &  a,
const T &  b 
) [inline]

Definition at line 317 of file filtered_float.h.

template<typename T >
bool lass::num::operator> ( const FilteredFloat< T > &  a,
const T &  b 
) [inline]

Definition at line 323 of file filtered_float.h.

template<typename T >
bool lass::num::operator<= ( const FilteredFloat< T > &  a,
const T &  b 
) [inline]

Definition at line 329 of file filtered_float.h.

template<typename T >
bool lass::num::operator>= ( const FilteredFloat< T > &  a,
const T &  b 
) [inline]

Definition at line 335 of file filtered_float.h.

template<typename T >
FilteredFloat<T> lass::num::operator+ ( const T &  a,
const FilteredFloat< T > &  b 
) [inline]

Definition at line 344 of file filtered_float.h.

template<typename T >
FilteredFloat<T> lass::num::operator- ( const T &  a,
const FilteredFloat< T > &  b 
) [inline]

Definition at line 352 of file filtered_float.h.

template<typename T >
FilteredFloat<T> lass::num::operator* ( const T &  a,
const FilteredFloat< T > &  b 
) [inline]

Definition at line 360 of file filtered_float.h.

template<typename T >
FilteredFloat<T> lass::num::operator/ ( const T &  a,
const FilteredFloat< T > &  b 
) [inline]

Definition at line 368 of file filtered_float.h.

template<typename T >
bool lass::num::operator== ( const T &  a,
const FilteredFloat< T > &  b 
) [inline]

Definition at line 376 of file filtered_float.h.

template<typename T >
bool lass::num::operator!= ( const T &  a,
const FilteredFloat< T > &  b 
) [inline]

Definition at line 382 of file filtered_float.h.

template<typename T >
bool lass::num::operator< ( const T &  a,
const FilteredFloat< T > &  b 
) [inline]

Definition at line 388 of file filtered_float.h.

template<typename T >
bool lass::num::operator> ( const T &  a,
const FilteredFloat< T > &  b 
) [inline]

Definition at line 394 of file filtered_float.h.

template<typename T >
bool lass::num::operator<= ( const T &  a,
const FilteredFloat< T > &  b 
) [inline]

Definition at line 400 of file filtered_float.h.

template<typename T >
bool lass::num::operator>= ( const T &  a,
const FilteredFloat< T > &  b 
) [inline]

Definition at line 406 of file filtered_float.h.

template<typename T >
FilteredFloat<T> lass::num::abs ( const FilteredFloat< T > &  v  )  [inline]

Definition at line 416 of file filtered_float.h.

References abs(), and lass::num::FilteredFloat< T >::value().

template<typename T >
FilteredFloat<T> lass::num::inv ( const FilteredFloat< T > &  v  )  [inline]

Definition at line 422 of file filtered_float.h.

References inv(), and lass::num::FilteredFloat< T >::value().

template<typename T >
FilteredFloat<T> lass::num::sqrt ( const FilteredFloat< T > &  v  )  [inline]

Definition at line 428 of file filtered_float.h.

References sqrt(), and lass::num::FilteredFloat< T >::value().

template<typename T >
FilteredFloat<T> lass::num::pow ( const FilteredFloat< T > &  v,
const FilteredFloat< T > &  p 
) [inline]

Definition at line 434 of file filtered_float.h.

References pow(), and lass::num::FilteredFloat< T >::value().

template<typename T >
FilteredFloat<T> lass::num::exp ( const FilteredFloat< T > &  v  )  [inline]

Definition at line 440 of file filtered_float.h.

References exp(), and lass::num::FilteredFloat< T >::value().

template<typename T >
FilteredFloat<T> lass::num::log ( const FilteredFloat< T > &  v  )  [inline]

Definition at line 446 of file filtered_float.h.

References log(), and lass::num::FilteredFloat< T >::value().

template<typename T >
FilteredFloat<T> lass::num::cos ( const FilteredFloat< T > &  v  )  [inline]

Definition at line 452 of file filtered_float.h.

References cos(), and lass::num::FilteredFloat< T >::value().

template<typename T >
FilteredFloat<T> lass::num::sin ( const FilteredFloat< T > &  v  )  [inline]

Definition at line 458 of file filtered_float.h.

References sin(), and lass::num::FilteredFloat< T >::value().

template<typename T >
FilteredFloat<T> lass::num::tan ( const FilteredFloat< T > &  v  )  [inline]

Definition at line 464 of file filtered_float.h.

References tan(), and lass::num::FilteredFloat< T >::value().

template<typename T >
FilteredFloat<T> lass::num::acos ( const FilteredFloat< T > &  v  )  [inline]

Definition at line 470 of file filtered_float.h.

References acos(), and lass::num::FilteredFloat< T >::value().

template<typename T >
FilteredFloat<T> lass::num::asin ( const FilteredFloat< T > &  v  )  [inline]

Definition at line 476 of file filtered_float.h.

References asin(), and lass::num::FilteredFloat< T >::value().

template<typename T >
FilteredFloat<T> lass::num::atan ( const FilteredFloat< T > &  v  )  [inline]

Definition at line 482 of file filtered_float.h.

References atan(), and lass::num::FilteredFloat< T >::value().

template<typename T >
FilteredFloat<T> lass::num::atan2 ( const FilteredFloat< T > &  y,
const FilteredFloat< T > &  x 
) [inline]

Definition at line 488 of file filtered_float.h.

References atan2(), and lass::num::FilteredFloat< T >::value().

template<typename T >
FilteredFloat<T> lass::num::floor ( const FilteredFloat< T > &  v  )  [inline]

Definition at line 494 of file filtered_float.h.

References floor(), and lass::num::FilteredFloat< T >::value().

template<typename T >
FilteredFloat<T> lass::num::ceil ( const FilteredFloat< T > &  v  )  [inline]

Definition at line 500 of file filtered_float.h.

References ceil(), and lass::num::FilteredFloat< T >::value().

template<typename T >
FilteredFloat<T> lass::num::round ( const FilteredFloat< T > &  v  )  [inline]

Definition at line 506 of file filtered_float.h.

References round(), and lass::num::FilteredFloat< T >::value().

template<typename T >
FilteredFloat<T> lass::num::fractional ( const FilteredFloat< T > &  v  )  [inline]

Definition at line 512 of file filtered_float.h.

References fractional(), and lass::num::FilteredFloat< T >::value().

template<typename T >
FilteredFloat<T> lass::num::div ( const FilteredFloat< T > &  v,
const FilteredFloat< T > &  m 
) [inline]

Definition at line 518 of file filtered_float.h.

References div(), and lass::num::FilteredFloat< T >::value().

template<typename T >
FilteredFloat<T> lass::num::mod ( const FilteredFloat< T > &  v,
const FilteredFloat< T > &  m 
) [inline]

Definition at line 524 of file filtered_float.h.

References mod(), and lass::num::FilteredFloat< T >::value().

template<class T >
bool lass::num::isNaN ( const FilteredFloat< T > &  v  )  [inline]

template<typename T , typename Char , typename Traits >
std::basic_ostream<Char, Traits>& lass::num::operator<< ( std::basic_ostream< Char, Traits > &  s,
const FilteredFloat< T > &  v 
) [inline]

Definition at line 577 of file filtered_float.h.

template<typename T , typename Char , typename Traits >
std::basic_istream<Char, Traits>& lass::num::operator>> ( std::basic_istream< Char, Traits > &  s,
FilteredFloat< T > &  v 
) [inline]

Definition at line 584 of file filtered_float.h.

References lass::stde::T.

template<typename T >
bool lass::num::almostEqual ( iA,
) [inline]

template<typename T >
bool lass::num::notAlmostEqual ( iA,
) [inline]

Definition at line 63 of file floating_point_comparison.h.

References almostEqual().

template<typename T >
bool lass::num::almostLess ( iA,
) [inline]

Definition at line 69 of file floating_point_comparison.h.

References almostEqual().

Referenced by almostInOpenRange().

template<typename T >
bool lass::num::almostGreater ( iA,
) [inline]

Definition at line 75 of file floating_point_comparison.h.

References almostEqual().

Referenced by almostInOpenRange().

template<typename T >
bool lass::num::almostLessOrEqual ( iA,
) [inline]

Definition at line 81 of file floating_point_comparison.h.

References almostEqual().

Referenced by almostInClosedRange().

template<typename T >
bool lass::num::almostGreaterOrEqual ( iA,
) [inline]

Definition at line 87 of file floating_point_comparison.h.

References almostEqual().

Referenced by almostInClosedRange().

template<typename T >
bool lass::num::almostInOpenRange ( iA,
) [inline]

Definition at line 93 of file floating_point_comparison.h.

References almostGreater(), and almostLess().

template<typename T >
bool lass::num::almostInClosedRange ( iA,
) [inline]

Definition at line 100 of file floating_point_comparison.h.

References almostGreaterOrEqual(), and almostLessOrEqual().

template<typename T >
Consistent<T> lass::num::operator+ ( const Consistent< T > &  a,
const Consistent< T > &  b 
) [inline]

Definition at line 129 of file floating_point_consistency.h.

template<typename T >
Consistent<T> lass::num::operator- ( const Consistent< T > &  a,
const Consistent< T > &  b 
) [inline]

Definition at line 137 of file floating_point_consistency.h.

template<typename T >
Consistent<T> lass::num::operator* ( const Consistent< T > &  a,
const Consistent< T > &  b 
) [inline]

Definition at line 145 of file floating_point_consistency.h.

template<typename T >
Consistent<T> lass::num::operator/ ( const Consistent< T > &  a,
const Consistent< T > &  b 
) [inline]

Definition at line 153 of file floating_point_consistency.h.

template<typename T >
bool lass::num::operator== ( const Consistent< T > &  a,
const Consistent< T > &  b 
) [inline]

Definition at line 161 of file floating_point_consistency.h.

References lass::num::Consistent< T >::value().

template<typename T >
bool lass::num::operator!= ( const Consistent< T > &  a,
const Consistent< T > &  b 
) [inline]

Definition at line 167 of file floating_point_consistency.h.

template<typename T >
bool lass::num::operator< ( const Consistent< T > &  a,
const Consistent< T > &  b 
) [inline]

Definition at line 173 of file floating_point_consistency.h.

template<typename T >
bool lass::num::operator> ( const Consistent< T > &  a,
const Consistent< T > &  b 
) [inline]

Definition at line 179 of file floating_point_consistency.h.

template<typename T >
bool lass::num::operator<= ( const Consistent< T > &  a,
const Consistent< T > &  b 
) [inline]

Definition at line 185 of file floating_point_consistency.h.

template<typename T >
bool lass::num::operator>= ( const Consistent< T > &  a,
const Consistent< T > &  b 
) [inline]

Definition at line 191 of file floating_point_consistency.h.

template<typename T >
Consistent<T> lass::num::operator+ ( const Consistent< T > &  a,
const T &  b 
) [inline]

Definition at line 200 of file floating_point_consistency.h.

template<typename T >
Consistent<T> lass::num::operator- ( const Consistent< T > &  a,
const T &  b 
) [inline]

Definition at line 208 of file floating_point_consistency.h.

template<typename T >
Consistent<T> lass::num::operator* ( const Consistent< T > &  a,
const T &  b 
) [inline]

Definition at line 216 of file floating_point_consistency.h.

template<typename T >
Consistent<T> lass::num::operator/ ( const Consistent< T > &  a,
const T &  b 
) [inline]

Definition at line 224 of file floating_point_consistency.h.

template<typename T >
bool lass::num::operator== ( const Consistent< T > &  a,
const T &  b 
) [inline]

Definition at line 232 of file floating_point_consistency.h.

template<typename T >
bool lass::num::operator!= ( const Consistent< T > &  a,
const T &  b 
) [inline]

Definition at line 238 of file floating_point_consistency.h.

template<typename T >
bool lass::num::operator< ( const Consistent< T > &  a,
const T &  b 
) [inline]

Definition at line 244 of file floating_point_consistency.h.

template<typename T >
bool lass::num::operator> ( const Consistent< T > &  a,
const T &  b 
) [inline]

Definition at line 250 of file floating_point_consistency.h.

template<typename T >
bool lass::num::operator<= ( const Consistent< T > &  a,
const T &  b 
) [inline]

Definition at line 256 of file floating_point_consistency.h.

template<typename T >
bool lass::num::operator>= ( const Consistent< T > &  a,
const T &  b 
) [inline]

Definition at line 262 of file floating_point_consistency.h.

template<typename T >
Consistent<T> lass::num::operator+ ( const T &  a,
const Consistent< T > &  b 
) [inline]

Definition at line 271 of file floating_point_consistency.h.

template<typename T >
Consistent<T> lass::num::operator- ( const T &  a,
const Consistent< T > &  b 
) [inline]

Definition at line 279 of file floating_point_consistency.h.

template<typename T >
Consistent<T> lass::num::operator* ( const T &  a,
const Consistent< T > &  b 
) [inline]

Definition at line 287 of file floating_point_consistency.h.

template<typename T >
Consistent<T> lass::num::operator/ ( const T &  a,
const Consistent< T > &  b 
) [inline]

Definition at line 295 of file floating_point_consistency.h.

template<typename T >
bool lass::num::operator== ( const T &  a,
const Consistent< T > &  b 
) [inline]

Definition at line 303 of file floating_point_consistency.h.

template<typename T >
bool lass::num::operator!= ( const T &  a,
const Consistent< T > &  b 
) [inline]

Definition at line 309 of file floating_point_consistency.h.

template<typename T >
bool lass::num::operator< ( const T &  a,
const Consistent< T > &  b 
) [inline]

Definition at line 315 of file floating_point_consistency.h.

template<typename T >
bool lass::num::operator> ( const T &  a,
const Consistent< T > &  b 
) [inline]

Definition at line 321 of file floating_point_consistency.h.

template<typename T >
bool lass::num::operator<= ( const T &  a,
const Consistent< T > &  b 
) [inline]

Definition at line 327 of file floating_point_consistency.h.

template<typename T >
bool lass::num::operator>= ( const T &  a,
const Consistent< T > &  b 
) [inline]

Definition at line 333 of file floating_point_consistency.h.

template<typename T >
Consistent<T> lass::num::abs ( const Consistent< T > &  v  )  [inline]

template<typename T >
Consistent<T> lass::num::inv ( const Consistent< T > &  v  )  [inline]

template<typename T >
Consistent<T> lass::num::sqrt ( Consistent< T >  v  )  [inline]

Definition at line 361 of file floating_point_consistency.h.

References sqrt(), and lass::num::Consistent< T >::value().

template<typename T >
Consistent<T> lass::num::pow ( const Consistent< T > &  v,
const Consistent< T > &  p 
) [inline]

Definition at line 367 of file floating_point_consistency.h.

References pow(), and lass::num::Consistent< T >::value().

template<typename T >
Consistent<T> lass::num::exp ( const Consistent< T > &  v  )  [inline]

Definition at line 373 of file floating_point_consistency.h.

References exp(), and lass::num::Consistent< T >::value().

template<typename T >
Consistent<T> lass::num::log ( const Consistent< T > &  v  )  [inline]

Definition at line 379 of file floating_point_consistency.h.

References log(), and lass::num::Consistent< T >::value().

template<typename T >
Consistent<T> lass::num::cos ( const Consistent< T > &  v  )  [inline]

Definition at line 385 of file floating_point_consistency.h.

References cos(), and lass::num::Consistent< T >::value().

template<typename T >
Consistent<T> lass::num::sin ( const Consistent< T > &  v  )  [inline]

template<typename T >
Consistent<T> lass::num::tan ( const Consistent< T > &  v  )  [inline]

Definition at line 397 of file floating_point_consistency.h.

References tan(), and lass::num::Consistent< T >::value().

template<typename T >
Consistent<T> lass::num::acos ( const Consistent< T > &  v  )  [inline]

template<typename T >
Consistent<T> lass::num::asin ( const Consistent< T > &  v  )  [inline]

Definition at line 409 of file floating_point_consistency.h.

References asin(), and lass::num::Consistent< T >::value().

template<typename T >
Consistent<T> lass::num::atan ( const Consistent< T > &  v  )  [inline]

Definition at line 415 of file floating_point_consistency.h.

References atan(), and lass::num::Consistent< T >::value().

template<typename T >
Consistent<T> lass::num::atan2 ( const Consistent< T > &  y,
const Consistent< T > &  x 
) [inline]

Definition at line 421 of file floating_point_consistency.h.

References atan2(), and lass::num::Consistent< T >::value().

template<typename T >
Consistent<T> lass::num::floor ( const Consistent< T > &  v  )  [inline]

template<typename T >
Consistent<T> lass::num::ceil ( const Consistent< T > &  v  )  [inline]

Definition at line 433 of file floating_point_consistency.h.

References ceil(), and lass::num::Consistent< T >::value().

template<typename T >
Consistent<T> lass::num::round ( const Consistent< T > &  v  )  [inline]

Definition at line 439 of file floating_point_consistency.h.

References round(), and lass::num::Consistent< T >::value().

template<typename T >
Consistent<T> lass::num::fractional ( const Consistent< T > &  v  )  [inline]

template<typename T >
Consistent<T> lass::num::div ( const Consistent< T > &  v,
const Consistent< T > &  m 
) [inline]

Definition at line 451 of file floating_point_consistency.h.

References div(), and lass::num::Consistent< T >::value().

template<typename T >
Consistent<T> lass::num::mod ( const Consistent< T > &  v,
const Consistent< T > &  m 
) [inline]

template<class T >
bool lass::num::isNaN ( const Consistent< T > &  v  )  [inline]

Definition at line 504 of file floating_point_consistency.h.

References isNaN().

template<typename T , typename Char , typename Traits >
std::basic_ostream<Char, Traits>& lass::num::operator<< ( std::basic_ostream< Char, Traits > &  s,
const Consistent< T > &  v 
) [inline]

Definition at line 510 of file floating_point_consistency.h.

template<typename T , typename Char , typename Traits >
std::basic_istream<Char, Traits>& lass::num::operator>> ( std::basic_istream< Char, Traits > &  s,
Consistent< T > &  v 
) [inline]

Definition at line 517 of file floating_point_consistency.h.

References lass::stde::T.

template<typename C >
void lass::num::inpsqr ( interval< C > &  i  )  [inline]

Definition at line 745 of file interval.h.

template<typename C >
void lass::num::inpsqrt ( interval< C > &  i  )  [inline]

Definition at line 757 of file interval.h.

template<typename C >
void lass::num::inpexp ( interval< C > &  i  )  [inline]

Definition at line 764 of file interval.h.

template<typename C >
void lass::num::inplog ( interval< C > &  i  )  [inline]

Definition at line 771 of file interval.h.

template<typename C >
void lass::num::inpnorm ( interval< C > &  i  )  [inline]

Definition at line 778 of file interval.h.

template<typename C >
void lass::num::inpinv ( interval< C > &  i  )  [inline]

Definition at line 785 of file interval.h.

template<typename C , typename F >
interval<C> lass::num::applyFunction ( const interval< C > &  i,
) [inline]

template<typename C >
interval< C > lass::num::operator+ ( const interval< C > &  i1,
const interval< C > &  i2 
) [inline]

Definition at line 656 of file interval.h.

template<typename C >
interval< C > lass::num::operator- ( const interval< C > &  i1,
const interval< C > &  i2 
) [inline]

Definition at line 664 of file interval.h.

template<typename C >
interval< C > lass::num::operator* ( const interval< C > &  i1,
const interval< C > &  i2 
) [inline]

Definition at line 672 of file interval.h.

template<typename C >
interval< C > lass::num::operator/ ( const interval< C > &  i1,
const interval< C > &  i2 
) [inline]

Definition at line 680 of file interval.h.

template<typename C >
std::ostream & lass::num::operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
const interval< C > &  iV 
) [inline]

Definition at line 483 of file interval.h.

template<typename C >
std::string lass::num::str ( const interval< C > &  iV  )  [inline]

Definition at line 489 of file interval.h.

Referenced by str().

template<typename C >
interval< C > lass::num::sqr ( const interval< C > &  i  )  [inline]

Definition at line 793 of file interval.h.

template<typename C >
interval< C > lass::num::sqrt ( const interval< C > &  i  )  [inline]

Definition at line 807 of file interval.h.

template<typename C >
interval< C > lass::num::exp ( const interval< C > &  i  )  [inline]

Definition at line 813 of file interval.h.

template<typename C >
interval< C > lass::num::log ( const interval< C > &  i  )  [inline]

Definition at line 819 of file interval.h.

template<typename C >
interval< C > lass::num::set_union ( const interval< C > &  i1,
const interval< C > &  i2 
) [inline]

Definition at line 825 of file interval.h.

template<typename C >
interval< C > lass::num::set_intersect ( const interval< C > &  i1,
const interval< C > &  i2 
) [inline]

Definition at line 831 of file interval.h.

template<typename C , typename f >
interval<C> lass::num::applyFunction ( const interval< C > &  iV,
) [inline]

Definition at line 838 of file interval.h.

template<typename T , typename S1 , typename S2 >
bool lass::num::operator== ( const Matrix< T, S1 > &  iA,
const Matrix< T, S2 > &  iB 
) [related]

template<typename T , typename S1 , typename S2 >
bool lass::num::operator!= ( const Matrix< T, S1 > &  iA,
const Matrix< T, S2 > &  iB 
) [related]

template<typename T , typename S1 , typename S2 >
const Matrix<T, impl::MAdd<T, S1, S2> > lass::num::operator+ ( const Matrix< T, S1 > &  iA,
const Matrix< T, S2 > &  iB 
) [related]

template<typename T , typename S1 , typename S2 >
const Matrix<T, impl::MSub<T, S1, S2> > lass::num::operator- ( const Matrix< T, S1 > &  iA,
const Matrix< T, S2 > &  iB 
) [related]

template<typename T , typename S1 , typename S2 >
const Matrix<T, impl::MProd<T, S1, S2> > lass::num::operator* ( const Matrix< T, S1 > &  iA,
const Matrix< T, S2 > &  iB 
) [related]

template<typename T , typename S >
const Matrix<T, impl::MAdd<T, impl::MScalar<T>, S> > lass::num::operator+ ( const T &  iA,
const Matrix< T, S > &  iB 
) [related]

template<typename T , typename S >
const Matrix<T, impl::MSub<T, impl::MScalar<T>, S> > lass::num::operator- ( const T &  iA,
const Matrix< T, S > &  iB 
) [related]

template<typename T , typename S >
const Matrix<T, impl::MMul<T, impl::MScalar<T>, S> > lass::num::operator* ( const T &  iA,
const Matrix< T, S > &  iB 
) [related]

template<typename T , typename S >
const Matrix<T, impl::MAdd<T, S, impl::MScalar<T> > > lass::num::operator+ ( const Matrix< T, S > &  iA,
const T &  iB 
) [related]

template<typename T , typename S >
const Matrix<T, impl::MAdd<T, S, impl::MScalar<T> > > lass::num::operator- ( const Matrix< T, S > &  iA,
const T &  iB 
) [related]

template<typename T , typename S >
const Matrix<T, impl::MMul<T, S, impl::MScalar<T> > > lass::num::operator* ( const Matrix< T, S > &  iA,
const T &  iB 
) [related]

template<typename T , typename S >
const Matrix<T, impl::MMul<T, S, impl::MScalar<T> > > lass::num::operator/ ( const Matrix< T, S > &  iA,
const T &  iB 
) [related]

template<typename T , typename S , typename S2 >
bool lass::num::solve ( const Matrix< T, S > &  iA,
Matrix< T, S2 > &  ioB 
) [related]

Referenced by solve().

template<typename T , typename S , typename Char , typename Traits >
std::basic_ostream<Char, Traits>& lass::num::operator<< ( std::basic_ostream< Char, Traits > &  iS,
const Matrix< T, S > &  iA 
) [related]

template<typename T , typename S1 , typename S2 >
Vector< T, impl::MVRightProd< T, S1, S2 > > operator* ( const Matrix< T, S1 > &  iA,
const Vector< T, S2 > &  iB 
) [inline]

template<typename T , typename S >
Matrix< T, impl::MVDiag< T, S > > diagonal ( const Vector< T, S > &  iB  )  [inline]

Create diagonal matrix from vector.

See also:

Definition at line 89 of file matrix_vector.inl.

References lass::num::Vector< T, S >::storage().

template<typename T , typename S >
bool solve ( const Matrix< T, S > &  iA,
Vector< T > &  iB 
) [inline]

Solves set of equation A * X == B.

See also:

Definition at line 103 of file matrix_vector.inl.

References solve(), and lass::num::Vector< T, S >::storage().

template<unsigned N, typename T >
bool lass::num::operator== ( const Modulo< N, T > &  iA,
const Modulo< N, T > &  iB 
) [inline]

Definition at line 217 of file modulo.inl.

References lass::num::Modulo< N, T >::value().

template<unsigned N, typename T >
bool lass::num::operator!= ( const Modulo< N, T > &  iA,
const Modulo< N, T > &  iB 
) [inline]

Definition at line 225 of file modulo.inl.

template<unsigned N, typename T >
bool lass::num::operator< ( const Modulo< N, T > &  iA,
const Modulo< N, T > &  iB 
) [inline]

Definition at line 233 of file modulo.inl.

template<unsigned N, typename T >
bool lass::num::operator> ( const Modulo< N, T > &  iA,
const Modulo< N, T > &  iB 
) [inline]

Definition at line 241 of file modulo.inl.

template<unsigned N, typename T >
bool lass::num::operator<= ( const Modulo< N, T > &  iA,
const Modulo< N, T > &  iB 
) [inline]

Definition at line 249 of file modulo.inl.

template<unsigned N, typename T >
bool lass::num::operator>= ( const Modulo< N, T > &  iA,
const Modulo< N, T > &  iB 
) [inline]

Definition at line 257 of file modulo.inl.

template<unsigned N, typename T >
std::ostream& lass::num::operator<< ( std::ostream &  iS,
const Modulo< N, T > &  iM 
) [inline]

template<unsigned N, typename T >
std::istream & lass::num::operator>> ( std::istream &  iS,
Modulo< N, T > &  iM 
) [inline]

Definition at line 274 of file modulo.inl.

References LASS_ENFORCE.

template<unsigned N, typename T >
std::ostream& lass::num::operator<< ( std::ostream &  oS,
Modulo< N, T >  iM 
) [inline]

Definition at line 265 of file modulo.inl.

template<class C >
bool lass::num::isNaN ( const C &  iV  )  [inline]

Definition at line 98 of file num_traits.h.

template<class C >
bool lass::num::isInf ( const C &  iV  )  [inline]

return true if iV equals minus or plus Infinity

Definition at line 110 of file num_traits.h.

template<typename T >
bool lass::num::operator== ( const Polynomial< T > &  iA,
const Polynomial< T > &  iB 
) [inline]

Definition at line 371 of file polynomial.inl.

References lass::num::Polynomial< T >::coefficients().

template<typename T >
bool lass::num::operator!= ( const Polynomial< T > &  iA,
const Polynomial< T > &  iB 
) [inline]

Definition at line 395 of file polynomial.inl.

template<typename T >
Polynomial< T > lass::num::operator+ ( const Polynomial< T > &  iA,
const Polynomial< T > &  iB 
) [inline]

Definition at line 403 of file polynomial.inl.

template<typename T >
Polynomial< T > lass::num::operator- ( const Polynomial< T > &  iA,
const Polynomial< T > &  iB 
) [inline]

Definition at line 413 of file polynomial.inl.

template<typename T >
Polynomial< T > lass::num::operator* ( const Polynomial< T > &  iA,
const Polynomial< T > &  iB 
) [inline]

Definition at line 423 of file polynomial.inl.

template<typename T >
Polynomial< T > lass::num::operator+ ( const T &  iA,
const Polynomial< T > &  iB 
) [inline]

Definition at line 433 of file polynomial.inl.

template<typename T >
Polynomial< T > lass::num::operator- ( const T &  iA,
const Polynomial< T > &  iB 
) [inline]

Definition at line 443 of file polynomial.inl.

template<typename T >
Polynomial< T > lass::num::operator* ( const T &  iA,
const Polynomial< T > &  iB 
) [inline]

Definition at line 453 of file polynomial.inl.

template<typename T >
Polynomial< T > lass::num::operator+ ( const Polynomial< T > &  iA,
const T &  iB 
) [inline]

Definition at line 463 of file polynomial.inl.

template<typename T >
Polynomial< T > lass::num::operator- ( const Polynomial< T > &  iA,
const T &  iB 
) [inline]

Definition at line 473 of file polynomial.inl.

template<typename T >
Polynomial< T > lass::num::operator* ( const Polynomial< T > &  iA,
const T &  iB 
) [inline]

Definition at line 483 of file polynomial.inl.

template<typename T >
Polynomial< T > lass::num::operator/ ( const Polynomial< T > &  iA,
const T &  iB 
) [inline]

Definition at line 493 of file polynomial.inl.

template<typename T , typename Char , typename Traits >
std::basic_ostream< Char, Traits > & lass::num::operator<< ( std::basic_ostream< Char, Traits > &  iS,
const Polynomial< T > &  iA 
) [inline]

Definition at line 504 of file polynomial.inl.

References lass::num::Polynomial< T >::coefficients(), and lass::stde::T.

template<typename T >
bool lass::num::operator== ( const PolynomialQuotient< T > &  a,
const PolynomialQuotient< T > &  b 
) [inline]

template<typename T >
bool lass::num::operator!= ( const PolynomialQuotient< T > &  a,
const PolynomialQuotient< T > &  b 
) [inline]

Definition at line 358 of file polynomial_quotient.inl.

template<typename T >
PolynomialQuotient< T > lass::num::operator+ ( const PolynomialQuotient< T > &  a,
const PolynomialQuotient< T > &  b 
) [inline]

Definition at line 366 of file polynomial_quotient.inl.

template<typename T >
PolynomialQuotient< T > lass::num::operator- ( const PolynomialQuotient< T > &  a,
const PolynomialQuotient< T > &  b 
) [inline]

Definition at line 376 of file polynomial_quotient.inl.

template<typename T >
PolynomialQuotient< T > lass::num::operator* ( const PolynomialQuotient< T > &  a,
const PolynomialQuotient< T > &  b 
) [inline]

Definition at line 386 of file polynomial_quotient.inl.

template<typename T >
PolynomialQuotient< T > lass::num::operator/ ( const PolynomialQuotient< T > &  a,
const PolynomialQuotient< T > &  b 
) [inline]

Definition at line 396 of file polynomial_quotient.inl.

template<typename T >
PolynomialQuotient< T > lass::num::operator+ ( const Polynomial< T > &  a,
const PolynomialQuotient< T > &  b 
) [inline]

Definition at line 446 of file polynomial_quotient.inl.

template<typename T >
PolynomialQuotient< T > lass::num::operator- ( const Polynomial< T > &  a,
const PolynomialQuotient< T > &  b 
) [inline]

Definition at line 456 of file polynomial_quotient.inl.

template<typename T >
PolynomialQuotient< T > lass::num::operator* ( const Polynomial< T > &  a,
const PolynomialQuotient< T > &  b 
) [inline]

Definition at line 466 of file polynomial_quotient.inl.

template<typename T >
PolynomialQuotient< T > lass::num::operator/ ( const Polynomial< T > &  a,
const PolynomialQuotient< T > &  b 
) [inline]

Definition at line 476 of file polynomial_quotient.inl.

template<typename T >
PolynomialQuotient< T > lass::num::operator+ ( const PolynomialQuotient< T > &  a,
const Polynomial< T > &  b 
) [inline]

Definition at line 406 of file polynomial_quotient.inl.

template<typename T >
PolynomialQuotient< T > lass::num::operator- ( const PolynomialQuotient< T > &  a,
const Polynomial< T > &  b 
) [inline]

Definition at line 416 of file polynomial_quotient.inl.

template<typename T >
PolynomialQuotient< T > lass::num::operator* ( const PolynomialQuotient< T > &  a,
const Polynomial< T > &  b 
) [inline]

Definition at line 426 of file polynomial_quotient.inl.

template<typename T >
PolynomialQuotient< T > lass::num::operator/ ( const PolynomialQuotient< T > &  a,
const Polynomial< T > &  b 
) [inline]

Definition at line 436 of file polynomial_quotient.inl.

template<typename T >
PolynomialQuotient< T > lass::num::operator+ ( const T &  a,
const PolynomialQuotient< T > &  b 
) [inline]

Definition at line 486 of file polynomial_quotient.inl.

template<typename T >
PolynomialQuotient< T > lass::num::operator- ( const T &  a,
const PolynomialQuotient< T > &  b 
) [inline]

Definition at line 496 of file polynomial_quotient.inl.

template<typename T >
PolynomialQuotient< T > lass::num::operator* ( const T &  a,
const PolynomialQuotient< T > &  b 
) [inline]

Definition at line 506 of file polynomial_quotient.inl.

template<typename T >
PolynomialQuotient< T > lass::num::operator/ ( const T &  a,
const PolynomialQuotient< T > &  b 
) [inline]

Definition at line 516 of file polynomial_quotient.inl.

template<typename T >
PolynomialQuotient< T > lass::num::operator+ ( const PolynomialQuotient< T > &  a,
const T &  b 
) [inline]

Definition at line 526 of file polynomial_quotient.inl.

template<typename T >
PolynomialQuotient< T > lass::num::operator- ( const PolynomialQuotient< T > &  a,
const T &  b 
) [inline]

Definition at line 536 of file polynomial_quotient.inl.

template<typename T >
PolynomialQuotient< T > lass::num::operator* ( const PolynomialQuotient< T > &  a,
const T &  b 
) [inline]

Definition at line 546 of file polynomial_quotient.inl.

template<typename T >
PolynomialQuotient< T > lass::num::operator/ ( const PolynomialQuotient< T > &  a,
const T &  b 
) [inline]

Definition at line 556 of file polynomial_quotient.inl.

template<typename T >
PolynomialQuotient< T > lass::num::operator/ ( const Polynomial< T > &  a,
const Polynomial< T > &  b 
) [inline]

Definition at line 566 of file polynomial_quotient.inl.

template<typename T , typename Char , typename Traits >
std::basic_ostream< Char, Traits > & lass::num::operator<< ( std::basic_ostream< Char, Traits > &  s,
const PolynomialQuotient< T > &  a 
) [inline]

Definition at line 575 of file polynomial_quotient.inl.

std::string lass::num::str ( float  iV  )  [inline]

std::string lass::num::str ( double  iV  )  [inline]

template<class C >
std::string lass::num::str ( const std::complex< C > &  iV  )  [inline]

use util::stringCast
use util::stringCast

Definition at line 139 of file stringify.h.

References str().

std::string lass::num::str ( int  iV  )  [inline]

std::string lass::num::str ( long  iV  )  [inline]

LASS_DLL TriBool LASS_CALL lass::num::operator== ( TriBool  iA,
TriBool  iB 

LASS_DLL TriBool LASS_CALL lass::num::operator!= ( TriBool  iA,
TriBool  iB 

LASS_DLL TriBool LASS_CALL lass::num::operator&& ( TriBool  iA,
TriBool  iB 

LASS_DLL TriBool LASS_CALL lass::num::operator|| ( TriBool  iA,
TriBool  iB 

LASS_DLL std::ostream& LASS_CALL lass::num::operator<< ( std::ostream &  ioS,
TriBool  iB 

template<typename T , typename S1 , typename S2 >
bool lass::num::operator== ( const Vector< T > &  iA,
const Vector< T > &  iB 
) [inline]

template<typename T , typename S1 , typename S2 >
bool lass::num::operator!= ( const Vector< T > &  iA,
const Vector< T > &  iB 
) [inline]

template<typename T , typename S1 , typename S2 >
const T lass::num::dot ( const Vector< T, S1 > &  iA,
const Vector< T, S2 > &  iB 
) [related]

template<typename T , typename S1 , typename S2 >
const Vector<T, impl::VAdd<T, S1, S2> > lass::num::operator+ ( const Vector< T, S1 > &  iA,
const Vector< T, S2 > &  iB 
) [related]

template<typename T , typename S1 , typename S2 >
const Vector<T, impl::VSub<T, S1, S2> > lass::num::operator- ( const Vector< T, S1 > &  iA,
const Vector< T, S2 > &  iB 
) [related]

template<typename T , typename S1 , typename S2 >
const Vector<T, impl::VMul<T, S1, S2> > lass::num::operator* ( const Vector< T, S1 > &  iA,
const Vector< T, S2 > &  iB 
) [related]

template<typename T , typename S1 , typename S2 >
const Vector<T, impl::VDiv<T, S1, S2> > lass::num::operator/ ( const Vector< T, S1 > &  iA,
const Vector< T, S2 > &  iB 
) [related]

template<typename T , typename S >
const Vector<T, impl::VAdd<T, impl::VScalar<T>, S> > lass::num::operator+ ( const T &  iA,
const Vector< T, S > &  iB 
) [related]

template<typename T , typename S >
const Vector<T, impl::VSub<T, impl::VScalar<T>, S> > lass::num::operator- ( const T &  iA,
const Vector< T, S > &  iB 
) [related]

template<typename T , typename S >
const Vector<T, impl::VMul<T, impl::VScalar<T>, S> > lass::num::operator* ( const T &  iA,
const Vector< T, S > &  iB 
) [related]

template<typename T , typename S >
const Vector<T, impl::VDiv<T, impl::VScalar<T>, S> > lass::num::operator/ ( const T &  iA,
const Vector< T, S > &  iB 
) [related]

template<typename T , typename S >
const Vector<T, impl::VAdd<T, S, impl::VScalar<T> > > lass::num::operator+ ( const Vector< T, S > &  iA,
const T &  iB 
) [related]

template<typename T , typename S >
const Vector<T, impl::VSub<T, S, impl::VScalar<T> > > lass::num::operator- ( const Vector< T, S > &  iA,
const T &  iB 
) [related]

template<typename T , typename S >
const Vector<T, impl::VMul<T, S, impl::VScalar<T> > > lass::num::operator* ( const Vector< T, S > &  iA,
const T &  iB 
) [related]

template<typename T , typename S >
const Vector<T, impl::VDiv<T, S, impl::VScalar<T> > > lass::num::operator/ ( const Vector< T, S > &  iA,
const T &  iB 
) [related]

template<typename T , typename S , typename Char , typename Traits >
std::basic_ostream<Char, Traits>& lass::num::operator<< ( std::basic_ostream< Char, Traits > &  iS,
const Vector< T, S > &  iA 
) [inline]

template<typename T , typename S , typename Char , typename Traits >
std::basic_istream<Char, Traits>& lass::num::operator>> ( std::basic_istream< Char, Traits > &  iS,
Vector< T > &  iB 
) [inline]

Variable Documentation

struct LASS_DLL lass::num::NumTraits< float >

Definition at line 74 of file num_traits.cpp.

struct LASS_DLL lass::num::NumTraits< double >

Definition at line 104 of file num_traits.cpp.

struct LASS_DLL lass::num::NumTraits< long double >

Definition at line 134 of file num_traits.cpp.

const SafeBool lass::num::safeTrue = &impl::Dummy::method

Definition at line 70 of file safe_bool.h.

Referenced by lass::stde::iterator_range< iterator_type >::operator const num::SafeBool(), lass::stde::integral_range_t< integral_type >::operator const num::SafeBool(), lass::io::StreamBase::operator num::SafeBool(), lass::util::SmartI< I >::operator num::SafeBool(), lass::util::SharedPtr< lass::util::impl::Dispatcher13< P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6, P7, P8, P9, P10, P11, P12, P13 > >::operator num::SafeBool(), lass::util::ScopedPtr< lass::util::Thread >::operator num::SafeBool(), lass::util::experimental::Future< T >::operator num::SafeBool(), lass::util::CallbackR9< R, P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6, P7, P8, P9 >::operator num::SafeBool(), lass::util::CallbackR8< R, P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6, P7, P8 >::operator num::SafeBool(), lass::util::CallbackR7< R, P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6, P7 >::operator num::SafeBool(), lass::util::CallbackR6< R, P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6 >::operator num::SafeBool(), lass::util::CallbackR5< R, P1, P2, P3, P4, P5 >::operator num::SafeBool(), lass::util::CallbackR4< R, P1, P2, P3, P4 >::operator num::SafeBool(), lass::util::CallbackR3< R, P1, P2, P3 >::operator num::SafeBool(), lass::util::CallbackR2< R, P1, P2 >::operator num::SafeBool(), lass::util::CallbackR15< R, P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6, P7, P8, P9, P10, P11, P12, P13, P14, P15 >::operator num::SafeBool(), lass::util::CallbackR14< R, P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6, P7, P8, P9, P10, P11, P12, P13, P14 >::operator num::SafeBool(), lass::util::CallbackR13< R, P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6, P7, P8, P9, P10, P11, P12, P13 >::operator num::SafeBool(), lass::util::CallbackR12< R, P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6, P7, P8, P9, P10, P11, P12 >::operator num::SafeBool(), lass::util::CallbackR11< R, P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6, P7, P8, P9, P10, P11 >::operator num::SafeBool(), lass::util::CallbackR10< R, P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6, P7, P8, P9, P10 >::operator num::SafeBool(), lass::util::CallbackR1< R, P1 >::operator num::SafeBool(), lass::util::CallbackR0< R >::operator num::SafeBool(), lass::util::Callback9< P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6, P7, P8, P9 >::operator num::SafeBool(), lass::util::Callback8< P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6, P7, P8 >::operator num::SafeBool(), lass::util::Callback7< P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6, P7 >::operator num::SafeBool(), lass::util::Callback6< P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6 >::operator num::SafeBool(), lass::util::Callback5< P1, P2, P3, P4, P5 >::operator num::SafeBool(), lass::util::Callback4< P1, P2, P3, P4 >::operator num::SafeBool(), lass::util::Callback3< P1, P2, P3 >::operator num::SafeBool(), lass::util::Callback2< P1, P2 >::operator num::SafeBool(), lass::util::Callback15< P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6, P7, P8, P9, P10, P11, P12, P13, P14, P15 >::operator num::SafeBool(), lass::util::Callback14< P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6, P7, P8, P9, P10, P11, P12, P13, P14 >::operator num::SafeBool(), lass::util::Callback13< P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6, P7, P8, P9, P10, P11, P12, P13 >::operator num::SafeBool(), lass::util::Callback12< P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6, P7, P8, P9, P10, P11, P12 >::operator num::SafeBool(), lass::util::Callback11< P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6, P7, P8, P9, P10, P11 >::operator num::SafeBool(), lass::util::Callback10< P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6, P7, P8, P9, P10 >::operator num::SafeBool(), lass::util::Callback1< P1 >::operator num::SafeBool(), lass::util::Callback0::operator num::SafeBool(), lass::util::TaggedPtr< lass::stde::lock_free_queue::node_t >::operator num::SafeBool(), and lass::io::ArgParameter::operator num::SafeBool().

Definition at line 71 of file safe_bool.h.

Referenced by lass::stde::iterator_range< iterator_type >::operator const num::SafeBool(), lass::stde::integral_range_t< integral_type >::operator const num::SafeBool(), lass::io::StreamBase::operator num::SafeBool(), lass::util::SmartI< I >::operator num::SafeBool(), lass::util::SharedPtr< lass::util::impl::Dispatcher13< P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6, P7, P8, P9, P10, P11, P12, P13 > >::operator num::SafeBool(), lass::util::ScopedPtr< lass::util::Thread >::operator num::SafeBool(), lass::util::experimental::Future< T >::operator num::SafeBool(), lass::util::CallbackR9< R, P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6, P7, P8, P9 >::operator num::SafeBool(), lass::util::CallbackR8< R, P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6, P7, P8 >::operator num::SafeBool(), lass::util::CallbackR7< R, P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6, P7 >::operator num::SafeBool(), lass::util::CallbackR6< R, P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6 >::operator num::SafeBool(), lass::util::CallbackR5< R, P1, P2, P3, P4, P5 >::operator num::SafeBool(), lass::util::CallbackR4< R, P1, P2, P3, P4 >::operator num::SafeBool(), lass::util::CallbackR3< R, P1, P2, P3 >::operator num::SafeBool(), lass::util::CallbackR2< R, P1, P2 >::operator num::SafeBool(), lass::util::CallbackR15< R, P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6, P7, P8, P9, P10, P11, P12, P13, P14, P15 >::operator num::SafeBool(), lass::util::CallbackR14< R, P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6, P7, P8, P9, P10, P11, P12, P13, P14 >::operator num::SafeBool(), lass::util::CallbackR13< R, P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6, P7, P8, P9, P10, P11, P12, P13 >::operator num::SafeBool(), lass::util::CallbackR12< R, P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6, P7, P8, P9, P10, P11, P12 >::operator num::SafeBool(), lass::util::CallbackR11< R, P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6, P7, P8, P9, P10, P11 >::operator num::SafeBool(), lass::util::CallbackR10< R, P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6, P7, P8, P9, P10 >::operator num::SafeBool(), lass::util::CallbackR1< R, P1 >::operator num::SafeBool(), lass::util::CallbackR0< R >::operator num::SafeBool(), lass::util::Callback9< P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6, P7, P8, P9 >::operator num::SafeBool(), lass::util::Callback8< P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6, P7, P8 >::operator num::SafeBool(), lass::util::Callback7< P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6, P7 >::operator num::SafeBool(), lass::util::Callback6< P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6 >::operator num::SafeBool(), lass::util::Callback5< P1, P2, P3, P4, P5 >::operator num::SafeBool(), lass::util::Callback4< P1, P2, P3, P4 >::operator num::SafeBool(), lass::util::Callback3< P1, P2, P3 >::operator num::SafeBool(), lass::util::Callback2< P1, P2 >::operator num::SafeBool(), lass::util::Callback15< P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6, P7, P8, P9, P10, P11, P12, P13, P14, P15 >::operator num::SafeBool(), lass::util::Callback14< P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6, P7, P8, P9, P10, P11, P12, P13, P14 >::operator num::SafeBool(), lass::util::Callback13< P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6, P7, P8, P9, P10, P11, P12, P13 >::operator num::SafeBool(), lass::util::Callback12< P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6, P7, P8, P9, P10, P11, P12 >::operator num::SafeBool(), lass::util::Callback11< P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6, P7, P8, P9, P10, P11 >::operator num::SafeBool(), lass::util::Callback10< P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6, P7, P8, P9, P10 >::operator num::SafeBool(), lass::util::Callback1< P1 >::operator num::SafeBool(), lass::util::Callback0::operator num::SafeBool(), lass::util::TaggedPtr< lass::stde::lock_free_queue::node_t >::operator num::SafeBool(), and lass::io::ArgParameter::operator num::SafeBool().

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