library of assembled shared sources


Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 /** @file
00002  *  @author Bram de Greve (
00003  *  @author Tom De Muer (
00004  *
00006  *  
00007  *  The contents of this file are subject to the Common Public Attribution License 
00008  *  Version 1.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with 
00009  *  the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at 
00010  * The License is based on the 
00011  *  Mozilla Public License Version 1.1 but Sections 14 and 15 have been added to cover 
00012  *  use of software over a computer network and provide for limited attribution for 
00013  *  the Original Developer. In addition, Exhibit A has been modified to be consistent 
00014  *  with Exhibit B.
00015  *  
00016  *  Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT 
00017  *  WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific 
00018  *  language governing rights and limitations under the License.
00019  *  
00020  *  The Original Code is LASS - Library of Assembled Shared Sources.
00021  *  
00022  *  The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Bram de Greve and Tom De Muer.
00023  *  The Original Developer is the Initial Developer.
00024  *  
00025  *  All portions of the code written by the Initial Developer are:
00026  *  Copyright (C) 2004-2007 the Initial Developer.
00027  *  All Rights Reserved.
00028  *  
00029  *  Contributor(s):
00030  *
00031  *  Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of the 
00032  *  GNU General Public License Version 2 or later (the GPL), in which case the 
00033  *  provisions of GPL are applicable instead of those above.  If you wish to allow use
00034  *  of your version of this file only under the terms of the GPL and not to allow 
00035  *  others to use your version of this file under the CPAL, indicate your decision by 
00036  *  deleting the provisions above and replace them with the notice and other 
00037  *  provisions required by the GPL License. If you do not delete the provisions above,
00038  *  a recipient may use your version of this file under either the CPAL or the GPL.
00039  *  
00041  */
00046 /** @class lass::spat::PlanarMesh
00047  *  @brief a planar mesh
00048  *  @author Tom De Muer [TDM]
00049  *  @par Credits:
00050  *      This code is inspired on the code of Dani Lischinski distributed under the GPL (Graphics Gems IV)
00051  */
00056 #include "spat_common.h"
00057 #include "quad_edge.h"
00058 #include "../prim/point_2d.h"
00059 #include "../prim/aabb_2d.h"
00060 #include "../prim/ray_2d.h"
00061 #include "../prim/line_2d.h"
00062 #include "../prim/line_segment_2d.h"
00063 #include "../prim/simple_polygon_2d.h"
00064 #include "../prim/triangle_2d.h"
00065 #include "../prim/side.h"
00066 #include "../util/callback_r_1.h"
00067 #include "../util/callback_r_2.h"
00068 #include "../util/callback_r_3.h"
00069 #include "../io/matlab_o_stream.h"
00070 #include "../meta/tuple.h"
00071 #include "../stde/extended_iterator.h"
00073 #define DEBUG_MESH  0
00075 namespace lass
00076 {
00077 namespace spat
00078 {
00079     #define TEMPLATE_DEF    template< \
00080         typename T, \
00081         typename PointHandle, \
00082         typename EdgeHandle,  \
00083         typename FaceHandle >
00085     namespace impl
00086     {
00087         TEMPLATE_DEF class EdgeToMatlab;
00088         TEMPLATE_DEF class EdgeGatherer;
00089         TEMPLATE_DEF class EdgeMarker;
00090     }
00092     namespace experimental
00093     {
00094         struct ObjectAllocator: 
00095             private util::AllocatorThrow<
00096                 util::AllocatorBinned<
00097                     util::AllocatorSimpleBlock<>, 512
00098                 >
00099             >       
00100         {
00101             template <typename T> T* const make(const T& x)
00102             {
00103                 T* const p = static_cast<T*>(allocate(sizeof(T)));
00104                 try
00105                 {
00106                     new (p) T(x);
00107                 }
00108                 catch (...)
00109                 {
00110                     deallocate(p, sizeof(T));
00111                     throw;
00112                 }
00113                 return p;
00114             }
00115             template <typename T> void free(T* p)
00116             {
00117                 if (p)
00118                 {
00119                     p->~T();
00120                     deallocate(p, sizeof(T));
00121                 }
00122             }
00123         };
00125         template <typename T> 
00126         class BitField
00127         {
00128         public:
00129             enum { size = 8 * sizeof(T) };
00130             BitField(T bits = 0x0): bits_(bits) {}
00131             const bool operator[](size_t i) const
00132             { 
00133                 return bits_ & mask(i) ? true : false; 
00134             }
00135             void set(size_t i) 
00136             { 
00137                 bits_ |= mask(i); 
00138             }
00139             void set(size_t i, bool value) 
00140             { 
00141                 const T m = mask(i); 
00142                 bits_ &= ~m; 
00143                 bits_ |= (value ? m : 0);
00144             }
00145             void unset(size_t i)
00146             {
00147                 bits_ &= ~mask(i);
00148             }
00149         private:
00150             const T mask(size_t i) const
00151             {
00152                 LASS_ASSERT(i < size);
00153                 return 1 << i;
00154             }
00155             T bits_;
00156         };
00158         template <typename T>
00159         class ResetableThreadLocalVariable
00160         {
00161         public:
00162             ResetableThreadLocalVariable(const T& proto = T()): 
00163                 proto_(proto) 
00164             {
00165                 // *this must be fully initizalized before constructing Impl
00166                 TTls* tls = reinterpret_cast<TTls*>(tls_);
00167                 new (tls) TTls(Impl(this));
00168             }
00169             ~ResetableThreadLocalVariable()
00170             {
00171                 TTls* tls = reinterpret_cast<TTls*>(tls_);
00172                 tls->~TTls();
00173             }
00174             T& operator*()
00175             {
00176                 return *(*reinterpret_cast<TTls*>(tls_))->it;
00177             }
00178             const T& operator*() const
00179             {
00180                 return *(*reinterpret_cast<TTls*>(tls_))->it;
00181             }
00182             void reset(const T& proto)
00183             {
00184                 LASS_LOCK(mutex_)
00185                 {
00186                     proto_ = proto;
00187                     std::fill(values_.begin(), values_.end(), proto_);
00188                 }
00189             }
00190         private:
00191             struct Impl
00192             {
00193                 Impl(ResetableThreadLocalVariable* self): self(self)
00194                 {
00195                     self->registerImpl(this);
00196                 }
00197                 Impl(const Impl& other): self(other.self)
00198                 {
00199                     self->registerImpl(this);
00200                 }           
00201                 ~Impl()
00202                 {
00203                     self->unregisterImpl(this);
00204                 }
00205                 ResetableThreadLocalVariable* self;
00206                 typename std::list<T>::iterator it;
00207             };
00209             typedef util::ThreadLocalVariable<Impl> TTls;
00211             void registerImpl(Impl* impl)
00212             {
00213                 LASS_LOCK(mutex_)
00214                 {
00215                     values_.push_back(proto_);
00216                     impl->it = stde::prev(values_.end());
00217                 }
00218             }
00219             void unregisterImpl(Impl* impl)
00220             {
00221                 LASS_LOCK(mutex_)
00222                 {
00223                     values_.erase(impl->it);
00224                 }
00225             }
00227             char tls_[sizeof(TTls)];
00228             std::list<T> values_;
00229             T proto_;
00230             util::Semaphore mutex_; 
00231         };
00233     }
00235     TEMPLATE_DEF
00236     class PlanarMesh: private experimental::ObjectAllocator 
00237     {
00238     public:
00239         typedef lass::prim::Point2D<T> TPoint2D;
00240         typedef lass::prim::Vector2D<T> TVector2D;
00241         typedef lass::prim::Line2D<T, prim::Cartesian, prim::Unnormalized > TLine2D;
00242         typedef lass::prim::Ray2D<T, prim::Unnormalized, prim::Unbounded > TRay2D;
00243         typedef lass::prim::LineSegment2D<T> TLineSegment2D;
00244         typedef lass::prim::SimplePolygon2D<T> TSimplePolygon2D;
00245         typedef lass::prim::Triangle2D<T> TTriangle2D;
00246         typedef experimental::BitField<num::Tuint32> TBitField;
00248         static const int PLANAR_MESH_STACK_DEPTH = TBitField::size - 1;   /**< this determines the maximum nesting depth of forAllVertices and forAllFaces */
00249         enum 
00250         {
00251             stackDepth = TBitField::size - 1,
00252             publicMarkIndex = TBitField::size - 1 
00253         };
00254     private:
00255         struct ProxyHandle: private meta::Tuple< typename meta::type_list::Make<PointHandle, EdgeHandle, FaceHandle>::Type >
00256         {
00257             typedef meta::Tuple< typename meta::type_list::Make<PointHandle, EdgeHandle, FaceHandle>::Type > THandles;
00259             TPoint2D* point_;
00260             TBitField internalMark_;
00262             ProxyHandle(): point_(NULL), internalMark_(0x00) {}
00263             const PointHandle&  pointHandle() const { return meta::tuple::field<0>(static_cast<const THandles&>(*this)); }
00264             const EdgeHandle&   edgeHandle() const { return meta::tuple::field<1>(static_cast<const THandles&>(*this)); }
00265             const FaceHandle&   faceHandle() const { return meta::tuple::field<2>(static_cast<const THandles&>(*this)); }
00266             PointHandle&        pointHandle() { return meta::tuple::field<0>(static_cast<THandles&>(*this)); }
00267             EdgeHandle&         edgeHandle() { return meta::tuple::field<1>(static_cast<THandles&>(*this)); }
00268             FaceHandle&         faceHandle() { return meta::tuple::field<2>(static_cast<THandles&>(*this)); }
00269         };
00270         class StackIncrementer
00271         {
00272             int*    stackDepth_;    /**< pointer to int containing real stack depth */
00273             int     maxStackDepth_; /**< maximum allowed stack depth */
00274             StackIncrementer() {}
00275         public:
00276             StackIncrementer( int* iStackVar, int iMaxStackDepth ) : stackDepth_(iStackVar), maxStackDepth_( iMaxStackDepth )
00277             {
00278                 ++(*stackDepth_);
00279                 if (*stackDepth_>maxStackDepth_)
00280                 {
00281                     --(*stackDepth_);
00282                     throw std::runtime_error("PlanarMesh: stack overflow");
00283                 }
00284             }
00285             ~StackIncrementer()
00286             {
00287                 --(*stackDepth_);
00288             }
00289         };
00291     public:
00292         typedef lass::spat::QuadEdge<ProxyHandle>       TQuadEdge;
00293         typedef typename TQuadEdge::Edge    TEdge;
00294         typedef std::vector< TQuadEdge* >     TQuadEdgeList;
00295         typedef std::vector< ProxyHandle* >   TProxyHandleList;
00296         typedef lass::util::CallbackR1<bool,TEdge*> TEdgeCallback;
00297         typedef lass::util::CallbackR3<bool,TEdge*,const TSimplePolygon2D&, FaceHandle> TEdgePolyFaceHandleCallback;
00299     public:
00300         PlanarMesh( const TPoint2D& a, const TPoint2D& b, const TPoint2D& c);
00301         PlanarMesh( const TPoint2D& a, const TPoint2D& b, const TPoint2D& c, const TPoint2D& d);
00302         PlanarMesh( const prim::Aabb2D<T>& iAabb );
00303         void setTolerance(const T& iTolerance) {tolerance_ = iTolerance;}   //<* set the relative tolerance */
00304         const T& tolerance() { return tolerance_; }
00305         void setPointDistanceTolerance(const T& iPointDistanceTolerance) {pointDistanceTolerance_ = iPointDistanceTolerance;}   //<* set the relative tolerance */
00306         const T& pointDistanceTolerance() { return pointDistanceTolerance_; }
00307         virtual ~PlanarMesh();
00309         TEdge*  startEdge() const;
00310         bool  isBoundingPoint( const TPoint2D& iPoint) const;       /**< true for points defining the boundary */
00312         bool    forAllPrimaryEdges( const TEdgeCallback& iCallback );
00313         bool    forAllPrimaryUndirectedEdges( const TEdgeCallback& iCallback );
00314         bool    forAllPrimaryUndirectedEdgesCached( const TEdgeCallback& iCallback );
00315         bool    forAllDualEdges( const TEdgeCallback& iCallback );
00316         bool    forAllEdges( const TEdgeCallback& iCallback );
00317         bool    forAllVertices( const TEdgeCallback& iCallback );
00318         bool    forAllFaces( const TEdgeCallback& iCallback );
00319         bool    forAllFacesCached( const TEdgeCallback& iCallback );
00320         template <typename InputPolygonIterator, typename InputFaceHandleIterator>
00321         bool    forAllPolygonFaces( InputPolygonIterator iFirstPolygon, InputPolygonIterator iLastPolygon, InputFaceHandleIterator iFirstFaceHandle, const TEdgePolyFaceHandleCallback& iCallback );
00324         TEdge*  locate( const TPoint2D& iPoint, TEdge* iHint=0 ) const;             /**< locate an edge of the triangle containing iPoint */
00325         TEdge*  pointLocate( const TPoint2D& iPoint ) const;        /**< locate an edge of which the org is the same as iPoint, useful for known degeneracy point location, possibly slower than the regular locate */
00326         TEdge*  shoot( const TRay2D& iRay ) const;          /**< locate the edge found by shooting the ray from within the triangle containt the tail of the ray */
00327         template <typename OutputIterator>  OutputIterator walk( const TLineSegment2D& iSegment, OutputIterator oCrossedEdges ) const;
00328         template <typename OutputIterator>  OutputIterator walkIntersections( const TLineSegment2D& iSegment, OutputIterator oIntersections ) const;
00329         std::pair<int, TEdge*>  walkTillConstrained( const TRay2D& iRay) const;
00330         TEdge*  insertSite( const TPoint2D& iPoint, bool makeDelaunay = true, bool forceOnEdge = false);
00331         TEdge*  insertEdge( const TLineSegment2D& iSegment, EdgeHandle iLeftHandle = EdgeHandle(), EdgeHandle iRightHandle = EdgeHandle(), PointHandle iPointHandle = PointHandle(), bool forcePointHandle = false, bool makeDelaunay = true);
00332         TEdge*  insertPolygon( const TSimplePolygon2D& iSegment, EdgeHandle iLeftHandle = EdgeHandle(), EdgeHandle iRightHandle = EdgeHandle(), bool makeDelaunay = true);
00333         void    markPolygon( TEdge* iStartEdge, const TSimplePolygon2D& iPolygon, FaceHandle iFaceHandle );
00334         template <typename InputPolygonIterator, typename InputFaceHandleIterator>
00335         void    markPolygons( InputPolygonIterator iFirstPolygon, InputPolygonIterator iLastPolygon, InputFaceHandleIterator iFirstFaceHandle);
00336         void    markPolygons( const std::vector<TSimplePolygon2D>& iPolygons, const std::vector<FaceHandle>& iFaceHandles);
00337         bool    deleteEdge( TEdge* iEdge );   /**< delete edge without using gc */
00338         bool    gcDeleteEdge( TEdge* iEdge ); /**< delete edge using garbage collector, useful for deletion avalanches */
00339         int     gc(); /**< do garbage collection after deletion avalanches, returns number of quadedge collected */
00340         long    edgeCount() const { return edgeCount_; }
00341         void    makeMaximalConvexPolygon(T iMaxSurface=T(-1));
00342         void    makeRectangular(T minAngle, T maxAngle);
00344         static  TTriangle2D triangle( const TEdge* iEdge);  
00345         static  TSimplePolygon2D polygon( const TEdge* iEdge);
00346         static  const TPoint2D& org( const TEdge* iEdge );
00347         static  const TPoint2D& dest( const TEdge* iEdge );
00348         static  const TPoint2D& fastOrg( const TEdge* iEdge );
00349         static  const TPoint2D& fastDest( const TEdge* iEdge );
00350         static  TPoint2D along( const TEdge* iEdge, const T& iParam );
00351         static  TPoint2D fastAlong( const TEdge* iEdge, const T& iParam );
00352         static  const TVector2D direction( const TEdge* iEdge );
00353         static  bool  rightOf( const TPoint2D& iPoint, const TEdge* iEdge );
00354         static  bool  fastRightOf( const TPoint2D& iPoint, const TEdge* iEdge );
00355         static  bool  leftOf( const TPoint2D& iPoint, const TEdge* iEdge );
00356         static  bool  fastLeftOf( const TPoint2D& iPoint, const TEdge* iEdge );
00357         static  bool  onEdge( const TPoint2D& iPoint, const TEdge* iEdge );
00358         static  bool  hasLeftFace( const TEdge* iEdge );
00359         static  bool  fastHasLeftFace( const TEdge* iEdge );
00360         static  bool  hasRightFace( const TEdge* iEdge );
00361         static  int   chainOrder( const TEdge* iEdge );
00362         static  int   vertexOrder( const TEdge* iEdge );
00363         static  bool  allEqualChainOrder( const TEdge* iEdge );
00364         static  bool  inConvexCell( const TPoint2D& iPoint, const TEdge* iEdge );
00366         // set the temp flag if you want to modify the mesh during mesh cell/face/point iteration
00367         // end your algorithm with a commitTempQuadEdges
00368         TEdge* makeEdge( const TPoint2D& a, const TPoint2D& b, bool makeConstrained );  /**< makes a _dangling_ edge, this is really only for ADVANCED usage, you'll have to splice it or it won't be in the mesh! */
00369         TEdge* connect( TEdge* a, TEdge* b );       /**< connects the dest of a with the org of b */
00370         TEdge* split( TEdge* a, T iWhere );         /**< splits an edge with iWhere in the open interval (0,1) and returns the new edge with as org the splitting point */
00371         void swap( TEdge* iEdge );
00372         // when set to true any allocations are done in a buffer of quadedges, when setting again to false, the buffer is added
00373         void setTempQuadEdges(bool iAllocateInTemp);
00374         /* move the org of iEdge to iNewLocation
00375         *  The new location has to be in the "neighbourhood" which is defined by any
00376         *  cells that have an edge incident to the org of iEdge
00377         */
00378         // these need to be moved in a different way into the public interface!
00379         static  void setOrg( const TPoint2D& iOrg, TEdge* iEdge );
00380         static  void setDest( const TPoint2D& iDest, TEdge* iEdge );
00381         bool moveWithinNeighbourhood( TEdge* iEdge, const TPoint2D& iNewLocation );
00382         /* remove a vertex from the mesh 
00383         *  no guarantees on any mesh properties afterwards, so be careful!
00384         *  the most imminent property that is removed is convexness, this shall be corrected later on!
00385         */
00386 #pragma LASS_TODO("Keep convexness constraint")
00387         bool removeVertex(TEdge* iEdge);
00389         static  bool inPrimaryMesh( const TEdge* iEdge );
00390         static  bool inDualMesh( const TEdge* iEdge );
00391         static  bool marking( const TEdge* iEdge );
00392         static  void setMarking( TEdge* iEdge, bool iMark );
00393         static  PointHandle    pointHandle( const TEdge* iEdge );
00394         static  EdgeHandle     edgeHandle( const TEdge* iEdge );
00395         static  FaceHandle     faceHandle( const TEdge* iEdge );
00396         static  PointHandle&   pointHandleRef( TEdge* iEdge );
00397         static  EdgeHandle&    edgeHandleRef( TEdge* iEdge );
00398         static  FaceHandle&    faceHandleRef( TEdge* iEdge );
00399         static  void setPointHandle( TEdge* iEdge, PointHandle iHandle );
00400         static  void setEdgeHandle( TEdge* iEdge, EdgeHandle iHandle );
00401         static  void setFaceHandle( TEdge* iEdge, FaceHandle iHandle );
00402         static  void setOrientedEdgeHandle( TEdge* iEdge, EdgeHandle iLeftHandle, EdgeHandle iRightHandle, const TVector2D& iDirection );
00403     private:
00404         bool allocateInTemp_;
00405         TEdge*  startEdge_;
00406         TQuadEdgeList       quadEdgeList_;
00407         TQuadEdgeList       tempQuadEdgeList_;
00408         std::vector<TPoint2D>   boundingPoints_;
00409         T       tolerance_;
00410         T       pointDistanceTolerance_;
00411         long    edgeCount_;
00412         int     stackDepth_;
00415         mutable experimental::ResetableThreadLocalVariable<TEdge*> lastLocateEdge_;
00416         mutable experimental::ResetableThreadLocalVariable<TEdge*> lastFloodEdge_;
00418     private:
00419         PlanarMesh();
00420         void init4( const TPoint2D& a, const TPoint2D& b, const TPoint2D& c, const TPoint2D& d);
00421         void fixEdge( TEdge* e );                   /**< in quadrilateral possibly switch the diagonal for delaunay */
00422         TEdge* makeEmptyEdge( bool makeConstrained );
00423         void triangulate( TEdge* iEdge );
00424         void splitEdge(TEdge *e, const TPoint2D& iPoint );
00425         TEdge*  pointShoot( const TRay2D& iRay ) const;             /**< locate the edge found by shooting the ray from within the triangle with the support of the ray as a known point */
00426         template <typename OutputIterator>  OutputIterator pointWalk( const TLineSegment2D& iSegment, OutputIterator oCrossedEdges ) const;
00427         void safeSplitEdge(TEdge *e, const TPoint2D& iPoint );
00428         TPoint2D snap(const TPoint2D& a, const TPoint2D& b, const TPoint2D& c);
00430         TEdge*  bruteForceLocate( const TPoint2D& iPoint ) const;
00431         TEdge*  bruteForceExactLocate( const TPoint2D& iPoint ) const;
00433         friend class impl::EdgeToMatlab<T, PointHandle, EdgeHandle, FaceHandle>;
00434         friend class impl::EdgeGatherer<T, PointHandle, EdgeHandle, FaceHandle>;
00435         friend class impl::EdgeMarker<T, PointHandle, EdgeHandle, FaceHandle>;
00437         bool internalMarking( const TEdge* iEdge );
00438         bool deletePoint( TEdge* e);
00439         void setInternalMarking( TEdge* iEdge, bool iMark );
00440         void setInternalMarkingAroundVertex( typename PlanarMesh<T, PointHandle, EdgeHandle, FaceHandle>::TEdge* iEdge, bool iMark );
00441         void setInternalMarkingInFace( typename PlanarMesh<T, PointHandle, EdgeHandle, FaceHandle>::TEdge* iEdge, bool iMark );
00443         bool  floodPolygon( TEdge* iStartEdge, const TSimplePolygon2D& iPolygon, FaceHandle iFaceHandle );
00444         bool  floodPolygonCallback( TEdge* iStartEdge, const TSimplePolygon2D& iPolygon, FaceHandle iFaceHandle, const TEdgePolyFaceHandleCallback& iCallback);
00445 #ifndef NDEBUG
00446     public:
00447         static unsigned numSetOrientedEdgeHandleCalls;
00448         static unsigned numSetOrientedEdgeHandleSwaps;
00449 #endif
00450     };
00452     namespace impl
00453     {
00454         /** fastIntersect.  Returns the intersection of line iAiB with iCiD.  This routine is aimed
00455             at speed and less at accuracy.  This routines assumes there is an intersection point and won't try to be more specific about the error 
00456             when there is not.  It is used for calculating intersections with walking paths in meshes
00457         */
00458         template <typename T>
00459         lass::prim::Result fastIntersect(   const lass::prim::Point2D<T>& iA, const lass::prim::Point2D<T>& iB,
00460                                 const lass::prim::Point2D<T>& iC, const lass::prim::Point2D<T>& iD, lass::prim::Point2D<T>& oP)
00461         {
00462             typedef lass::num::NumTraits<T> TNumTraits;
00463             const lass::prim::Vector2D<T> dirA=iB-iA;
00464             const lass::prim::Vector2D<T> difference=iC-iA;
00465             const lass::prim::Vector2D<T> dirB=iD-iC;
00467             const T denominator = lass::prim::perpDot(dirA, dirB);
00468             const T denominator2= denominator*2.0;      // this is (and should be) optimised by adding denominator to itself
00469             oP = iA;                                    // interwoven instruction as we assume the zero equality is seldom encountered
00470             if (denominator == denominator2)
00471             {
00472                 // we don't bother finding out which case, we only need to know that
00473                 // the result is not what we are looking for
00474                 return lass::prim::rInvalid;
00475             }
00476             else
00477             {
00478                 const T oTa = perpDot(difference, dirB) / denominator;
00479                 oP.x += dirA.x*oTa;
00480                 oP.y += dirA.y*oTa;
00481                 return lass::prim::rOne; // intersecting
00482             }
00483         }
00485         TEMPLATE_DEF
00486         class EdgeMarker
00487         {
00488             typedef PlanarMesh<T, PointHandle, EdgeHandle, FaceHandle> TPlanarMesh;
00489             TPlanarMesh* mesh_;
00490             bool    marking_;
00491         public:
00492             EdgeMarker( TPlanarMesh* iMesh, bool iMark ) : mesh_(iMesh), marking_(iMark) {}
00493             /** internalMark.  This changes internal marking.  This is not user code, unless
00494             *   your really know what you are doing, use the mark instead */
00495             bool internalMark( typename TPlanarMesh::TEdge* e )
00496             {
00497                 mesh_->setInternalMarking( e, marking_ );
00498                 return true;
00499             }
00500             bool mark( typename TPlanarMesh::TEdge* e )
00501             {
00502                 TPlanarMesh::setMarking( e, marking_ );
00503                 return true;
00504             }
00506         };
00508         TEMPLATE_DEF
00509         class EdgeToMatlab
00510         {
00511         public:
00512             typedef PlanarMesh<T, PointHandle, EdgeHandle, FaceHandle> TPlanarMesh;
00513         private:
00514             TPlanarMesh* mesh_;
00515             lass::io::MatlabOStream& stream_;
00516         public:
00517             EdgeToMatlab( TPlanarMesh* iMesh, lass::io::MatlabOStream& ioOStream ) : mesh_(iMesh), stream_( ioOStream ) {}
00518             bool edgeToMatlab( typename PlanarMesh<T, PointHandle, EdgeHandle, FaceHandle>::TEdge* iEdge )
00519             {
00520                 if (!mesh_->internalMarking( iEdge ))
00521                 {
00522                     if (iEdge->isConstrained())
00523                         stream_.setColor(lass::io::mcRed);
00524                     else
00525                         stream_.setColor(lass::io::mcBlack);
00526                     stream_ << typename TPlanarMesh::TLineSegment2D( 
00527                         TPlanarMesh::org(iEdge), TPlanarMesh::dest(iEdge) );
00528                 }
00529                 else
00530                     return true;
00531                 mesh_->setInternalMarking( iEdge, true );
00532                 mesh_->setInternalMarking( iEdge->sym(), true );
00533                 return true;
00534             }
00535             bool vertexToMatlab( typename PlanarMesh<T, PointHandle, EdgeHandle, FaceHandle>::TEdge* iEdge )
00536             {
00537                 typedef PlanarMesh<T, PointHandle, EdgeHandle, FaceHandle> TPlanarMesh;
00538                 if ( !mesh_->internalMarking( iEdge ) )
00539                     stream_ << TPlanarMesh::org(iEdge);
00540                 else
00541                     return true;
00542                 mesh_->setInternalMarkingAroundVertex( iEdge, true );
00543                 return true;
00544             }
00545         };
00547         TEMPLATE_DEF
00548         class EdgeGatherer
00549         {
00550             typedef PlanarMesh<T, PointHandle, EdgeHandle, FaceHandle> TPlanarMesh;
00551             TPlanarMesh* mesh_;
00552             T   lastArea_;
00553         public:
00554             typedef std::list< typename TPlanarMesh::TEdge* > TEdgeList;
00555             TEdgeList   edgeList;
00556             T angleConstraintMin;       /**< min angle for which pruning is considered */
00557             T angleConstraintMax;       /**< max angle for which pruning is considered */
00558             T maxSurface;               /**< max surface of convex polygon */
00560             EdgeGatherer(  TPlanarMesh* iMesh ) : mesh_(iMesh), lastArea_(0) {}
00561             virtual ~EdgeGatherer() {}
00563             bool makeConvexPolygon( typename PlanarMesh<T, PointHandle, EdgeHandle, FaceHandle>::TEdge* e )
00564             {
00565                 LASS_ASSERT( TPlanarMesh::inPrimaryMesh( e ) );
00566                 if ( mesh_->internalMarking( e ) || e->isConstrained())
00567                     return true;
00569                 if (    prim::weakCcw( TPlanarMesh::org(e->dNext()), TPlanarMesh::dest(e), TPlanarMesh::dest(e->lNext()))
00570                     &&  prim::weakCcw( TPlanarMesh::org(e->sym()->dNext()), TPlanarMesh::org(e), TPlanarMesh::dest(e->sym()->lNext())) )
00571                 {
00572                     T dArea = num::abs(prim::doubleTriangleArea( TPlanarMesh::org(e->dNext()), TPlanarMesh::dest(e), TPlanarMesh::dest(e->lNext())))
00573                             + num::abs(prim::doubleTriangleArea( TPlanarMesh::org(e->sym()->dNext()), TPlanarMesh::org(e), TPlanarMesh::dest(e->sym()->lNext())));
00574                     if (maxSurface>T(0))
00575                     {
00576                         // use of maximum surface criterion
00577                         T leftArea = TPlanarMesh::polygon(e).area();
00578                         T rightArea = TPlanarMesh::polygon(e->sym()).area();
00579                         if (leftArea+rightArea>maxSurface)
00580                             return true;            // skip this edge
00581                     }
00582                     if (lastArea_ == T(0))
00583                     {
00584                         lastArea_ = dArea;
00585                         edgeList.push_back( e );
00586                     }
00587                     else
00588                     {
00589                         if (dArea<lastArea_)
00590                         {
00591                             edgeList.push_front( e );
00592                             lastArea_ = dArea;
00593                         }
00594                         else
00595                             edgeList.push_back( e );
00596                     }
00597                     return false;
00598                 }
00599                 return true;
00600             }
00601             bool makeRectangular( typename PlanarMesh<T, PointHandle, EdgeHandle, FaceHandle>::TEdge* e )
00602             {
00603                 LASS_ASSERT( TPlanarMesh::inPrimaryMesh( e ) );
00604                 if ( mesh_->internalMarking( e ) || e->isConstrained())
00605                     return true;
00607                 if (    prim::ccw( TPlanarMesh::org(e->dNext()), TPlanarMesh::dest(e), TPlanarMesh::dest(e->lNext()))
00608                     &&  prim::ccw( TPlanarMesh::org(e->sym()->dNext()), TPlanarMesh::org(e), TPlanarMesh::dest(e->sym()->lNext())) )
00609                 {
00610                     // angles will always be smaller than 180deg so we can use this test
00611                     typename TPlanarMesh::TVector2D v1 = TPlanarMesh::fastDest(e->lNext())-TPlanarMesh::fastDest(e);
00612                     typename TPlanarMesh::TVector2D v2 = TPlanarMesh::fastOrg(e)-TPlanarMesh::fastDest(e->lNext());
00613                     typename TPlanarMesh::TVector2D v3 = TPlanarMesh::fastDest(e->sym()->lNext())-TPlanarMesh::fastOrg(e);
00614                     typename TPlanarMesh::TVector2D v4 = TPlanarMesh::fastDest(e)-TPlanarMesh::fastDest(e->sym()->lNext());
00615                     v1.normalize();
00616                     v2.normalize();
00617                     v3.normalize();
00618                     v4.normalize();
00619                     T angle1 = lass::num::acos(lass::prim::dot( v1, v2));
00620                     T angle2 = lass::num::acos(lass::prim::dot( v2, v3));
00621                     T angle3 = lass::num::acos(lass::prim::dot( v3, v4));
00622                     T angle4 = lass::num::acos(lass::prim::dot( v4, v1));
00623                     if (    lass::num::abs(angle1)>angleConstraintMin 
00624                         &&  lass::num::abs(angle2)>angleConstraintMin 
00625                         &&  lass::num::abs(angle3)>angleConstraintMin 
00626                         &&  lass::num::abs(angle4)>angleConstraintMin 
00627                         &&  lass::num::abs(angle1)<=angleConstraintMax
00628                         &&  lass::num::abs(angle2)<=angleConstraintMax
00629                         &&  lass::num::abs(angle3)<=angleConstraintMax
00630                         &&  lass::num::abs(angle4)<=angleConstraintMax )
00631                     {
00632                         edgeList.push_back( e );
00633                         // mark the other connecting edges as hard constraints
00634                         //mesh_->setInternalMarking(e->dNext(),true);
00635                         //mesh_->setInternalMarking(e->lNext(),true);
00636                         return false;
00637                     }
00638                 }
00639                 return true;
00640             }
00641         };
00643         TEMPLATE_DEF
00644         class BrutePointExactLocator
00645         {
00646             typedef PlanarMesh<T, PointHandle, EdgeHandle, FaceHandle> TPlanarMesh;
00647             typename TPlanarMesh::TPoint2D  point_;
00648         public:
00649             typename TPlanarMesh::TEdge*    edge;
00650             BrutePointExactLocator( const typename TPlanarMesh::TPoint2D& iPoint ) : point_(iPoint), edge(NULL) {}
00651             bool findPoint( typename TPlanarMesh::TEdge* e )
00652             {
00653                 if (TPlanarMesh::org(e)==point_)
00654                 {   
00655                     edge = e;
00656                     return false;
00657                 }
00658                 return true;
00659             }
00660         };
00662         TEMPLATE_DEF
00663         class BrutePointLocator
00664         {
00665             typedef PlanarMesh<T, PointHandle, EdgeHandle, FaceHandle> TPlanarMesh;
00666             typename TPlanarMesh::TPoint2D  point_;
00667         public:
00668             typename TPlanarMesh::TEdge*    edge;
00669             BrutePointLocator( const typename TPlanarMesh::TPoint2D& iPoint ) : point_(iPoint), edge(NULL) {}
00670             bool findEdge( typename TPlanarMesh::TEdge* e )
00671             {
00672                 typename TPlanarMesh::TEdge* ce = e;
00673                 for (int i=0;i<3;++i)
00674                 {
00675                     if (TPlanarMesh::rightOf(point_,ce))
00676                         return true;
00677                     ce = ce->lNext();
00678                 }
00679                 // now search the closest edge
00680                 ce = e;
00682                 if (point_==TPlanarMesh::org(e))
00683                 {
00684                     edge = e;
00685                     return false;
00686                 }
00687                 if (point_==TPlanarMesh::dest(e))
00688                 {
00689                     edge = e->sym();
00690                     return false;
00691                 }
00692                 if (point_==TPlanarMesh::dest(e->lNext()))
00693                 {
00694                     edge = e->lNext()->sym();
00695                     return false;
00696                 }
00698                 typename TPlanarMesh::TRay2D  R1(TPlanarMesh::org(e), TPlanarMesh::dest(e));
00699                 typename TPlanarMesh::TPoint2D    p1 = R1.point( R1.t( point_ ) );
00700                 typename TPlanarMesh::TRay2D  R2(TPlanarMesh::dest(e), TPlanarMesh::org(e->lPrev()));
00701                 typename TPlanarMesh::TPoint2D    p2 = R2.point( R2.t( point_ ) );
00702                 typename TPlanarMesh::TRay2D  R3(TPlanarMesh::org(e->lPrev()), TPlanarMesh::org(e));
00703                 typename TPlanarMesh::TPoint2D    p3 = R3.point( R3.t( point_ ) );
00705                 typename TPlanarMesh::TPoint2D::TValue d1 = squaredDistance(point_,p1);
00706                 typename TPlanarMesh::TPoint2D::TValue d2 = squaredDistance(point_,p2);
00707                 typename TPlanarMesh::TPoint2D::TValue d3 = squaredDistance(point_,p3);
00709                 if ((d1<d2) && (d1<d3))
00710                 {
00711                     edge = e;
00712                     return false;
00713                 }
00714                 if ((d2<d3) && (d2<=d1))
00715                 {
00716                     edge = e->lNext();
00717                     return false;
00718                 }
00719                 edge = e->lPrev();
00720                 return false;
00722                 /*
00723                 T d1 = squaredDistance(TPlanarMesh::org(e),point_);
00724                 T d2 = squaredDistance(TPlanarMesh::dest(e),point_);
00725                 T d3 = squaredDistance(TPlanarMesh::dest(e->lNext()),point_);
00727                 if (d1<d2)
00728                 {
00729                     if (d1<d3)
00730                         edge=e;
00731                     else 
00732                         edge=e->lNext()->sym();
00733                 }
00734                 else
00735                 {
00736                     if (d2<d3)
00737                         edge=e->sym();
00738                     else 
00739                         edge=e->lNext()->sym();
00740                 }
00741                 return false;
00742                 */
00743             }
00744         };
00746         TEMPLATE_DEF
00747         class BrutePointLocatorVerbose
00748         {
00749             typedef PlanarMesh<T, PointHandle, EdgeHandle, FaceHandle> TPlanarMesh;
00750             typename TPlanarMesh::TPoint2D  point_;
00751         public:
00752             typename TPlanarMesh::TEdge*    edge;
00753             std::ofstream stream;
00754             BrutePointLocatorVerbose( const typename TPlanarMesh::TPoint2D& iPoint ) : point_(iPoint), edge(NULL) {}
00755             bool findEdge( typename TPlanarMesh::TEdge* e )
00756             {
00757                 typename TPlanarMesh::TEdge* ce = e;
00758 #if DEBUG_MESH
00759                 stream << "---\n";
00760                 stream << std::setprecision(20);
00761 #endif
00762                 for (int i=0;i<3;++i)
00763                 {
00764 #if DEBUG_MESH
00765                     stream << TPlanarMesh::org(ce) << "-->" << TPlanarMesh::dest(ce) << ":" << prim::doubleTriangleArea(point_,TPlanarMesh::dest(ce),TPlanarMesh::org(ce)) << "\n";
00766 #endif
00767 #pragma LASS_TODO("Get rid of the epsilon!")
00768                     if (prim::doubleTriangleArea(point_,TPlanarMesh::dest(ce),TPlanarMesh::org(ce))>1e-12)
00769                         return true;
00771                     //if (TPlanarMesh::rightOf(point_,ce))
00772                     //  return true;
00773                     ce = ce->lNext();
00774                 }
00775                 // now search the closest point
00776                 ce = e;
00777                 T d1 = squaredDistance(TPlanarMesh::org(e),point_);
00778                 T d2 = squaredDistance(TPlanarMesh::dest(e),point_);
00779                 T d3 = squaredDistance(TPlanarMesh::dest(e->lNext()),point_);
00781                 if (d1<d2)
00782                 {
00783                     if (d1<d3)
00784                         edge=e;
00785                     else 
00786                         edge=e->lNext()->sym();
00787                 }
00788                 else
00789                 {
00790                     if (d2<d3)
00791                         edge=e->sym();
00792                     else 
00793                         edge=e->lNext()->sym();
00794                 }
00795                 return false;
00796             }
00797         };
00799     }
00801     TEMPLATE_DEF
00802     lass::io::MatlabOStream& operator<<( lass::io::MatlabOStream& ioOStream, const typename PlanarMesh<T, PointHandle, EdgeHandle, FaceHandle>::TEdge& iEdge )
00803     {
00804         typedef PlanarMesh<T, PointHandle, EdgeHandle, FaceHandle> TPlanarMesh;
00805         ioOStream << typename TPlanarMesh::TLineSegment2D( 
00806                     TPlanarMesh::org(iEdge), TPlanarMesh::dest(iEdge) ) 
00807                     << std::endl;
00808         return ioOStream;
00809     }
00811     TEMPLATE_DEF
00812     lass::io::MatlabOStream& operator<<( lass::io::MatlabOStream& ioOStream, PlanarMesh<T, PointHandle, EdgeHandle, FaceHandle>& iMesh )
00813     {
00814         typedef impl::EdgeMarker<T, PointHandle, EdgeHandle, FaceHandle> TEdgeMarker;
00815         typedef PlanarMesh<T, PointHandle, EdgeHandle, FaceHandle> TPlanarMesh;
00816         typedef typename TPlanarMesh::TEdgeCallback TEdgeCallback;
00817         impl::EdgeToMatlab<T,PointHandle,EdgeHandle,FaceHandle> matlabWriter(&iMesh, ioOStream);
00818         TEdgeMarker edgeMarker(  &iMesh, false );
00819         iMesh.forAllPrimaryEdges( TEdgeCallback( &edgeMarker, &TEdgeMarker::internalMark ) );
00820         iMesh.forAllPrimaryEdges( TEdgeCallback( &matlabWriter, 
00821             &impl::EdgeToMatlab<T,PointHandle,EdgeHandle,FaceHandle>::edgeToMatlab ) );
00822         iMesh.forAllPrimaryEdges( TEdgeCallback( &edgeMarker, &TEdgeMarker::internalMark ) );
00823         iMesh.forAllPrimaryEdges( TEdgeCallback( &matlabWriter, 
00824             &impl::EdgeToMatlab<T,PointHandle,EdgeHandle,FaceHandle>::vertexToMatlab ) );
00825         return ioOStream;
00826     }
00828     TEMPLATE_DEF
00829     void PlanarMesh<T, PointHandle, EdgeHandle, FaceHandle>::makeMaximalConvexPolygon(T iMaxSurface)
00830     {
00831         typedef PlanarMesh<T, PointHandle, EdgeHandle, FaceHandle> TPlanarMesh;
00832         typedef impl::EdgeGatherer<T, PointHandle, EdgeHandle, FaceHandle> TEdgeGatherer;
00833         typedef impl::EdgeMarker<T, PointHandle, EdgeHandle, FaceHandle> TEdgeMarker;
00835         TEdgeMarker edgeMarker( this, false );
00836         forAllPrimaryEdges( TEdgeCallback( &edgeMarker, &TEdgeMarker::internalMark ) );
00837         while (true)
00838         {
00839             TEdgeGatherer edgeGatherer( this );
00840             edgeGatherer.maxSurface = iMaxSurface;
00841             edgeGatherer.edgeList.clear();
00842             forAllPrimaryUndirectedEdgesCached( TEdgeCallback( &edgeGatherer, &TEdgeGatherer::makeConvexPolygon) );
00843             if (edgeGatherer.edgeList.size()>0)
00844                 gcDeleteEdge( edgeGatherer.edgeList.front() );
00845             else
00846                 break;
00847         }
00848 #if DEBUG_MESH
00849         std::cout << "PlanarMesh GC collected " << gc() << " edges" << std::endl;
00850 #endif
00851     }
00853     TEMPLATE_DEF
00854     void PlanarMesh<T, PointHandle, EdgeHandle, FaceHandle>::makeRectangular(T minAngle, T maxAngle)
00855     {
00856         typedef PlanarMesh<T, PointHandle, EdgeHandle, FaceHandle> TPlanarMesh;
00857         typedef impl::EdgeGatherer<T, PointHandle, EdgeHandle, FaceHandle> TEdgeGatherer;
00858         typedef impl::EdgeMarker<T, PointHandle, EdgeHandle, FaceHandle> TEdgeMarker;
00860         TEdgeMarker edgeMarker( this, false );
00861         forAllPrimaryEdges( TEdgeCallback( &edgeMarker, &TEdgeMarker::internalMark ) );
00862         while (true)
00863         {
00864             TEdgeGatherer edgeGatherer( this );
00865             edgeGatherer.edgeList.clear();
00866             edgeGatherer.angleConstraintMin = minAngle;
00867             edgeGatherer.angleConstraintMax = maxAngle;
00868             forAllPrimaryUndirectedEdgesCached( TEdgeCallback( &edgeGatherer, &TEdgeGatherer::makeRectangular) );
00869             if (edgeGatherer.edgeList.size()==0)
00870                 break;
00871             if (edgeGatherer.edgeList.size()>0)
00872             {
00873                 gcDeleteEdge( edgeGatherer.edgeList.back() );
00874                 edgeGatherer.edgeList.pop_back();
00875             }
00876         }
00877 #if DEBUG_MESH
00878         std::cout << "PlanarMesh GC collected " << gc() << " edges" << std::endl;
00879 #endif
00880     }
00883     TEMPLATE_DEF
00884     PlanarMesh<T, PointHandle, EdgeHandle, FaceHandle>::PlanarMesh( const TPoint2D& a, const TPoint2D& b, const TPoint2D& c)
00885     {
00886         allocateInTemp_ = false;
00887         tolerance_ = 1.0e-8;
00888         pointDistanceTolerance_ = 1.0e-8;
00889         TEdge* ea = makeEdge(a, b, true);
00890         TEdge* eb = makeEdge(b, c, true);
00891         TEdge* ec = makeEdge(c, a, true);
00894         TQuadEdge::splice(ea->sym(), eb);
00895         TQuadEdge::splice(eb->sym(), ec);
00896         TQuadEdge::splice(ec->sym(), ea);
00898         startEdge_ = ec;
00899         lastLocateEdge_.reset(startEdge_);
00900         lastFloodEdge_.reset(startEdge_);
00901         edgeCount_ = 6;
00902         stackDepth_ = 0;
00904         boundingPoints_.push_back(a);
00905         boundingPoints_.push_back(b);
00906         boundingPoints_.push_back(c);
00907     }
00909     TEMPLATE_DEF
00910     void PlanarMesh<T, PointHandle, EdgeHandle, FaceHandle>::init4( const TPoint2D& a, const TPoint2D& b, const TPoint2D& c, const TPoint2D& d)
00911     {
00912         allocateInTemp_ = false;
00913         tolerance_ = T(1.0e-8);
00914         pointDistanceTolerance_ = T(1.0e-8);
00916         TEdge* ea = makeEdge(a, b, true);
00917         TEdge* eb = makeEdge(b, c, true);
00918         TEdge* ec = makeEdge(c, d, true);
00919         TEdge* ed = makeEdge(d, a, true);
00921         TQuadEdge::splice(ea->sym(), eb);
00922         TQuadEdge::splice(eb->sym(), ec);
00923         TQuadEdge::splice(ec->sym(), ed);
00924         TQuadEdge::splice(ed->sym(), ea);
00926         if (prim::inCircle( c,d,a,b ))
00927             connect( ec, eb );
00928         else
00929             connect( eb, ea );
00931         startEdge_ = ed;
00932         lastLocateEdge_.reset(startEdge_);
00933         lastFloodEdge_.reset(startEdge_);
00935         edgeCount_ = 10;
00936         stackDepth_ = 0;
00938         boundingPoints_.push_back(a);
00939         boundingPoints_.push_back(b);
00940         boundingPoints_.push_back(c);
00941         boundingPoints_.push_back(d);
00942     }
00944     TEMPLATE_DEF
00945     PlanarMesh<T, PointHandle, EdgeHandle, FaceHandle>::PlanarMesh( const prim::Aabb2D<T>& iAabb )
00946     {
00947         allocateInTemp_ = false;
00948         TPoint2D    topleft(iAabb.min().x, iAabb.max().y);
00949         TPoint2D    topright(iAabb.max().x, iAabb.max().y);
00950         TPoint2D    bottomleft(iAabb.min().x, iAabb.min().y);
00951         TPoint2D    bottomright(iAabb.max().x, iAabb.min().y);
00952         init4(topleft, bottomleft, bottomright, topright);
00953     }
00955     TEMPLATE_DEF
00956     PlanarMesh<T, PointHandle, EdgeHandle, FaceHandle>::PlanarMesh( const TPoint2D& a, const TPoint2D& b, const TPoint2D& c, const TPoint2D& d)
00957     {
00958         allocateInTemp_ = false;
00959         init4(a, b, c, d);
00960     }
00963     TEMPLATE_DEF
00964     bool PlanarMesh<T, PointHandle, EdgeHandle, FaceHandle>::deletePoint( typename PlanarMesh<T, PointHandle, EdgeHandle, FaceHandle>::TEdge* iEdge)
00965     {
00966         if (iEdge->handle().point_)
00967             free(iEdge->handle().point_);
00968         TEdge*  currentEdge = iEdge;
00969         do
00970         {
00971             currentEdge->handle().point_ = NULL;
00972             currentEdge = currentEdge->oNext();
00973         } while ( currentEdge != iEdge );
00974         return true;
00975     }
00977     TEMPLATE_DEF
00978     PlanarMesh<T, PointHandle, EdgeHandle, FaceHandle>::~PlanarMesh( )
00979     {
00980         forAllVertices( TEdgeCallback(this, &PlanarMesh::deletePoint) );
00981         typename TQuadEdgeList::iterator qIt;
00982         for (qIt = quadEdgeList_.begin(); qIt != quadEdgeList_.end();++qIt)
00983         {
00984             (*qIt)->edgeDeconstrain();
00985             (*qIt)->faceDeconstrain();
00986             free(*qIt);
00987         }
00988     }
00990     TEMPLATE_DEF
00991     void PlanarMesh<T, PointHandle, EdgeHandle, FaceHandle>::setTempQuadEdges( bool iAllocateInTemp )
00992     {
00993         allocateInTemp_ = iAllocateInTemp;
00994         if (!allocateInTemp_ )
00995         {
00996             std::copy(tempQuadEdgeList_.begin(),tempQuadEdgeList_.end(),std::back_inserter(quadEdgeList_));
00997             tempQuadEdgeList_.clear();
00998         }
00999     }
01002     TEMPLATE_DEF
01003     typename PlanarMesh<T, PointHandle, EdgeHandle, FaceHandle>::TEdge* PlanarMesh<T, PointHandle, EdgeHandle, FaceHandle>::makeEmptyEdge( bool makeConstrained )
01004     {
01005         TQuadEdge* qe = make(TQuadEdge(makeConstrained));
01006         if  (allocateInTemp_)
01007             tempQuadEdgeList_.push_back( qe );
01008         else
01009             quadEdgeList_.push_back( qe );
01010         edgeCount_ += 2;
01012         TEdge*  e = qe->edges();
01013         /*
01014         for (int i=0;i<4;++i)
01015         {
01016             ProxyHandle*    pHandle = new ProxyHandle;
01017             e->handle() = pHandle;
01018             e = e->rot();
01019         }
01020         */
01021         return e;
01022     }
01024     TEMPLATE_DEF
01025     typename PlanarMesh<T, PointHandle, EdgeHandle, FaceHandle>::TEdge* PlanarMesh<T, PointHandle, EdgeHandle, FaceHandle>::connect( TEdge* a, TEdge* b)
01026     {
01027         FaceHandle fa = faceHandle(a);
01028         FaceHandle fb = faceHandle(b);
01029         if ( fa != fb )
01030         {
01031             LASS_THROW("connect of edges would violate face constraint");
01032         }
01033         PointHandle hADest = pointHandle( a->sym() );
01034         PointHandle hB = pointHandle( b );
01035         TEdge* e = makeEdge( dest(a), org(b), false);
01036         TQuadEdge::splice( e, a->lNext() );
01037         TQuadEdge::splice( e->sym(), b );
01039         setFaceHandle( e, fa );
01040         setPointHandle( a->sym(), hADest );
01041         setPointHandle( b, hB );
01042         return e;
01043     }
01045     TEMPLATE_DEF
01046     typename PlanarMesh<T, PointHandle, EdgeHandle, FaceHandle>::TEdge* PlanarMesh<T, PointHandle, EdgeHandle, FaceHandle>::split( TEdge* iEdge, T iWhere)
01047     {
01048         LASS_ENFORCE(iWhere>T(0) && iWhere<T(1));
01049         splitEdge(iEdge,along(iEdge,iWhere));
01050         return iEdge->lNext();
01052         //TPoint2D splitPoint(along(iEdge,iWhere));
01053         //TEdge* a(iEdge);
01054         //TEdge* b(iEdge->lNext());
01055         //FaceHandle fa = faceHandle(a);
01056         //FaceHandle fas = faceHandle(a->sym());
01057         //TEdge* e = makeEdge( splitPoint, dest(iEdge), iEdge->isConstrained());
01058         //*iEdge->sym()->handle().point_ = splitPoint;
01059         //TQuadEdge::splice( e, a->lNext() );
01060         //TQuadEdge::splice( e->sym(), b );
01062         //setFaceHandle( e, fa );
01063         //setFaceHandle( e->sym(), fas );
01064         //return e;
01065     }
01067     TEMPLATE_DEF
01068     bool PlanarMesh<T, PointHandle, EdgeHandle, FaceHandle>::removeVertex( TEdge* iEdge)
01069     {
01070         // enumerate all the incident edges
01071         int n = vertexOrder(iEdge);
01072         TEdge* currentEdge = iEdge;
01073         for (int i=0;i<n;++i)
01074         {
01075             gcDeleteEdge(currentEdge);
01076             currentEdge = currentEdge->oNext();
01077         }
01078         gc();
01079         return true;
01080     }
01082     TEMPLATE_DEF
01083     void PlanarMesh<T, PointHandle, EdgeHandle, FaceHandle>::fixEdge(TEdge *e)
01084     // A simple, but recursive way of doing things.
01085     // Flips e, if necessary, in which case calls itself
01086     // recursively on the two edges that were to the right
01087     // of e before it was flipped, to propagate the change.
01088     {
01089         if (e->isConstrained())
01090             return;
01091         TEdge *f = e->oPrev();
01092         TEdge *g = e->dNext();
01094         if ( prim::inCircle( dest(e),dest(e->oNext()),org(e),dest(f)) )
01095         {
01096             swap(e);
01097             fixEdge(f);
01098             fixEdge(g);
01099         }
01100     }
01103     TEMPLATE_DEF
01104     void PlanarMesh<T, PointHandle, EdgeHandle, FaceHandle>::safeSplitEdge(TEdge *e, const TPoint2D& iPoint )
01105     // checks that when the point iPoint is on the edge e that is 
01106     // really between the org and the dest of e
01107     // due to numerical roundoff this could be otherwise
01108     //
01109     // only call this routine when you are splitting an edge e in two 
01110     // collinear (or at least expected collinear within numerical roundoff) parts
01111     {
01112         TRay2D  testRay1(org(e),dest(e));
01113         if (testRay1.t(dest(e))<=testRay1.t(iPoint))
01114         {
01115             LASS_THROW("Inconsistent splitting of constrained edge");
01116         }
01117         TRay2D  testRay2(dest(e),org(e));
01118         if (testRay2.t(org(e))<=testRay2.t(iPoint))
01119         {
01120             LASS_THROW("Inconsistent splitting of constrained edge");
01121         }
01122         splitEdge(e,iPoint);
01123     }
01126     TEMPLATE_DEF
01127     void PlanarMesh<T, PointHandle, EdgeHandle, FaceHandle>::splitEdge(TEdge *e, const TPoint2D& iPoint )
01128     // Shorten edge e s.t. its destination becomes x. Connect
01129     // x to the previous destination of e by a new edge. If e
01130     // is constrained, x is snapped onto the edge, and the new
01131     // edge is also marked as constrained.
01133     // remember that this function is rather dumb
01134     // no snapping is performed to constrained edges
01135     // all these operations have to be performed _before_ entering this routine
01136     // the edge e is readily available so it is the responsible of the caller to 
01137     // make meaningful splits
01138     {
01139         const TVector2D dir = direction(e);
01140         PointHandle    iE = pointHandle(e);
01141         PointHandle    iES= pointHandle(e->sym());
01142         EdgeHandle      iLE = edgeHandle(e);
01143         EdgeHandle      iRE = edgeHandle(e->sym());
01145         TPoint2D thePoint = iPoint;
01146         TEdge* t = e->lNext();
01147         TQuadEdge::splice( e->sym(), t );
01148         setDest( thePoint, e );
01149         setPointHandle(e, iE);
01150         TEdge* ne = connect( e, t );
01151         if (e->isConstrained())
01152         {
01153             //setEdgeHandle(ne, iLE);
01154             //setEdgeHandle(ne->sym(), iRE);
01155             setOrientedEdgeHandle( e, iLE, iRE, dir );
01156             setOrientedEdgeHandle( ne, iLE, iRE, dir );
01157             ne->quadEdge()->edgeConstrain();
01158         }
01160         // make sure the inserted edge also points to correct point information
01161         LASS_ASSERT( pointHandle(e) == iE );
01162         LASS_ASSERT( pointHandle(e->lNext()->sym()) == iES );
01163     }
01165     TEMPLATE_DEF
01166     typename PlanarMesh<T, PointHandle, EdgeHandle, FaceHandle>::TPoint2D PlanarMesh<T, PointHandle, EdgeHandle, FaceHandle>::snap(const TPoint2D& x, const TPoint2D& a, const TPoint2D& b)
01167     {
01168 //#pragma LASS_TODO("This can be more efficient")
01169         /*
01170         if (distance(x,a)<tolerance_)
01171             return a;
01172         if (distance(x,b)<tolerance_)
01173             return b;
01174         */
01175         if (x==a)
01176             return a;
01177         if (x==b)
01178             return b;
01179         T t1 = dot(x-a,b-a);
01180         T t2 = dot(x-b,a-b);
01182         T t = std::max(t1,t2) / (t1 + t2);
01184         if (prim::doubleTriangleArea(x,a,b)==T(0))
01185             return x;
01187         if (t1>t2)
01188         {
01189             T rx1 = (T(1)-t)*a.x + t*b.x;
01190             T ry1 = (T(1)-t)*a.y + t*b.y;
01191             return TPoint2D(rx1,ry1);
01192         }
01194         T rx2 = (T(1)-t)*b.x + t*a.x;
01195         T ry2 = (T(1)-t)*b.y + t*a.y;
01197         return TPoint2D(rx2,ry2);
01198     }
01200     TEMPLATE_DEF
01201     void PlanarMesh<T, PointHandle, EdgeHandle, FaceHandle>::swap( TEdge* iEdge )
01202     {
01203         if ( iEdge->isConstrained() )
01204         {
01205             LASS_THROW( "cannot swap constrained edge" );
01206         }
01207         TEdge* e = iEdge;
01208         TEdge* a = e->oPrev();
01209         TEdge* b = e->sym()->oPrev();
01211         /* following handles do not represent the edges, they represent the points
01212                 a
01213                / \
01214               b-e-c
01215                \ /
01216                 d
01218         */
01219         PointHandle hA = pointHandle(e->oNext()->sym());
01220         PointHandle hB = pointHandle(e);
01221         PointHandle hC = pointHandle(e->sym());
01222         PointHandle hD = pointHandle(e->oPrev()->sym());
01224         TQuadEdge::splice( e, a );
01225         TQuadEdge::splice( e->sym(), b );
01226         TQuadEdge::splice( e, a->lNext() );
01227         TQuadEdge::splice( e->sym(), b->lNext() );
01228         setOrg( dest(a), e );       // this is point a here!
01229         setDest( dest(b), e );      // this is point b here!
01231         setPointHandle( e, hD );
01232         setPointHandle( e->sym(), hA );
01234         LASS_ASSERT( leftOf( dest(e->lNext()), e ) );
01235         LASS_ASSERT( leftOf( dest(e->lNext()->lNext()), e->lNext() ) );
01236         LASS_ASSERT( leftOf( dest(e->lNext()->lNext()->lNext()), e->lNext()->lNext() ) );
01237         LASS_ASSERT( leftOf( dest(e->sym()->lNext()), e->sym() ) );
01238         LASS_ASSERT( leftOf( dest(e->sym()->lNext()->lNext()), e->sym()->lNext() ) );
01239         LASS_ASSERT( leftOf( dest(e->sym()->lNext()->lNext()->lNext()), e->sym()->lNext()->lNext() ) );
01241         LASS_ASSERT( pointHandle( e->oNext()->sym() ) == hB );
01242         LASS_ASSERT( pointHandle( e->oPrev()->sym() ) == hC );
01243     }
01245     TEMPLATE_DEF
01246     bool PlanarMesh<T, PointHandle, EdgeHandle, FaceHandle>::deleteEdge( TEdge* e )
01247     {
01248         if ( e->isConstrained() )
01249         {
01250             return false;
01251         }
01253         while (startEdge_->quadEdge()==e->quadEdge())
01254             startEdge_=e->lNext();
01256         // void any caching when the edge is deleted
01257         if (    *lastLocateEdge_==e 
01258             ||  *lastLocateEdge_==e->rot()
01259             ||  *lastLocateEdge_==e->sym()
01260             ||  *lastLocateEdge_==e->sym()->rot())
01261             lastLocateEdge_.reset(startEdge_);
01262         if (    *lastFloodEdge_==e 
01263             ||  *lastFloodEdge_==e->rot()
01264             ||  *lastFloodEdge_==e->sym()
01265             ||  *lastFloodEdge_==e->sym()->rot())
01266             lastFloodEdge_.reset(startEdge_);
01268         TQuadEdge::splice( e, e->oPrev() );
01269         TQuadEdge::splice( e->sym(), e->sym()->oPrev() );
01271         typename TQuadEdgeList::iterator it = std::find(quadEdgeList_.begin(),quadEdgeList_.end(),e->quadEdge());
01272         std::swap(*it, quadEdgeList_.back());
01274         TQuadEdge* qe = quadEdgeList_.back();
01275         qe->edgeDeconstrain();
01276         qe->faceDeconstrain();
01277         quadEdgeList_.pop_back();
01278         free(qe);
01280         edgeCount_ -= 2;
01281         return true;
01282     }
01284     TEMPLATE_DEF
01285     bool PlanarMesh<T, PointHandle, EdgeHandle, FaceHandle>::gcDeleteEdge( TEdge* e )
01286     {
01287         if ( e->isConstrained() )
01288         {
01289             return false;
01290         }
01292         while (startEdge_->quadEdge()==e->quadEdge())
01293             startEdge_=e->lNext();
01294         // void any caching when the edge is deleted
01295         if (    *lastLocateEdge_==e 
01296             ||  *lastLocateEdge_==e->rot()
01297             ||  *lastLocateEdge_==e->sym()
01298             ||  *lastLocateEdge_==e->sym()->rot())
01299             lastLocateEdge_.reset(startEdge_);
01300         if (    *lastFloodEdge_==e 
01301             ||  *lastFloodEdge_==e->rot()
01302             ||  *lastFloodEdge_==e->sym()
01303             ||  *lastFloodEdge_==e->sym()->rot())
01304             lastFloodEdge_.reset(startEdge_);
01306         TQuadEdge::splice( e, e->oPrev() );
01307         TQuadEdge::splice( e->sym(), e->sym()->oPrev() );
01309         TQuadEdge* qe = e->quadEdge();
01310         qe->edgeDeconstrain();
01311         qe->faceDeconstrain();
01312         qe->detach();
01313         qe->deleted = true;
01315         edgeCount_ -= 2;
01316         return true;
01317     }
01318     TEMPLATE_DEF
01319     int PlanarMesh<T, PointHandle, EdgeHandle, FaceHandle>::gc( )
01320     {
01321         // sort all the edges in the quadedgelist on the deleted value
01322         // because there are only two values we can do an O(n) sort, yes you read that correctly =)
01323         // we put all non-gc elements in front of the vector
01324         // this algorithm will also work on lists using iterators, we just do it on random access containers here
01325         // the iterator implementation is left as an exercise to the reader =)
01326         int lastMarker = quadEdgeList_.size()-1;
01327         int startMarker = 0;
01328         int collected = 0;
01329         int n = quadEdgeList_.size()-1;
01331         while (startMarker<lastMarker)
01332         {
01333             // advance first marker till first gc element
01334             while (!quadEdgeList_[startMarker]->deleted && startMarker<n)
01335                 ++startMarker;
01336             // advance last marker till first non-gc element
01337             while (quadEdgeList_[lastMarker]->deleted && lastMarker>0)
01338                 --lastMarker;
01339             // double check and do termination iteration
01340             if (quadEdgeList_[startMarker]->deleted && !quadEdgeList_[lastMarker]->deleted )
01341                 std::swap(quadEdgeList_[startMarker],quadEdgeList_[lastMarker]);
01342         }
01343         // lastMarker should now point at the GC starting point
01344         // we are too lazy to verify this, so we do backwards search again
01345         // the whole algorithm is O(n) anyway
01346         lastMarker = n;
01347         while (quadEdgeList_[lastMarker]->deleted && lastMarker>0)
01348         {
01349             --lastMarker;
01350             quadEdgeList_.pop_back();
01351             ++collected;
01352         }
01353         return collected;
01354     }
01357     TEMPLATE_DEF
01358     typename PlanarMesh<T, PointHandle, EdgeHandle, FaceHandle>::TEdge* PlanarMesh<T, PointHandle, EdgeHandle, FaceHandle>::bruteForceLocate( const TPoint2D& iPoint ) const
01359     {
01360         typedef PlanarMesh<T, PointHandle, EdgeHandle, FaceHandle> TPlanarMesh;
01361         impl::BrutePointLocator<T, PointHandle, EdgeHandle, FaceHandle> bruteLocator( iPoint );
01362         const_cast<TPlanarMesh*>(this)->forAllFaces( TEdgeCallback( &bruteLocator, &impl::BrutePointLocator<T, PointHandle, EdgeHandle, FaceHandle>::findEdge ) );
01363         if (bruteLocator.edge==NULL)
01364         {
01365             impl::BrutePointLocator<T, PointHandle, EdgeHandle, FaceHandle> bruteLocator( iPoint );
01366             const_cast<TPlanarMesh*>(this)->forAllPrimaryEdges( TEdgeCallback( &bruteLocator, &impl::BrutePointLocator<T, PointHandle, EdgeHandle, FaceHandle>::findEdge ) );
01367 #if DEBUG_MESH
01368             if (bruteLocator.edge==NULL)
01369             {
01370                 impl::BrutePointLocatorVerbose<T, PointHandle, EdgeHandle, FaceHandle> bruteLocatorVerbose( iPoint );
01371       "bruteforcelocation.txt");
01372                 const_cast<TPlanarMesh*>(this)->forAllPrimaryEdges( TEdgeCallback( &bruteLocatorVerbose, &impl::BrutePointLocatorVerbose<T, PointHandle, EdgeHandle, FaceHandle>::findEdge ) );
01373       ;
01374                 return bruteLocatorVerbose.edge;
01375             }
01376 #endif
01377             return bruteLocator.edge;
01378         }
01379         return bruteLocator.edge;
01380     }
01382     // searches for an exact vertex
01383     TEMPLATE_DEF
01384     typename PlanarMesh<T, PointHandle, EdgeHandle, FaceHandle>::TEdge* PlanarMesh<T, PointHandle, EdgeHandle, FaceHandle>::bruteForceExactLocate( const TPoint2D& iPoint ) const
01385     {
01386         typedef PlanarMesh<T, PointHandle, EdgeHandle, FaceHandle> TPlanarMesh;
01387         impl::BrutePointExactLocator<T, PointHandle, EdgeHandle, FaceHandle> brutePointLocator( iPoint );
01388         const_cast<TPlanarMesh*>(this)->forAllVertices( TEdgeCallback( &brutePointLocator, &impl::BrutePointExactLocator<T, PointHandle, EdgeHandle, FaceHandle>::findPoint ) );
01389         return brutePointLocator.edge;
01390     }
01392     TEMPLATE_DEF
01393     bool PlanarMesh<T, PointHandle, EdgeHandle, FaceHandle>::isBoundingPoint( const TPoint2D& iPoint ) const
01394     {
01395         size_t length = boundingPoints_.size();
01396         for (size_t i=0;i<length;++i)
01397         {
01398             if (boundingPoints_[i]==iPoint)
01399                 return true;
01400         }
01401         return false;
01402     }
01406     TEMPLATE_DEF
01407     typename PlanarMesh<T, PointHandle, EdgeHandle, FaceHandle>::TEdge* PlanarMesh<T, PointHandle, EdgeHandle, FaceHandle>::locate( const TPoint2D& iPoint, TEdge* iHint ) const
01408     {
01409         if (iHint)
01410             *lastLocateEdge_ = iHint;
01411         TEdge*& lastLocateEdge = *lastLocateEdge_;
01412         long edgesPassed = 0;
01414         TEdge* e = lastLocateEdge;
01415         while (edgesPassed<(edgeCount_+2))
01416         {
01417 continueSearch:
01418             ++edgesPassed;
01419             const TPoint2D& eorg = fastOrg(e);
01420             const TPoint2D& edest = fastDest(e);
01422             if ( eorg == iPoint )
01423             {
01424                 lastLocateEdge = e;
01425                 return e;
01426             }
01427             if ( edest == iPoint )
01428             {
01429                 e = e->sym();
01430                 lastLocateEdge = e;
01431                 return e;
01432             }
01433             if ( fastRightOf( iPoint, e ) )
01434                 e = e->sym();
01436             //TEdge* elPrev= e->lPrev();
01437             bool hasALeftFace = true;
01438             if (isBoundingPoint(eorg))
01439                 hasALeftFace = fastHasLeftFace(e);
01440             //bool hasALeftFace = fastLeftOf(edest,elPrev);
01441             if (hasALeftFace)
01442             {
01443                 /*
01444                 if ( iPoint == fastOrg(elPrev))
01445                 {
01446                     return e->lPrev();
01447                 }
01448                 */
01449                 if ( fastLeftOf( iPoint, e->oNext()) )
01450                 {
01451                     e = e->oNext();
01452                     continue;
01453                 }
01454                 TEdge* ce = e;
01455 #pragma LASS_TODO("Optimize")
01456                 // this for loop is introduced for point location in non-triangular, general
01457                 // convex cells
01458                 size_t loopOrder = chainOrder(e)-2;
01459                 for (size_t i=0;i<loopOrder;++i)
01460                 {
01461                     if ( fastLeftOf( iPoint, ce->dPrev()) )
01462                     {
01463                         e = ce->dPrev();
01464                         goto continueSearch;
01465                     }
01466                     ce = ce->lNext();
01467                 }
01469                 TRay2D  R1(fastOrg(e), fastDest(e));
01470                 TPoint2D    p1 = R1.point( R1.t( iPoint ) );
01471                 TRay2D  R2(fastDest(e), fastOrg(e->lPrev()));
01472                 TPoint2D    p2 = R2.point( R2.t( iPoint ) );
01473                 TRay2D  R3(fastOrg(e->lPrev()), fastOrg(e));
01474                 TPoint2D    p3 = R3.point( R3.t( iPoint ) );
01476                 typename TPoint2D::TValue d1 = squaredDistance(iPoint,p1);
01477                 typename TPoint2D::TValue d2 = squaredDistance(iPoint,p2);
01478                 typename TPoint2D::TValue d3 = squaredDistance(iPoint,p3);
01480                 /*if (d1*d2*d3 == T(0))
01481                 {
01482                     // yes, we are unlucky
01483                     int a = 0;
01484                 }*/
01486                 if ((d1<d2) && (d1<d3))
01487                 {
01488                     lastLocateEdge = e;
01489                     return e;
01490                 }
01491                 if ((d2<d3) && (d2<=d1))
01492                 {
01493                     e = e->lNext();
01494                     lastLocateEdge = e;
01495                     return e;
01496                 }
01497                 e = e->lPrev();
01498                 lastLocateEdge = e;
01499                 return e;
01500             }
01502             if (onEdge(iPoint,e))
01503             {
01504                 e = e->sym();
01505                 lastLocateEdge = e;
01506                 return e;
01507             }
01509             if (rightOf(iPoint, e->oPrev()))
01510             {
01511                 e = e->oPrev()->sym();
01512                 continue;
01513             }
01514             if (rightOf(iPoint,e->dNext()))
01515             {
01516                 e = e->dNext()->sym();
01517                 continue;
01518             }
01519         }
01520         //throw std::runtime_error("could not locate edge for point, probably point on edge which is not supported yet!");
01522         e = bruteForceLocate(iPoint);
01523         lastLocateEdge = e;
01524         return e;
01525     }
01527     TEMPLATE_DEF
01528     typename PlanarMesh<T, PointHandle, EdgeHandle, FaceHandle>::TEdge* PlanarMesh<T, PointHandle, EdgeHandle, FaceHandle>::pointLocate( const TPoint2D& iPoint ) const
01529     {
01530         TEdge*& lastLocateEdge = *lastLocateEdge_;
01531         long edgesPassed = 0;
01533         TEdge* e = lastLocateEdge;
01534         while (edgesPassed<(edgeCount_+2))
01535         {
01536             ++edgesPassed;
01537             if ( org( e ) == iPoint )
01538             {
01539                 lastLocateEdge = e;
01540                 return e;
01541             }
01542             if ( dest( e ) == iPoint )
01543             {
01544                 e = e->sym();
01545                 lastLocateEdge = e;
01546                 return e;
01547             }
01548             if ( rightOf( iPoint, e ) )
01549                 e = e->sym();
01551             if (hasLeftFace(e))
01552             {
01553                 if ( iPoint == org(e->lPrev()) )
01554                 {
01555                     e = e->lPrev();
01556                     lastLocateEdge = e;
01557                     return e;
01558                 }
01559                 if ( leftOf( iPoint, e->oNext()) )
01560                 {
01561                     e = e->oNext();
01562                     continue;
01563                 }
01564                 if ( leftOf( iPoint, e->dPrev()) )
01565                 {
01566                     e = e->dPrev();
01567                     continue;
01568                 }
01569             }
01571             if (rightOf(iPoint, e->oPrev()))
01572             {
01573                 e = e->oPrev()->sym();
01574                 continue;
01575             }
01576             if (rightOf(iPoint,e->dNext()))
01577             {
01578                 e = e->dNext()->sym();
01579                 continue;
01580             }
01581         }
01582         //throw std::runtime_error("could not locate edge for point, probably point on edge which is not supported yet!");
01583         e = bruteForceExactLocate(iPoint);
01584         LASS_ASSERT(e!=NULL);
01585         lastLocateEdge = e;
01586         return e;
01587         LASS_THROW( "pointLocate: could not find point");
01588     }
01591     /** method is polygon-safe */
01592     TEMPLATE_DEF
01593     typename PlanarMesh<T, PointHandle, EdgeHandle, FaceHandle>::TEdge* PlanarMesh<T, PointHandle, EdgeHandle, FaceHandle>::shoot( const TRay2D& iRay ) const
01594     {
01595         TEdge* locateEdge = locate(;
01596         TEdge* startEdge = locateEdge;
01597         if (!startEdge)
01598             return NULL;
01600         if (org(startEdge)
01601         {
01602             TEdge* e(startEdge);
01603             //lass::prim::Side lastSide = iRay.classify(org(e));
01604             int vOrder = vertexOrder(e);
01605             for (int i=0;i<vOrder+1;++i)
01606             {
01607                 /*
01608                 lass::prim::Side currentSide = iRay.classify(dest(e));
01609                 if (lastSide==lass::prim::sRight && lastSide!=currentSide)
01610                     return e;
01611                 lastSide = currentSide;
01612                 */
01613                 if (    num::abs(prim::doubleTriangleArea(,iRay.point(T(1)),dest(e)))<tolerance_
01614                     &&  iRay.t(dest(e)) > T(0) )
01615                     return e;
01616                 e = e->oNext();
01617             }
01618             e = e;
01619         }
01621         do  
01622         {
01623             TEdge* e(startEdge);
01624             lass::prim::Side lastSide = iRay.classify(org(e));
01625             do
01626             {
01627                 lass::prim::Side currentSide = iRay.classify(dest(e));
01628                 if (currentSide==lass::prim::sSurface)
01629                     return e->sym();
01630                 if (lastSide==lass::prim::sRight && lastSide!=currentSide)
01631                     return e;
01632                 lastSide = currentSide;
01633                 e = e->lNext();
01634             }
01635             while (e!=startEdge);
01636             startEdge = startEdge->oNext();
01637         } while (startEdge!=locateEdge);
01639 #if DEBUG_MESH
01640         // recreate the same situation for debugging purposes
01641         {
01642             lass::io::MatlabOStream bugMesh;
01643    "shoot_ray.m" );
01644             bugMesh << std::setprecision(15);
01645             bugMesh << *const_cast<PlanarMesh<T, PointHandle, EdgeHandle, FaceHandle>*>(this);
01646             bugMesh.close();
01647    "shoot_ray_edges.m" );
01648             bugMesh.setColor(lass::io::mcBlue);
01649             bugMesh << TLineSegment2D(,iRay.point(1.0));
01650             do  
01651             {
01652                 TEdge* e(startEdge);
01653                 lass::prim::Side lastSide = iRay.classify(org(e));
01654                 bugMesh.setColor(lass::io::mcRed);
01655                 bugMesh << TLineSegment2D(org(startEdge),dest(startEdge));
01656                 do
01657                 {
01658                     bugMesh.setColor(lass::io::mcGreen);
01659                     bugMesh << TLineSegment2D(org(e),dest(e));
01660                     lass::prim::Side currentSide = iRay.classify(dest(e));
01661                     if (lastSide==lass::prim::sRight && lastSide!=currentSide)
01662                         return e;
01663                     lastSide = currentSide;
01664                     e = e->lNext();
01665                 }
01666                 while (e!=startEdge);
01667                 startEdge = startEdge->oNext();
01668             } while (startEdge!=locateEdge);
01669             bugMesh.close();
01670         }
01671 #endif
01673         return NULL;    // we give up
01674     }
01676     /** method is polygon-safe */
01677     TEMPLATE_DEF
01678     typename PlanarMesh<T, PointHandle, EdgeHandle, FaceHandle>::TEdge* PlanarMesh<T, PointHandle, EdgeHandle, FaceHandle>::pointShoot( const TRay2D& iRay ) const
01679     {
01680         TEdge* locateEdge = pointLocate(;
01681         LASS_ASSERT(isBoundingPoint(org(locateEdge)) || allEqualChainOrder(locateEdge));
01682         TEdge* startEdge = locateEdge;
01683         if (!startEdge)
01684             return NULL;
01686         TEdge* e(startEdge);
01687         //lass::prim::Side lastSide = iRay.classify(org(e));
01688         int vOrder = vertexOrder(e);
01689         for (int i=0;i<vOrder+1;++i)
01690         {
01691             /*
01692             lass::prim::Side currentSide = iRay.classify(dest(e));
01693             if (lastSide==lass::prim::sRight && lastSide!=currentSide)
01694                 return e;
01695             lastSide = currentSide;
01696             */
01697             if (    num::abs(prim::doubleTriangleArea(,iRay.point(T(1)),dest(e)))<tolerance_
01698                 &&  iRay.t(dest(e)) > T(0) )
01699                 return e;
01700             e = e->oNext();
01701         }
01702         e = e;
01704         do  
01705         {
01706             TEdge* e(startEdge);
01707             lass::prim::Side lastSide = iRay.classify(org(e));
01708             do
01709             {
01710                 lass::prim::Side currentSide = iRay.classify(dest(e));
01711                 if (lastSide==lass::prim::sRight && lastSide!=currentSide)
01712                     return e;
01713                 lastSide = currentSide;
01714                 e = e->lNext();
01715             }
01716             while (e!=startEdge);
01717             startEdge = startEdge->oNext();
01718         } while (startEdge!=locateEdge);
01720         LASS_THROW("pointShoot, could not find suitable triangle");
01721         return NULL;
01722     }
01725     /* _Adds_ the intersection points of the crossed edges to the output vector, method is polygon safe */
01726     TEMPLATE_DEF
01727     template <typename OutputIterator> 
01728     OutputIterator PlanarMesh<T, PointHandle, EdgeHandle, FaceHandle>::walkIntersections( const TLineSegment2D& iSegment, OutputIterator oIntersections) const
01729     {
01730         std::vector<TEdge*> crossedEdges;
01731         walk(iSegment,std::back_inserter(crossedEdges));
01732         const size_t n = crossedEdges.size();
01733         for (size_t i=0;i<n;++i)
01734         {
01735             TPoint2D intersection;
01736             if (impl::fastIntersect(iSegment.tail(),iSegment.head(),fastOrg(crossedEdges[i]),fastDest(crossedEdges[i]),intersection)!=lass::prim::rOne)
01737             {
01738                 // we make the bold assumption that we have parallel coinciding lines
01739                 (*oIntersections++) = std::pair<TPoint2D,TEdge*>(fastOrg(crossedEdges[i]),crossedEdges[i]);
01740                 if (squaredDistance(fastOrg(crossedEdges[i]),fastDest(crossedEdges[i]))<squaredDistance(iSegment.tail(),iSegment.head()))
01741                     (*oIntersections++) = std::pair<TPoint2D,TEdge*>(fastDest(crossedEdges[i]),crossedEdges[i]);
01742                 else
01743                     (*oIntersections++) = std::pair<TPoint2D,TEdge*>(iSegment.head(),crossedEdges[i]);
01744             }
01745             else
01746             {
01747                 (*oIntersections++) = std::pair<TPoint2D,TEdge*>(intersection,crossedEdges[i]);
01748             }
01749         }
01750         return oIntersections;
01751     }
01754     /* _Adds_ the crossed edges to the output vector, method is polygon safe */
01755     TEMPLATE_DEF
01756     template <typename OutputIterator> 
01757     OutputIterator PlanarMesh<T, PointHandle, EdgeHandle, FaceHandle>::walk( const TLineSegment2D& iSegment, OutputIterator crossedEdges ) const
01758     {
01759         TEdge* e=NULL;
01760         e = shoot(TRay2D(iSegment.tail(),iSegment.vector()));
01761         //LASS_ASSERT(isBoundingPoint(org(e)) || allEqualChainOrder(e));
01762         if (!e)
01763         {
01764             LASS_THROW("Could not shoot initial ray in walk");
01765         }
01766         if (inConvexCell(iSegment.head(),e))
01767             return crossedEdges;
01768         if (dest(e)==iSegment.head())
01769         {
01770             (*crossedEdges++) = e;
01771             return crossedEdges;
01772         }
01774         while ( !leftOf(iSegment.head(),e) 
01775             ||  (   (num::abs(prim::doubleTriangleArea(dest(e),iSegment.head(),iSegment.tail()))<tolerance_ )
01776             &&      (num::abs(prim::doubleTriangleArea(org(e),iSegment.head(),iSegment.tail()))<tolerance_ ) ) )
01777         {
01778             (*crossedEdges++) = e;
01779             /*
01780             TEdge* ne1 = e->sym()->lNext();
01781             if (cw(iSegment.tail(),iSegment.head(),dest(ne1)))
01782                 e = ne1->lNext();
01783             else
01784                 e = ne1;
01785             */
01786             TEdge* ce = e->sym()->lNext();
01787 #pragma LASS_TODO("Optimize")
01788             // this for loop is introduced for point location in non-triangular, general
01789             // convex cells
01790             TEdge* oldE = e;
01791             for (int i=0;i<chainOrder(e);++i)
01792             {
01793                 if ( weakCcw( iSegment.tail(), iSegment.head(), dest(ce) ) )
01794                 {
01795                     e = ce;
01796                     break;
01797                 }
01798                 ce = ce->lNext();
01799             }
01800             if (e==oldE)
01801             {
01802                 LASS_THROW("Planarmesh: stuck in walk");
01803             }
01804         }
01805         return crossedEdges;
01806     }
01808     /* _Adds_ the crossed edges to the output vector, method is polygon safe */
01809     TEMPLATE_DEF
01810     std::pair<int, typename PlanarMesh<T, PointHandle, EdgeHandle, FaceHandle>::TEdge*> PlanarMesh<T, PointHandle, EdgeHandle, FaceHandle>::walkTillConstrained( const TRay2D& iRay) const
01811     {
01812         int nCrossed = 0;
01813         TEdge* e=NULL;
01814         TLineSegment2D segment(,;
01815         e = shoot(iRay);
01816         //LASS_ASSERT(isBoundingPoint(org(e)) || allEqualChainOrder(e));
01817         if (!e)
01818         {
01819             LASS_THROW("Could not shoot initial ray in walk");
01820         }
01821         while ( !e->isConstrained()) 
01822         {
01823             /*
01824             TEdge* ne1 = e->sym()->lNext();
01825             if (cw(iSegment.tail(),iSegment.head(),dest(ne1)))
01826                 e = ne1->lNext();
01827             else
01828                 e = ne1;
01829             */
01830             TEdge* ce = e->sym()->lNext();
01831 #pragma LASS_TODO("Optimize")
01832             // this for loop is introduced for point location in non-triangular, general
01833             // convex cells
01834             TEdge* oldE = e;
01835             int n = chainOrder(e);
01836             for (int i=0;i<n;++i)
01837             {
01838                 if ( weakCcw( segment.tail(), segment.head(), dest(ce) ) )
01839                 {
01840                     e = ce;
01841                     ++nCrossed;
01842                     break;
01843                 }
01844                 ce = ce->lNext();
01845             }
01846             if (e==oldE)
01847             {
01848                 LASS_THROW("Planarmesh: stuck in walkTillConstrained");
01849             }
01850         }
01851         return std::make_pair(nCrossed,e);
01852     }
01856     /* _Adds_ the crossed edges to the output vector, method is polygon safe */
01857     TEMPLATE_DEF
01858     template <typename OutputIterator> 
01859     OutputIterator PlanarMesh<T, PointHandle, EdgeHandle, FaceHandle>::pointWalk( const TLineSegment2D& iSegment, OutputIterator crossedEdges ) const
01860     {
01861         TEdge* e=NULL;
01862         e = pointShoot(TRay2D(iSegment.tail(),iSegment.vector()));
01863         LASS_ASSERT(isBoundingPoint(org(e)) || allEqualChainOrder(e));
01864         if (!e)
01865         {
01866             LASS_THROW("Could not shoot initial ray in pointWalk");
01867         }
01868         if (dest(e)==iSegment.head())
01869         {
01870             (*crossedEdges++) = e;
01871             return crossedEdges;
01872         }
01874         while ( !leftOf(iSegment.head(),e) 
01875             ||  (   (num::abs(prim::doubleTriangleArea(dest(e),iSegment.head(),iSegment.tail()))<tolerance_ )
01876             &&      (num::abs(prim::doubleTriangleArea(org(e),iSegment.head(),iSegment.tail()))<tolerance_ ) ) )
01877         {
01878             (*crossedEdges++) = e;
01879             /*
01880             TEdge* ne1 = e->sym()->lNext();
01881             if (cw(iSegment.tail(),iSegment.head(),dest(ne1)))
01882                 e = ne1->lNext();
01883             else
01884                 e = ne1;
01885             */
01886             TEdge* ce = e->sym()->lNext();
01887 #pragma LASS_TODO("Optimize")
01888             // this for loop is introduced for point location in non-triangular, general
01889             // convex cells
01890             for (int i=0;i<chainOrder(e)-1;++i)
01891             {
01892                 if ( weakCcw( iSegment.tail(), iSegment.head(), dest(ce) ) )
01893                 {
01894                     e = ce;
01895                     break;
01896                 }
01897                 ce = ce->lNext();
01898             }
01899         }
01900         return crossedEdges;
01901     }
01904     TEMPLATE_DEF
01905     void PlanarMesh<T, PointHandle, EdgeHandle, FaceHandle>::triangulate( TEdge* iEdge )
01906     // Triangulates the left face of first, which is assumed to be closed.
01907     // It is also assumed that all the vertices of that face lie to the
01908     // left of last (the edge preceeding first).
01909     // This is NOT intended as a general simple polygon triangulation
01910     // routine. It is called by InsertEdge in order to restore a
01911     // triangulation after an edge has been inserted.
01912     // The routine consists of two loops: the outer loop continues as
01913     // long as the left face is not a triangle. The inner loop examines
01914     // successive triplets of vertices, creating a triangle whenever the
01915     // triplet is counterclockwise.
01916     {
01917         TEdge *first = iEdge;
01918         TEdge *a, *b, *e, *t1, *t2, *last = first->lPrev();
01920         while (first->lNext()->lNext() != last)
01921         {
01922             e = first->lNext();
01923             t1 = first;
01924             while (e != last)
01925             {
01926                 t2 = e->lNext();
01927                 if (t2 == last && t1 == first)
01928                     break;
01929                 if (leftOf(dest(e),t1))
01930                 {
01931                     if (t1 == first)
01932                         t1 = first = connect(e, t1)->sym();
01933                     else
01934                         t1 = connect(e, t1)->sym();
01935                     a = t1->oPrev(), b = t1->dNext();
01936                     fixEdge(a);
01937                     fixEdge(b);
01938                     e = t2;
01939                 }
01940                 else
01941                 {
01942                     t1 = e;
01943                     e = t2;
01944                 }
01945             }
01946         }
01947         a = last->lNext(), b = last->lPrev();
01948         fixEdge(a);
01949         fixEdge(b);
01950         fixEdge(last);
01951     }
01954     /** makeDelaunay: after insertion of the site force a _Delaunay_ triangulation
01955     *   forceOnEdge : points are considered on the edge although due to numerical roundoff they
01956     *                 maybe not, as user you should let this default to false or you'd better
01957     *                 be knowning damn well what you are doing :-D
01958     */
01959     TEMPLATE_DEF
01960     typename PlanarMesh<T, PointHandle, EdgeHandle, FaceHandle>::TEdge* PlanarMesh<T, PointHandle, EdgeHandle, FaceHandle>::insertSite( const TPoint2D& iPoint, bool makeDelaunay, bool forceOnEdge )
01961     {
01962         TEdge* e = locate( iPoint );
01963         if (e==NULL)
01964         {
01965             locate( iPoint );
01966             LASS_ASSERT( e!=NULL);
01967         }
01968         T sqDistOrg = prim::squaredDistance(org(e),iPoint);
01969         T sqDistDest = prim::squaredDistance(dest(e),iPoint);
01971         if (sqDistOrg<pointDistanceTolerance_*pointDistanceTolerance_)
01972             return e;
01973         if (sqDistDest<pointDistanceTolerance_*pointDistanceTolerance_)
01974             return e->sym();
01976         bool hasLeft = hasLeftFace(e);
01977         bool hasRight = hasRightFace(e);
01979         if (!hasLeft && !hasRight)
01980         {
01981 #if DEBUG_MESH
01982             lass::io::MatlabOStream bugMesh;
01983    "bugMesh.m" );
01984             bugMesh << *this;
01985             bugMesh.close();
01986 #endif
01987             throw std::runtime_error("insertSite: edge does not have any faces");
01988         }
01990         bool isOnEdge = onEdge(iPoint, e) || forceOnEdge;
01991         // the distance to lines is enlarged a bit for greater stability towards distances to line calculations
01992         if (!isOnEdge && TLine2D(org(e),dest(e)).squaredDistance(iPoint)<T(1.05)*pointDistanceTolerance_*pointDistanceTolerance_)
01993         {
01994             // snap the point to the line, this is a precaution to avoid numerical 
01995             // instability later on
01996             isOnEdge = true;
01997             TPoint2D x = snap(iPoint, org(e), dest(e));
01998             return insertSite(x,makeDelaunay,true);
01999         }
02001         bool insideLeft  = hasLeft && (isOnEdge || leftOf(iPoint, e)) &&
02002                            rightOf(iPoint, e->oNext()) && rightOf(iPoint, e->dPrev());
02003         bool insideRight = hasRight && (isOnEdge || rightOf(iPoint, e)) &&
02004                            leftOf(iPoint, e->oPrev()) && leftOf(iPoint, e->dNext());
02006         // check for numerical stability
02007         // we check if upon insertion the orientation tests still give meaningful results
02008         {
02009             TPoint2D p1 = org(e);
02010             TPoint2D p2 = dest(e);
02011             TPoint2D p3 = dest(e->lNext());
02013             T s1 = prim::doubleTriangleArea(iPoint,p1,p2);
02014             T s2 = prim::doubleTriangleArea(iPoint,p2,p3);
02015             T s3 = prim::doubleTriangleArea(iPoint,p3,p1);
02017             if (isOnEdge)
02018             {
02019                 if ( s1*s2 < T(0) || s2*s3 < T(0) || s1*s3 < T(0) )
02020                 {
02021                     if (squaredDistance(org(e),iPoint)<squaredDistance(dest(e),iPoint))
02022                     {
02023                         if (squaredDistance(org(e),iPoint)<pointDistanceTolerance_*pointDistanceTolerance_)
02024                             return insertSite(org(e),makeDelaunay,true);
02025                         else
02026                         {
02027                             // we have come across a situation which is combinatorially not possible except for
02028                             // numerical issues, we just continue as the algorithm can cope with this
02029                             std::cout << "Numerical instability detected in lass::mesh\n";
02030                         }
02031                     }
02032                     else
02033                     {
02034                         if (squaredDistance(dest(e),iPoint)<pointDistanceTolerance_*pointDistanceTolerance_)
02035                             return insertSite(dest(e),makeDelaunay,true);
02036                         else
02037                         {
02038                             // we have come across a situation which is combinatorially not possible except for
02039                             // numerical issues, we just continue as the algorithm can cope with this
02040                             std::cout << "Numerical instability detected in lass::mesh\n";
02041                         }
02042                     }
02043                 }
02044             }
02045             else
02046             {
02047                 LASS_ASSERT( s1*s2 > T(0) );
02048                 LASS_ASSERT( s2*s3 > T(0) );
02049                 LASS_ASSERT( s1*s3 > T(0) );
02050             }
02051         }
02054         if (insideLeft  && iPoint == dest(e->oNext()))
02055             return e->lPrev();
02056         if (insideRight && iPoint == dest(e->oPrev()))
02057             return e->dNext();
02059         if ( isOnEdge )
02060         {
02061             static int passCount2 = 0;
02062             ++passCount2;
02063             // snap x to e, and check for coincidence:
02064             TPoint2D x = snap(iPoint, org(e), dest(e));
02065             T sqDistOrg = prim::squaredDistance(org(e),x);
02066             T sqDistDest = prim::squaredDistance(dest(e),x);
02068             if (sqDistOrg<pointDistanceTolerance_*pointDistanceTolerance_)
02069                 return e;
02070             if (sqDistDest<pointDistanceTolerance_*pointDistanceTolerance_)
02071                 return e->sym();
02073             // bummer
02074             if (hasRight && hasLeft)
02075             {
02076                 // has two faces
02077                 TEdge *a, *b, *c, *d;
02078                 a = e->oPrev();
02079                 b = e->dNext();
02080                 c = e->lNext();
02081                 d = e->lPrev();
02082                 safeSplitEdge(e, x);
02083                 connect(e, e->lPrev());
02084                 connect(e->oPrev(), e->sym());
02085                 fixEdge(a);
02086                 fixEdge(b);
02087                 fixEdge(c);
02088                 fixEdge(d);
02089             }
02090             else
02091             {
02092                 // has only one face
02093                 if (hasRight)
02094                     e = e->sym();
02095                 TEdge *c = e->lNext();
02096                 TEdge *d = e->lPrev();
02097                 safeSplitEdge(e, x);
02098                 connect(e, e->lPrev());
02099                 fixEdge(c);
02100                 fixEdge(d);
02101             }
02102             int vOrder = vertexOrder(e->sym());
02103             LASS_ASSERT(vOrder>2);
02104             LASS_ASSERT(x==dest(e));
02105             LASS_ASSERT(allEqualChainOrder(e->sym()));
02106             return e->sym();
02107         }
02109         // unused?  [Bramz]
02110         // int chOrder = chainOrder(e);
02112         PointHandle pH = pointHandle(e);
02113         TEdge* base = makeEdge(org(e),iPoint,false);
02114         TQuadEdge::splice(base,e);
02115         setPointHandle(e, pH);
02116         TEdge* startBase = base->sym();
02118         do
02119         {
02120             base = connect( e, base->sym() );
02121             e = base->oPrev();
02122         } while (e->dPrev()!=startBase);
02124         if ( makeDelaunay )
02125         {
02126             // try to build a delaunay mesh
02127             while (true)
02128             {
02129                 TEdge* t=e->oPrev();
02130                 if ( !e->isConstrained() && prim::inCircle(org(e),dest(t),dest(e),iPoint))
02131                 {
02132                     swap(e);
02133                     e=e->oPrev();
02134                 }
02135                 else
02136                 {
02137                     if (e->lPrev()==startBase)
02138                         return base->sym();
02139                     else
02140                         e = e->oNext()->lPrev();
02141                 }
02142             }
02143         }
02144         int vOrder = vertexOrder(base->sym());
02145         LASS_ASSERT(vOrder>2);
02146         LASS_ASSERT(iPoint==dest(base));
02147         LASS_ASSERT(allEqualChainOrder(base->sym()));
02148         return base->sym();
02149     }
02152     /** insertEdge.  Inserts a constrained edge into the planar mesh.  Edges on the lefthand
02153     *   side of the edge will be assigned iLeftHandle, others, iRightHandle.  All inserted points
02154     *   will be assigned the point handle, in case the iPointHandle is different from the NullType.
02155     */
02156     TEMPLATE_DEF
02157     typename PlanarMesh<T, PointHandle, EdgeHandle, FaceHandle>::TEdge* PlanarMesh<T, PointHandle, EdgeHandle, FaceHandle>::insertEdge( const TLineSegment2D& iSegment, EdgeHandle iLeftHandle, EdgeHandle iRightHandle, PointHandle iPointHandle, bool iForcePointHandle, bool makeDelaunay )
02158     {
02159 #if DEBUG_MESH
02160         std::cout << "Inserting : " << iSegment << "\n";
02161         static int passCountMesh = 0;
02162         ++passCountMesh;
02163         char buf[128];
02164         sprintf(buf,"debug_mesh_%d.m",passCountMesh);
02165         lass::io::MatlabOStream debugMesh;
02167         debugMesh << *this;
02168         debugMesh.close();
02169 #endif
02170         TEdge *ea, *eb;
02171         TPoint2D aa, bb, fbb, faa;
02172         if (ea = insertSite(iSegment.tail()),makeDelaunay)
02173         {
02174             aa = org(ea);
02175             if (iForcePointHandle)
02176                 setPointHandle(ea, iPointHandle);
02178         }
02179         if (eb = insertSite(iSegment.head()),makeDelaunay)
02180         {
02181             bb = org(eb);
02182             if (iForcePointHandle)
02183                 setPointHandle(eb, iPointHandle);
02184         }
02185         fbb = bb;
02186         faa = aa;
02188         if (ea == NULL || eb == NULL)
02189         {
02190             LASS_THROW("insertEdge: could not insert endpoints of edge");
02191         }
02193         if (org(ea)!=aa)
02194         {
02195             ea=locate(aa);
02196             if (ea==NULL)
02197             {
02198                 LASS_THROW("insertEdge: could not locate an endpoint");
02199             }
02201             if (!(aa == org(ea)))
02202                 ea = ea->sym();
02203             if (!(aa == org(ea)))
02204             {
02205                 LASS_THROW("insertEdge: point a is not an endpoint of ea");
02206             }
02207         }
02209         if (aa==bb)
02210         {
02211             return ea;
02212         }
02214         // first case : edge is present, constrain it
02215         TEdge* ce = ea;
02216         int vOrder = vertexOrder(ea);
02217         for (int i=0;i<vOrder;++i)
02218         {
02219             if (dest(ce)==fbb)
02220             {
02221                 ce->quadEdge()->edgeConstrain();
02222                 setOrientedEdgeHandle( ce, iLeftHandle, iRightHandle, iSegment.vector() );
02223                 return ce;
02224             }
02225             ce = ce->oNext();
02226         }
02227         if (distance(aa,bb)<pointDistanceTolerance_ )
02228         {
02229             LASS_THROW("insertEdge: both ends map to same vertex within requested numerical precision");
02230         }
02231         ce = ea;
02232         for (int i=0;i<vOrder;++i)
02233         {
02234             // if is almost in line we also take it
02235             if (    prim::dot(direction(ce), iSegment.vector()) > T(0)  
02236                 &&  num::abs(lass::prim::doubleTriangleArea(dest(ce),faa,fbb))<tolerance_) 
02237             {
02238                 ce->quadEdge()->edgeConstrain();
02239                 setOrientedEdgeHandle( ce, iLeftHandle, iRightHandle, iSegment.vector() );
02241                 return insertEdge( TLineSegment2D( dest(ce), fbb), iLeftHandle, iRightHandle, iPointHandle, iForcePointHandle, makeDelaunay );
02242             }
02244             ce = ce->oNext();
02245         }
02247         TVector2D segmentDirection(fbb-faa);
02248         std::vector< TEdge* >   insertedEdges;      // edges having as origin newly inserted points
02249         std::vector< TPoint2D > insertedPoints;     // newly inserted points
02250         std::vector< TPoint2D > finalInsertedPoints;        // newly inserted points
02251         std::vector< TEdge* >   crossedEdges;           // crossed edges by new segment
02252         std::vector< TEdge* >   filteredEdges;          // crossed edges by new segment
02253         //bool tookAction = false;
02254         static int passCount=0;
02255         ++passCount;
02257         LASS_ASSERT(allEqualChainOrder(ea));
02258         LASS_ASSERT(allEqualChainOrder(eb));
02259         pointWalk(TLineSegment2D(faa,fbb),std::back_inserter(crossedEdges));
02260 #if DEBUG_MESH
02261         std::cout << "Walk returned segments " << crossedEdges.size() << "\n";
02262         std::cout << std::setprecision(15);
02263 #endif 
02265         // search all edges to split
02266         insertedPoints.push_back(faa);
02267         for (size_t i=0;i<crossedEdges.size();++i)
02268         {
02269             bool computeIntersection = (crossedEdges[i]->isConstrained());
02270             TPoint2D eorg = org(crossedEdges[i]);
02271             TPoint2D edest= dest(crossedEdges[i]);
02272             bool noCommonPoints = eorg!=faa && eorg!=fbb &&  edest!=faa && edest!=fbb;
02273             if (    computeIntersection 
02274                 &&  noCommonPoints)
02275             {
02276                 TLine2D other(eorg,edest);
02277                 TPoint2D x;
02279                 if (prim::intersect(TLine2D(aa,bb),other,x)==prim::rOne)
02280                 {
02281                     TEdge* npe = insertSite(x,true,true);
02282                     TPoint2D nx = org(npe);
02284                     // the reverse test now for degeneration avoidance
02285                     // this avoids that the crossed edges is only touching the walked path
02286                     // noCommonPoints =  nx != eorg && nx != edest;
02288                     if (nx!=insertedPoints.back())
02289                     {
02290                         insertedPoints.push_back(nx);
02291 #if DEBUG_MESH
02292                         std::cout << "-> Intersection " << x << " filtered to " << nx << "\n";
02293 #endif
02294                         break;
02295                     }
02296                 }
02297             }
02298             if (noCommonPoints)
02299                 filteredEdges.push_back(crossedEdges[i]);
02300         }
02301         if (fbb!=insertedPoints.back())
02302             insertedPoints.push_back(fbb);
02304         // we found some intersections, recursively insert the subparts of the line segments
02305         if (insertedPoints.size()>2)
02306         {
02307             TEdge* ce = NULL;
02308             TEdge* bce = NULL;
02309             for (size_t i=0;i<insertedPoints.size()-1;++i)
02310             {
02311                 ce = insertEdge( TLineSegment2D(insertedPoints[i],insertedPoints[i+1]), iLeftHandle, iRightHandle, iPointHandle, iForcePointHandle, makeDelaunay );
02312                 if (i==0)
02313                     bce = ce;
02314             }
02315             if ( org(bce) != faa )
02316             {
02317                 bce = pointLocate( faa );
02318             }
02319             LASS_ASSERT( org(bce)==faa);
02321             return bce;
02322         }
02324         std::vector< TEdge* >   toSwapEdges;        // edges which are not swappable yet will be hold back till the end
02325                                                     // this will only happen once, if not we have a problem and we retry
02326                                                     // clearing the path recursively
02327         bool madeConstraint = false;
02328         // no intersections found, we clear the path by swapping edges
02329         for (size_t i=0;i<filteredEdges.size();++i)
02330         {
02331             // is the edge swappable without creating an inside-out triangle?
02332             TPoint2D a = org(filteredEdges[i]);
02333             TPoint2D b = dest(filteredEdges[i]);
02334             TPoint2D c = dest(filteredEdges[i]->lNext());
02335             TPoint2D d = dest(filteredEdges[i]->sym()->lNext());
02336             bool swappedCcw1 = prim::ccw(d,b,c);
02337             bool swappedCcw2 = prim::ccw(a,d,c);
02338             if (!swappedCcw1 || !swappedCcw2)
02339             {
02340 #if DEBUG_MESH
02341                 lass::io::MatlabOStream bugMesh;
02342        "swap_constrained.m" );
02343                 bugMesh << *this;
02344                 for (int j=0;j<filteredEdges.size();++j)
02345                 {
02346                     bugMesh.setColor( lass::io::mcBlue);
02347                     bugMesh << TLineSegment2D(org(filteredEdges[j]),dest(filteredEdges[j]));
02348                 }
02349                 bugMesh.setColor( lass::io::mcRed );
02350                 bugMesh << TLineSegment2D(a,b);
02351                 bugMesh.setColor( lass::io::mcGreen );
02352                 bugMesh << TLineSegment2D(faa,fbb);
02353                 bugMesh.close();
02354 #endif
02355                 toSwapEdges.push_back(filteredEdges[i]);
02357                 //LASS_THROW("could not swap edge without creating inside-out triangle");
02358             }
02359             else
02360             {
02361                 if (filteredEdges[i]->quadEdge()->isConstrained())
02362                 {
02363                     LASS_THROW("found constrained edge where I should not find one!");
02364                 }
02365                 swap(filteredEdges[i]);
02366                 TPoint2D eorg = org(filteredEdges[i]);
02367                 TPoint2D edest =  dest(filteredEdges[i]);
02368                 T onEdgeOrg = num::abs(prim::doubleTriangleArea(eorg,edest,faa));
02369                 T onEdgeDest = num::abs(prim::doubleTriangleArea(eorg,edest,fbb));
02370                 //T reverseTest1 = num::abs(prim::doubleTriangleArea(eorg,faa,fbb));
02371                 //T reverseTest2 = num::abs(prim::doubleTriangleArea(edest,faa,fbb));
02372                 if (onEdgeOrg<tolerance_ && onEdgeDest<tolerance_)
02373                 {
02374                     filteredEdges[i]->quadEdge()->edgeConstrain();
02375     #if DEBUG_MESH
02376                     std::cout << "@ Constraining " << org(filteredEdges[i]) << "-->" << dest(filteredEdges[i]) << "\n";
02377     #endif
02378                     setOrientedEdgeHandle( filteredEdges[i], iLeftHandle, iRightHandle, iSegment.vector() );
02379                     if (toSwapEdges.size()>0)
02380                     {
02381                         LASS_THROW("edges for delayed swapping found");
02382                     }
02383                     madeConstraint = true;
02384                     break;
02385                 }
02386             }
02387         }
02389         if (toSwapEdges.size()>0)
02390             return insertEdge( iSegment, iLeftHandle, iRightHandle, iPointHandle, iForcePointHandle, makeDelaunay );
02391         if (!madeConstraint)
02392         {
02393             LASS_THROW("could not force constrained edge");
02394         }
02395         LASS_ASSERT( org(ea) == faa );
02396         return ea;
02397     }
02400     TEMPLATE_DEF
02401     typename PlanarMesh<T, PointHandle, EdgeHandle, FaceHandle>::TEdge*  PlanarMesh<T, PointHandle, EdgeHandle, FaceHandle>::insertPolygon( const TSimplePolygon2D& iPolygon, EdgeHandle iLeftHandle, EdgeHandle iRightHandle, bool makeDelaunay)
02402     {
02403         TEdge* e = NULL;
02404         for (size_t i=1;i<iPolygon.size();++i)
02405         {
02406             e=insertEdge(TLineSegment2D(iPolygon[i-1],iPolygon[i]),iLeftHandle,iRightHandle);
02407         }
02408         e=insertEdge(TLineSegment2D(iPolygon[iPolygon.size()-1],iPolygon[0]),iLeftHandle,iRightHandle);
02409         return e;
02410     }
02412     /** marks all faces which have their barycentrum inside the given polygon with the provided handle */
02413     TEMPLATE_DEF
02414     void  PlanarMesh<T, PointHandle, EdgeHandle, FaceHandle>::markPolygon( TEdge* iStartEdge, const TSimplePolygon2D& iPolygon, FaceHandle iFaceHandle = FaceHandle())
02415     {   
02416         typedef PlanarMesh<T, PointHandle, EdgeHandle, FaceHandle> TPlanarMesh;
02417         typedef impl::EdgeMarker<T, PointHandle, EdgeHandle, FaceHandle> TEdgeMarker;
02418         StackIncrementer( &stackDepth_, PLANAR_MESH_STACK_DEPTH );
02419         TEdgeMarker edgeMarker( this, false );
02420         forAllPrimaryEdges( TEdgeCallback( &edgeMarker, &TEdgeMarker::internalMark ) );
02421 #pragma LASS_TODO("do a more efficient marking or allow for multiple marking")
02423         int n = chainOrder(iStartEdge);
02424         for (int i=0;i<n;++i)
02425         {
02426             floodPolygon( iStartEdge->sym(), iPolygon, iFaceHandle );
02427             iStartEdge = iStartEdge->lNext();
02428         }
02429     }
02431     /** marks all faces which have their barycentrum inside the given polygon with the provided handle */
02432     TEMPLATE_DEF
02433     template <typename InputPolygonIterator, typename InputFaceHandleIterator>
02434     void  PlanarMesh<T, PointHandle, EdgeHandle, FaceHandle>::markPolygons( InputPolygonIterator iFirstPolygon, InputPolygonIterator iLastPolygon, InputFaceHandleIterator iFirstFaceHandle )
02435     {
02436         typedef PlanarMesh<T, PointHandle, EdgeHandle, FaceHandle> TPlanarMesh;
02437         typedef impl::EdgeMarker<T, PointHandle, EdgeHandle, FaceHandle> TEdgeMarker;
02438         StackIncrementer( &stackDepth_, PLANAR_MESH_STACK_DEPTH );
02439         TEdgeMarker edgeMarker( this, false );
02440         forAllPrimaryEdges( TEdgeCallback( &edgeMarker, &TEdgeMarker::internalMark ) );
02442         while (iFirstPolygon != iLastPolygon)
02443         {
02444             TEdge* iStartEdge = locate((*iFirstPolygon)[0]);
02445             int n = chainOrder(iStartEdge);
02446             for (int i=0;i<n;++i)
02447             {
02448                 floodPolygon( iStartEdge->sym(), *iFirstPolygon, *iFirstFaceHandle );
02449                 iStartEdge = iStartEdge->lNext();
02450             }
02451             ++iFirstPolygon;
02452             ++iFirstFaceHandle;
02453         }
02454     }
02456     /** marks all faces which have their barycentrum inside the given polygon with the provided handle */
02457     TEMPLATE_DEF
02458     template <typename InputPolygonIterator, typename InputFaceHandleIterator>
02459     bool  PlanarMesh<T, PointHandle, EdgeHandle, FaceHandle>::forAllPolygonFaces( InputPolygonIterator iFirstPolygon, InputPolygonIterator iLastPolygon, InputFaceHandleIterator iFirstFaceHandle, const TEdgePolyFaceHandleCallback& iCallback )
02460     {
02461         typedef PlanarMesh<T, PointHandle, EdgeHandle, FaceHandle> TPlanarMesh;
02462         typedef impl::EdgeMarker<T, PointHandle, EdgeHandle, FaceHandle> TEdgeMarker;
02463         StackIncrementer( &stackDepth_, PLANAR_MESH_STACK_DEPTH );
02464         TEdgeMarker edgeMarker( this, false );
02465         forAllPrimaryEdges( TEdgeCallback( &edgeMarker, &TEdgeMarker::internalMark ) );
02467         while (iFirstPolygon != iLastPolygon)
02468         {
02469             TEdge* iStartEdge = locate((*iFirstPolygon)[0],*lastFloodEdge_);
02470             int n = chainOrder(iStartEdge);
02471             for (int i=0;i<n;++i)
02472             {
02473                 if (!floodPolygonCallback( iStartEdge->sym(), *iFirstPolygon, *iFirstFaceHandle, iCallback ))
02474                 {
02475                     return false;
02476                 }
02477                 if (!floodPolygonCallback( iStartEdge, *iFirstPolygon, *iFirstFaceHandle, iCallback ))
02478                 {
02479                     return false;
02480                 }
02481                 iStartEdge = iStartEdge->lNext();
02482             }
02483             ++iFirstPolygon;
02484             ++iFirstFaceHandle;
02485         }
02486         std::cout << "Out polygon faces true" << std::endl;
02487         return true;
02488     }
02491     /** marks all faces which have their barycentrum inside the given polygon with the provided handle */
02492     TEMPLATE_DEF
02493     void  PlanarMesh<T, PointHandle, EdgeHandle, FaceHandle>::markPolygons( const std::vector<TSimplePolygon2D>& iPolygons, const std::vector<FaceHandle>& iFaceHandles)
02494     {   
02495         if (iPolygons.size()!=iFaceHandles.size())
02496         {
02497             LASS_THROW("markPolygons: list of polygons must fit list of face handles");
02498         }
02499         markPolygons(iPolygons.begin(), iPolygons.end(), iFaceHandles.begin());
02500     }
02503     TEMPLATE_DEF
02504     bool  PlanarMesh<T, PointHandle, EdgeHandle, FaceHandle>::floodPolygon( TEdge* iStartEdge, const TSimplePolygon2D& iPolygon, FaceHandle iFaceHandle = FaceHandle())
02505     {   
02506         TPoint2D bary = polygon(iStartEdge).surfaceCentroid().affine();
02507         if (iPolygon.contains(bary) && !internalMarking(iStartEdge))
02508         {
02509             setInternalMarking( iStartEdge, true );
02510             setFaceHandle( iStartEdge, iFaceHandle );
02511             int n = chainOrder(iStartEdge);
02512             for (int i=0;i<n;++i)
02513             {
02514                 if (!floodPolygon( iStartEdge->sym(), iPolygon, iFaceHandle))
02515                     return false;
02516                 iStartEdge = iStartEdge->lNext();
02517             }
02518         }
02519         return true;
02520     }
02522     TEMPLATE_DEF
02523     bool  PlanarMesh<T, PointHandle, EdgeHandle, FaceHandle>::floodPolygonCallback( TEdge* iStartEdge, const TSimplePolygon2D& iPolygon, FaceHandle iFaceHandle, const TEdgePolyFaceHandleCallback& iCallback )
02524     {   
02525         *lastFloodEdge_ = iStartEdge;
02526         bool r = true;
02527         TPoint2D bary = polygon(iStartEdge).surfaceCentroid().affine();
02528         if (iPolygon.contains(bary) && !internalMarking(iStartEdge))
02529         {
02530             setInternalMarking( iStartEdge, true );
02531             if (iCallback)
02532                 if (!iCallback(iStartEdge, iPolygon,iFaceHandle))
02533                 {
02534                     return false;
02535                 }
02536             int n = chainOrder(iStartEdge);
02537             for (int i=0;i<n;++i)
02538             {
02539                 if (!floodPolygonCallback( iStartEdge->sym(), iPolygon, iFaceHandle, iCallback  ))
02540                 {
02541                     return false;
02542                 }
02543                 iStartEdge = iStartEdge->lNext();
02544             }
02545         }
02546         return true;
02547     }
02549     TEMPLATE_DEF
02550     typename PlanarMesh<T, PointHandle, EdgeHandle, FaceHandle>::TEdge* PlanarMesh<T, PointHandle, EdgeHandle, FaceHandle>::makeEdge( const TPoint2D& a, const TPoint2D& b, bool makeConstrained )
02551     {
02552         TEdge* e(makeEmptyEdge( makeConstrained ));
02554         TPoint2D*   na = make(a);
02555         TPoint2D*   nb = make(b);
02556         e->handle().point_ = na;
02557         e->sym()->handle().point_ = nb;
02559         return e;
02560     }
02562     TEMPLATE_DEF
02563     typename PlanarMesh<T, PointHandle, EdgeHandle, FaceHandle>::TEdge* PlanarMesh<T, PointHandle, EdgeHandle, FaceHandle>::startEdge() const
02564     {
02565         return startEdge_;
02566     }
02569     TEMPLATE_DEF
02570     bool PlanarMesh<T, PointHandle, EdgeHandle, FaceHandle>::inPrimaryMesh( const TEdge* iEdge )
02571     {
02572         return (iEdge->index() == 2) || (iEdge->index() == 0);
02573     }
02575     TEMPLATE_DEF
02576     bool PlanarMesh<T, PointHandle, EdgeHandle, FaceHandle>::inDualMesh( const TEdge* iEdge )
02577     {
02578         return !inPrimaryMesh( iEdge );
02579     }
02581     TEMPLATE_DEF
02582     typename PlanarMesh<T, PointHandle, EdgeHandle, FaceHandle>::TTriangle2D PlanarMesh<T, PointHandle, EdgeHandle, FaceHandle>::triangle( const TEdge* iEdge)
02583     {
02584         if (!inPrimaryMesh(iEdge))
02585         {
02586             LASS_THROW("PlanarMesh::triangle: edge not in primary mesh");
02587         }
02588         return TTriangle2D(org(iEdge),dest(iEdge),dest(iEdge->lNext()));
02589     }
02591     TEMPLATE_DEF
02592     typename PlanarMesh<T, PointHandle, EdgeHandle, FaceHandle>::TSimplePolygon2D PlanarMesh<T, PointHandle, EdgeHandle, FaceHandle>::polygon( const TEdge* iEdge)
02593     {
02594         if (!inPrimaryMesh(iEdge))
02595         {
02596             LASS_THROW("PlanarMesh::polygon: edge not in primary mesh");
02597         }
02598         TSimplePolygon2D poly;
02599         const TEdge* cEdge = iEdge;
02600         do
02601         {
02602             poly.add(org(cEdge));
02603             cEdge = cEdge->lNext();
02604         } while (cEdge!=iEdge);
02605         return poly;
02606     }
02608     TEMPLATE_DEF
02609     bool PlanarMesh<T, PointHandle, EdgeHandle, FaceHandle>::inConvexCell( const TPoint2D& iPoint, const TEdge* iEdge)
02610     {
02611         if (!inPrimaryMesh(iEdge))
02612         {
02613             LASS_THROW("PlanarMesh::polygon: edge not in primary mesh");
02614         }
02615         const TEdge* cEdge = iEdge;
02616         do
02617         {
02618             if (rightOf(iPoint, cEdge))
02619                 return false;
02620             cEdge = cEdge->lNext();
02621         } while (cEdge!=iEdge);
02622         return true;
02623     }
02625     TEMPLATE_DEF
02626     const typename PlanarMesh<T, PointHandle, EdgeHandle, FaceHandle>::TPoint2D& PlanarMesh<T, PointHandle, EdgeHandle, FaceHandle>::org( const TEdge* iEdge )
02627     {
02628         if (!inPrimaryMesh( iEdge ))
02629         {
02630             LASS_THROW("PlanarMesh::org: edge not in primary mesh");
02631         }
02632         return *iEdge->handle().point_;
02633     }
02635     TEMPLATE_DEF
02636     const typename PlanarMesh<T, PointHandle, EdgeHandle, FaceHandle>::TPoint2D& PlanarMesh<T, PointHandle, EdgeHandle, FaceHandle>::fastOrg( const TEdge* iEdge )
02637     {
02638         return *iEdge->handle().point_;
02639     }
02641     TEMPLATE_DEF
02642     typename PlanarMesh<T, PointHandle, EdgeHandle, FaceHandle>::TPoint2D PlanarMesh<T, PointHandle, EdgeHandle, FaceHandle>::along( const TEdge* iEdge, const T& iParam )
02643     {
02644         LASS_ASSERT(inPrimaryMesh( iEdge ));
02645         /*
02646         if (!inPrimaryMesh( iEdge ))
02647         {
02648             LASS_THROW("PlanarMesh::along: edge not in primary mesh");
02649         }
02650         */
02651         const TPoint2D& eOrg = *iEdge->handle().point_;
02652         const TPoint2D& eDest = *iEdge->sym()->handle().point_;
02653         const T oX = eDest.x*iParam + (T(1)-iParam)*eOrg.x;
02654         const T oY = eDest.y*iParam + (T(1)-iParam)*eOrg.y;
02655         return TPoint2D(oX,oY);
02656     }
02658     TEMPLATE_DEF
02659     typename PlanarMesh<T, PointHandle, EdgeHandle, FaceHandle>::TPoint2D PlanarMesh<T, PointHandle, EdgeHandle, FaceHandle>::fastAlong( const TEdge* iEdge, const T& iParam )
02660     {
02661         const TPoint2D& eOrg = *iEdge->handle()->point_;
02662         const TPoint2D& eDest = *iEdge->sym()->handle()->point_;
02663         const T oX = eDest.x*iParam + (T(1)-iParam)*eOrg.x;
02664         const T oY = eDest.y*iParam + (T(1)-iParam)*eOrg.y;
02665         return TPoint2D(oX,oY);
02666     }
02669     TEMPLATE_DEF inline
02670     const typename PlanarMesh<T, PointHandle, EdgeHandle, FaceHandle>::TPoint2D& PlanarMesh<T, PointHandle, EdgeHandle, FaceHandle>::dest( const TEdge* iEdge )
02671     {
02672         return org( iEdge->sym() );
02673     }
02675     TEMPLATE_DEF inline
02676     const typename PlanarMesh<T, PointHandle, EdgeHandle, FaceHandle>::TPoint2D& PlanarMesh<T, PointHandle, EdgeHandle, FaceHandle>::fastDest( const TEdge* iEdge )
02677     {
02678         return fastOrg( iEdge->sym() );
02679     }
02681     TEMPLATE_DEF inline
02682     const typename PlanarMesh<T, PointHandle, EdgeHandle, FaceHandle>::TVector2D PlanarMesh<T, PointHandle, EdgeHandle, FaceHandle>::direction( const TEdge* iEdge )
02683     {
02684         return dest( iEdge ) - org( iEdge );
02685     }
02687     TEMPLATE_DEF
02688     void PlanarMesh<T, PointHandle, EdgeHandle, FaceHandle>::setOrg( const TPoint2D& iPoint, TEdge* iEdge )
02689     {
02690         LASS_ASSERT( inPrimaryMesh( iEdge ) );
02691         *iEdge->handle().point_ = iPoint;
02692     }
02694     TEMPLATE_DEF
02695     void PlanarMesh<T, PointHandle, EdgeHandle, FaceHandle>::setDest( const TPoint2D& iPoint, TEdge* iEdge )
02696     {
02697         LASS_ASSERT( inPrimaryMesh( iEdge ) );
02698         *iEdge->sym()->handle().point_ = iPoint;
02699     }
02701     TEMPLATE_DEF
02702     bool PlanarMesh<T, PointHandle, EdgeHandle, FaceHandle>::rightOf( const TPoint2D& iPoint, const TEdge* iEdge )
02703     {
02704         return lass::prim::ccw( iPoint, dest(iEdge), org(iEdge) );
02705     }
02707     TEMPLATE_DEF
02708     bool PlanarMesh<T, PointHandle, EdgeHandle, FaceHandle>::fastRightOf( const TPoint2D& iPoint, const TEdge* iEdge )
02709     {
02710         return lass::prim::ccw( iPoint, fastDest(iEdge), fastOrg(iEdge) );
02711     }
02714     TEMPLATE_DEF
02715     bool PlanarMesh<T, PointHandle, EdgeHandle, FaceHandle>::leftOf( const TPoint2D& iPoint, const TEdge* iEdge )
02716     {
02717         return lass::prim::ccw( iPoint, org(iEdge), dest(iEdge) );
02718     }
02720     TEMPLATE_DEF
02721     bool PlanarMesh<T, PointHandle, EdgeHandle, FaceHandle>::fastLeftOf( const TPoint2D& iPoint, const TEdge* iEdge )
02722     {
02723         return lass::prim::ccw( iPoint, fastOrg(iEdge), fastDest(iEdge) );
02724     }
02726     TEMPLATE_DEF
02727     bool PlanarMesh<T, PointHandle, EdgeHandle, FaceHandle>::onEdge( const TPoint2D& iPoint, const TEdge* iEdge )
02728     {
02729         if (prim::doubleTriangleArea( iPoint, org(iEdge), dest(iEdge)) == T(0) )
02730         {
02731             TLineSegment2D eSeg(org(iEdge), dest(iEdge) );
02732             T rt = eSeg.t(iPoint);
02733             return (rt>=T(0)) && (rt<=T(1));
02734         }
02735         return false;
02736     }
02737     TEMPLATE_DEF
02738     bool PlanarMesh<T, PointHandle, EdgeHandle, FaceHandle>::hasLeftFace( const TEdge* e )
02739     {
02740 //#pragma LASS_TODO("This only works for triangular faces... update to general convex polygonal faces")
02741 //      return ( org(e->lPrev()) == dest(e->lNext()) &&
02742 //               leftOf(org(e->lPrev()), e));
02743         return leftOf(dest(e->lNext()), e);
02744     }
02746     TEMPLATE_DEF
02747     bool PlanarMesh<T, PointHandle, EdgeHandle, FaceHandle>::fastHasLeftFace( const TEdge* e )
02748     {
02749 //#pragma LASS_TODO("This only works for triangular faces... update to general convex polygonal faces")
02750 //      return ( org(e->lPrev()) == dest(e->lNext()) &&
02751 //               leftOf(org(e->lPrev()), e));
02752         return fastLeftOf(fastDest(e->lNext()), e);
02753     }
02755     TEMPLATE_DEF
02756     bool PlanarMesh<T, PointHandle, EdgeHandle, FaceHandle>::hasRightFace( const TEdge* iEdge )
02757     {
02758         return hasLeftFace( iEdge->sym() );
02759     }
02761     /** chainOrder.  returns the order of the polygonal chain starting from iEdge and
02762     *   walking around the left-face of iEdge.  Or in other words: the number of vertices
02763     *   in the polygon on the left of iEdge.
02764     */
02765     TEMPLATE_DEF
02766     int PlanarMesh<T, PointHandle, EdgeHandle, FaceHandle>::chainOrder( const TEdge* iEdge )
02767     {
02768         int order = 0;
02769         const TEdge* currentEdge = iEdge;
02770         do
02771         {
02772             ++order;
02773             currentEdge = currentEdge->lNext();
02774         } while (currentEdge!=iEdge);
02775         return order;
02776     }
02778     /** allEqualchainOrder.  returns true when the chainorder of all edges which share org(iEdge)
02779     *   is equal, f.i. when they are all triangles/quadriliterals
02780     *
02781     */
02782     TEMPLATE_DEF
02783     bool PlanarMesh<T, PointHandle, EdgeHandle, FaceHandle>::allEqualChainOrder( const TEdge* iEdge ) 
02784     {
02785         int chOrd = chainOrder(iEdge);
02786         for (int i=1;i<vertexOrder(iEdge);++i)
02787         {
02788             iEdge = iEdge->oNext();
02789             if (chainOrder(iEdge)!=chOrd)
02790                 return false;
02791         }
02792         return true;
02793     }
02796     /** vertexOrder.  returns the order of the vertex defined by the origin of iEdge
02797     *   This is the number of undirected edges connected to this origin.
02798     */
02799     TEMPLATE_DEF
02800     int PlanarMesh<T, PointHandle, EdgeHandle, FaceHandle>::vertexOrder( const TEdge* iEdge )
02801     {
02802         int order = 0;
02803         const TEdge* currentEdge = iEdge;
02804         do
02805         {
02806             ++order;
02807             currentEdge = currentEdge->oNext();
02808         } while (currentEdge!=iEdge);
02809         return order;
02810     }
02813     TEMPLATE_DEF
02814     bool PlanarMesh<T, PointHandle, EdgeHandle, FaceHandle>::marking( const TEdge* iEdge )
02815     {
02816         return iEdge->handle().internalMark_[publicMarkIndex];
02817     }
02819     TEMPLATE_DEF
02820     bool PlanarMesh<T, PointHandle, EdgeHandle, FaceHandle>::internalMarking( const TEdge* iEdge )
02821     {
02822         return iEdge->handle().internalMark_[stackDepth_];
02823     }
02826     TEMPLATE_DEF
02827     PointHandle PlanarMesh<T, PointHandle, EdgeHandle, FaceHandle>::pointHandle( const TEdge* iEdge )
02828     {
02829         return inPrimaryMesh( iEdge ) ? iEdge->handle().pointHandle() : PointHandle();
02830     }
02832     TEMPLATE_DEF
02833     EdgeHandle PlanarMesh<T, PointHandle, EdgeHandle, FaceHandle>::edgeHandle( const TEdge* iEdge )
02834     {
02835         return inPrimaryMesh( iEdge ) ? iEdge->handle().edgeHandle() : EdgeHandle();
02836     }
02838     TEMPLATE_DEF
02839     FaceHandle PlanarMesh<T, PointHandle, EdgeHandle, FaceHandle>::faceHandle(const  TEdge* iEdge )
02840     {
02841         if ( inPrimaryMesh( iEdge ) )
02842         {
02843             return iEdge->rot()->handle().faceHandle();
02844         }
02845         return FaceHandle();
02846     }
02849     TEMPLATE_DEF
02850     PointHandle& PlanarMesh<T, PointHandle, EdgeHandle, FaceHandle>::pointHandleRef( TEdge* iEdge )
02851     {
02852         if (inPrimaryMesh(iEdge))
02853             return iEdge->handle().pointHandle();
02854         LASS_THROW("no point handle available");
02855     }
02857     TEMPLATE_DEF
02858     EdgeHandle& PlanarMesh<T, PointHandle, EdgeHandle, FaceHandle>::edgeHandleRef( TEdge* iEdge )
02859     {
02860         if (inPrimaryMesh(iEdge))
02861             return iEdge->handle().edgeHandle();
02862         LASS_THROW("no edge handle available");
02863     }
02865     TEMPLATE_DEF
02866     FaceHandle& PlanarMesh<T, PointHandle, EdgeHandle, FaceHandle>::faceHandleRef( TEdge* iEdge )
02867     {
02868         if ( inPrimaryMesh( iEdge ) )
02869         {
02870             return iEdge->rot()->handle().faceHandle();
02871         }
02872         LASS_THROW("no face handle available");
02873     }
02875     TEMPLATE_DEF
02876     void PlanarMesh<T, PointHandle, EdgeHandle, FaceHandle>::setMarking( TEdge* iEdge, bool iMark )
02877     {
02878         iEdge->handle().internalMark_.set(publicMarkIndex, iMark);
02879     }
02881     TEMPLATE_DEF
02882     void PlanarMesh<T, PointHandle, EdgeHandle, FaceHandle>::setInternalMarking( TEdge* iEdge, bool iMark )
02883     {
02884         iEdge->handle().internalMark_.set(stackDepth_, iMark);
02885     }
02887     TEMPLATE_DEF
02888     void PlanarMesh<T, PointHandle, EdgeHandle, FaceHandle>::setInternalMarkingAroundVertex( TEdge* iEdge, bool iMark )
02889     {
02890         TEdge* e = iEdge;
02891         do
02892         {
02893             setInternalMarking( e, iMark );
02894             e = e->oNext();
02895         } while (e!=iEdge);
02896     }
02898     TEMPLATE_DEF
02899     void PlanarMesh<T, PointHandle, EdgeHandle, FaceHandle>::setInternalMarkingInFace( TEdge* iEdge, bool iMark )
02900     {
02901         TEdge* e = iEdge;
02902         do
02903         {
02904             setInternalMarking( e, iMark );
02905             e = e->lNext();
02906         } while (e!=iEdge);
02907     }
02910     TEMPLATE_DEF
02911     void PlanarMesh<T, PointHandle, EdgeHandle, FaceHandle>::setPointHandle( TEdge* iEdge, PointHandle iHandle )
02912     {
02913         if (! inPrimaryMesh( iEdge ) )
02914             throw std::runtime_error("setPointHandle : edge not in primary mesh");
02916         TEdge*  currentEdge = iEdge;
02917         do
02918         {
02919             currentEdge->handle().pointHandle() = iHandle;
02920             currentEdge = currentEdge->oNext();
02921         } while ( currentEdge != iEdge );
02922     }
02924     TEMPLATE_DEF
02925     void PlanarMesh<T, PointHandle, EdgeHandle, FaceHandle>::setEdgeHandle( TEdge* iEdge, EdgeHandle iHandle )
02926     {
02927         if (! inPrimaryMesh( iEdge ) )
02928             throw std::runtime_error("setEdgeHandle : edge not in primary mesh");
02929         iEdge->handle().edgeHandle() = iHandle;
02930     }
02932     TEMPLATE_DEF
02933     void PlanarMesh<T, PointHandle, EdgeHandle, FaceHandle>::setFaceHandle( TEdge* iEdge, FaceHandle iHandle )
02934     {
02935         if (! inPrimaryMesh( iEdge ) )
02936             throw std::runtime_error("setFaceHandle : edge not in dual mesh");
02938         TEdge*  currentEdge = iEdge;
02939         do
02940         {
02941             currentEdge->rot()->handle().faceHandle() = iHandle;
02942             if ( faceHandle( currentEdge ) != faceHandle( currentEdge->sym() ) )
02943                 currentEdge->quadEdge()->faceConstrain();
02944             else
02945                 currentEdge->quadEdge()->faceDeconstrain();
02946             currentEdge = currentEdge->lNext();
02947         } while ( currentEdge != iEdge );
02948     }
02950     TEMPLATE_DEF
02951     void PlanarMesh<T, PointHandle, EdgeHandle, FaceHandle>::setOrientedEdgeHandle( 
02952             TEdge* iEdge, EdgeHandle iLeftHandle, EdgeHandle iRightHandle, const TVector2D& iOrientation )
02953     {
02954 #ifndef NDEBUG
02955         ++numSetOrientedEdgeHandleCalls;
02956 #endif
02957         if (prim::dot(direction(iEdge), iOrientation) < T(0))
02958         {
02959 #ifndef NDEBUG
02960             ++numSetOrientedEdgeHandleSwaps;
02961 #endif
02962             std::swap(iLeftHandle, iRightHandle);
02963         }
02964         setEdgeHandle(iEdge, iLeftHandle);
02965         setEdgeHandle(iEdge->sym(), iRightHandle);
02966     }
02968     TEMPLATE_DEF
02969     bool PlanarMesh<T, PointHandle, EdgeHandle, FaceHandle>::forAllPrimaryEdges( const TEdgeCallback& iCallback )
02970     {
02971         typename TQuadEdgeList::iterator qIt;
02972         for (qIt = quadEdgeList_.begin(); qIt != quadEdgeList_.end();++qIt)
02973         {
02974             if (!(*qIt)->deleted)
02975             {
02976                 if (inPrimaryMesh( (*qIt)->edges() ) )
02977                 {
02978                     if (!iCallback( (*qIt)->edges() )) return false;
02979                     if (!iCallback( (*qIt)->edges()->sym() )) return false;
02980                 }
02981                 else
02982                 {
02983                     if (!iCallback( (*qIt)->edges()->rot() )) return false;
02984                     if (!iCallback( (*qIt)->edges()->invRot() )) return false;
02985                 }
02986             }
02987         }
02988         return true;
02989     }
02991     /** forAllPrimaryUndirectedEdges.  Edges sharing endpoints are only listed once */
02992     TEMPLATE_DEF
02993     bool PlanarMesh<T, PointHandle, EdgeHandle, FaceHandle>::forAllPrimaryUndirectedEdges( const TEdgeCallback& iCallback )
02994     {
02995         typename TQuadEdgeList::iterator qIt;
02996         for (qIt = quadEdgeList_.begin(); qIt != quadEdgeList_.end();++qIt)
02997         {
02998             if (!(*qIt)->deleted)
02999             {
03000                 if (inPrimaryMesh( (*qIt)->edges() ) )
03001                 {
03002                     if (!iCallback( (*qIt)->edges() )) return false;
03003                 }
03004                 else
03005                 {
03006                     if (!iCallback( (*qIt)->edges()->rot() )) return false;
03007                 }
03008             }
03009         }
03010         return true;
03011     }
03012     /** forAllPrimaryUndirectedEdges.  Edges sharing endpoints are only listed once.  Random starting point */
03013     TEMPLATE_DEF
03014     bool PlanarMesh<T, PointHandle, EdgeHandle, FaceHandle>::forAllPrimaryUndirectedEdgesCached( const TEdgeCallback& iCallback )
03015     {
03016         typename TQuadEdgeList::iterator qIt;
03017         static size_t start = 0;
03018         size_t savedStart = start;
03020         if (savedStart>quadEdgeList_.size()-1)
03021         {
03022             savedStart = 0;
03023             start = 0;
03024         }
03026         for (size_t i = savedStart; i<quadEdgeList_.size();++i)
03027         {
03028             TQuadEdge* qe = quadEdgeList_[i];
03029             if (!qe->deleted)
03030             {
03031                 if (inPrimaryMesh( (qe)->edges() ) )
03032                 {
03033                     if (!iCallback( (qe)->edges() )) return false;
03034                 }
03035                 else
03036                 {
03037                     if (!iCallback( (qe)->edges()->rot() )) return false;
03038                 }
03039             }
03040             ++start;
03041         }
03042         start = 0;
03043         for (size_t i = 0; i<savedStart;++i)
03044         {
03045             TQuadEdge* qe = quadEdgeList_[i];
03046             if (!qe->deleted)
03047             {
03048                 if (inPrimaryMesh( (qe)->edges() ) )
03049                 {
03050                     if (!iCallback( (qe)->edges() )) return false;
03051                 }
03052                 else
03053                 {
03054                     if (!iCallback( (qe)->edges()->rot() )) return false;
03055                 }
03056             }
03057             ++start;
03058         }
03059         return true;
03060     }
03062     TEMPLATE_DEF
03063     bool PlanarMesh<T, PointHandle, EdgeHandle, FaceHandle>::forAllDualEdges( const TEdgeCallback& iCallback )
03064     {
03065         typename TQuadEdgeList::iterator qIt;
03066         for (qIt = quadEdgeList_.begin(); qIt != quadEdgeList_.end();++qIt)
03067         {
03068             if (!(*qIt)->deleted)
03069             {
03070                 if (inDualMesh( (*qIt)->edges() ) )
03071                 {
03072                     if (!iCallback( (*qIt)->edges() )) return false;
03073                     if (!iCallback( (*qIt)->edges()->sym() )) return false;
03074                 }
03075                 else
03076                 {
03077                     if (!iCallback( (*qIt)->edges()->rot() )) return false;
03078                     if (!iCallback( (*qIt)->edges()->invRot() )) return false;
03079                 }
03080             }
03081         }
03082         return true;
03083     }
03085     TEMPLATE_DEF
03086     bool PlanarMesh<T, PointHandle, EdgeHandle, FaceHandle>::forAllEdges( const TEdgeCallback& iCallback )
03087     {
03088         typename TQuadEdgeList::iterator qIt;
03089         for (qIt = quadEdgeList_.begin(); qIt != quadEdgeList_.end();++qIt)
03090         {
03091             if (!(*qIt)->deleted)
03092             {
03093                 if (!iCallback( (*qIt)->edges() )) return false;
03094                 if (!iCallback( (*qIt)->edges()->sym() )) return false;
03095                 if (!iCallback( (*qIt)->edges()->rot() )) return false;
03096                 if (!iCallback( (*qIt)->edges()->invRot() )) return false;
03097             }
03098         }
03099         return true;
03100     }
03102     TEMPLATE_DEF
03103     bool PlanarMesh<T, PointHandle, EdgeHandle, FaceHandle>::forAllVertices( const TEdgeCallback& iCallback )
03104     {
03105         typedef PlanarMesh<T, PointHandle, EdgeHandle, FaceHandle> TPlanarMesh;
03106         StackIncrementer( &stackDepth_, PLANAR_MESH_STACK_DEPTH );
03107         typedef impl::EdgeMarker<T, PointHandle, EdgeHandle, FaceHandle> TEdgeMarker;
03108         TEdgeMarker edgeMarker( this, false );
03109         forAllPrimaryEdges( TEdgeCallback( &edgeMarker, &TEdgeMarker::internalMark ) );
03111         typename TQuadEdgeList::iterator qIt;
03112         for (qIt = quadEdgeList_.begin(); qIt != quadEdgeList_.end();++qIt)
03113         {
03114             if (!(*qIt)->deleted)
03115             {
03116                 TEdge* baseEdge = (*qIt)->edges();
03117                 if (inDualMesh( baseEdge ) )
03118                     baseEdge = baseEdge->rot();
03120                 TEdge* e = baseEdge;
03121                 for (int i=0;i<2;++i)
03122                 {
03123                     if ( !internalMarking( e ) )
03124                     {
03125                         if (!iCallback( e ))
03126                             return false;
03127                         setInternalMarkingAroundVertex( e, true );
03128                     }
03129                     e = e->sym();
03130                 }
03131             }
03132         }
03133         return true;
03134     }
03136     TEMPLATE_DEF
03137     bool PlanarMesh<T, PointHandle, EdgeHandle, FaceHandle>::forAllFacesCached( const TEdgeCallback& iCallback  )
03138     {
03139         StackIncrementer( &stackDepth_, PLANAR_MESH_STACK_DEPTH );
03140         typedef PlanarMesh<T, PointHandle, EdgeHandle, FaceHandle> TPlanarMesh;
03141         typedef impl::EdgeMarker<T, PointHandle, EdgeHandle, FaceHandle> TEdgeMarker;
03142         TEdgeMarker edgeMarker( this, false );
03143         forAllPrimaryEdges( TEdgeCallback( &edgeMarker, &TEdgeMarker::internalMark ) );
03145         static size_t startFace = 0;
03146         size_t savedStart = startFace;
03148         if (savedStart>quadEdgeList_.size()-1)
03149         {
03150             savedStart = 0;
03151             startFace = 0;
03152         }
03154         for (size_t i = savedStart; i<quadEdgeList_.size();++i)
03155         {
03156             startFace = i;
03157             TQuadEdge* qe = quadEdgeList_[i];
03158             if (!qe->deleted)
03159             {
03160                 TEdge* baseEdge = qe->edges();
03161                 if (inDualMesh( baseEdge ) )
03162                     baseEdge = baseEdge->rot();
03164                 TEdge* e = baseEdge;
03165                 for (int i=0;i<2;++i)
03166                 {
03167                     if ( !internalMarking( e ) )
03168                     {
03169                         if (!iCallback( e ))
03170                             return false;
03171                         setInternalMarkingInFace( e, true );
03172                     }
03173                     e = e->sym();
03174                 }
03175             }
03176         }
03177         for (size_t i = 0; i<savedStart;++i)
03178         {
03179             startFace = i;
03180             TQuadEdge* qe = quadEdgeList_[i];
03181             if (!qe->deleted)
03182             {
03183                 TEdge* baseEdge = qe->edges();
03184                 if (inDualMesh( baseEdge ) )
03185                     baseEdge = baseEdge->rot();
03187                 TEdge* e = baseEdge;
03188                 for (int i=0;i<2;++i)
03189                 {
03190                     if ( !internalMarking( e ) )
03191                     {
03192                         if (!iCallback( e ))
03193                             return false;
03194                         setInternalMarkingInFace( e, true );
03195                     }
03196                     e = e->sym();
03197                 }
03198             }
03199         }
03200         return true;
03201     }
03203     TEMPLATE_DEF
03204     bool PlanarMesh<T, PointHandle, EdgeHandle, FaceHandle>::forAllFaces( const TEdgeCallback& iCallback  )
03205     {
03206         StackIncrementer( &stackDepth_, PLANAR_MESH_STACK_DEPTH );
03207         typedef PlanarMesh<T, PointHandle, EdgeHandle, FaceHandle> TPlanarMesh;
03208         typedef impl::EdgeMarker<T, PointHandle, EdgeHandle, FaceHandle> TEdgeMarker;
03209         TEdgeMarker edgeMarker( this, false );
03210         forAllPrimaryEdges( TEdgeCallback( &edgeMarker, &TEdgeMarker::internalMark ) );
03212         typename TQuadEdgeList::iterator qIt;
03213         for (qIt = quadEdgeList_.begin(); qIt != quadEdgeList_.end();++qIt)
03214         {
03215             if (!(*qIt)->deleted)
03216             {
03217                 TEdge* baseEdge = (*qIt)->edges();
03218                 if (inDualMesh( baseEdge ) )
03219                     baseEdge = baseEdge->rot();
03221                 TEdge* e = baseEdge;
03222                 for (int i=0;i<2;++i)
03223                 {
03224                     if ( !internalMarking( e ) )
03225                     {
03226                         if (!iCallback( e ))
03227                             return false;
03228                         setInternalMarkingInFace( e, true );
03229                     }
03230                     e = e->sym();
03231                 }
03232             }
03233         }
03234         return true;
03235     }
03238 #ifndef NDEBUG
03239     TEMPLATE_DEF unsigned PlanarMesh<T, PointHandle, EdgeHandle, FaceHandle>::numSetOrientedEdgeHandleCalls = 0;
03240     TEMPLATE_DEF unsigned PlanarMesh<T, PointHandle, EdgeHandle, FaceHandle>::numSetOrientedEdgeHandleSwaps = 0;
03241 #endif
03244 }
03246 }
03248 #endif

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